– You bastard!
– Think what you want. But I am careful about security, so give me your passport, – he demanded, holding out his hand to her.
– I don't think so! Maybe you can turn me into your slave, too?! – she protested, hastily pushing aside the drawer in the chest of drawers that contained her personal belongings.
In one wide step, Spartacus bridged the distance between them and tried to snatch her passport from her hand. But she jerked sharply and darted away. Of course he caught up with her immediately. He turned her abruptly toward him, and she fell on her side with a cry, pulling him down with her.
The room they were given as newlyweds had once been of parents' bedroom. Spartacus slept on the floor, and Nadia, as a lady, was on the bed. Now they were almost cuddled up on the soft bed and froze. He was looking down at her, and the color of his gray eyes was gradually taking on a darker hue. Holding her tightly by the wrists, the guy literally crucified her beneath him.
– Get up off of me, – the girl spoke in a trembling voice.
He finally came to his senses and immediately recoiled to the side, but realized, ducked and snatched the ill-fated passport from her relaxed fingers.
– I said so, and that was the end of it! – he muttered, breathing heavily from anger or something else. Then he added, – You have a choice, either you go back to your father, or we'll find a solution together.
– I should have agreed to marry that nasty Sergei! And then poisoned him on the wedding night and remained a rich widow, – Nadezhda grumbled angrily, stroking her hands. – Than running from one tyrant to another.
Spartacus smirked and shook his head. Then he turned to her and said, -Do you think you can meet only decent people on your path? You're wrong, my dear. You can meet anyone, including psychos and maniacs. And our tyranny will seem the most tender love to you.
At these words she looked at him intently, and he did not take his eyes away.
– And what do you suggest to me?
– To find common ground with your daddy.
– It is impossible.
– Why not? You are his daughter, he is not going anywhere and he will take you back.
– He has someone to pay his attention to and take care of, – she said grudgingly.
Spartacus looked at her carefully, then sighed and lowered his head. – So something must be done to draw his attention to yourself.
– Hang myself? And write a suicide note – my father is to blame for everything! – That's a good idea, by the way, thanks for giving it to me.
– I did? Don't be silly! I don't know, maybe it takes a little time. Whoever he has in his personal life, he's not going to leave his kid to fend for himself. See how quickly he found you?! – said Spartacus, casting a smiling look at her, – I told you! And now it will be like I say, too.
Nadia shrugged her shoulders and put her head down on her hands.
After some pause, Spartacus, said in a calm voice, – I have to go to work, – and handed her passport back. – If you go, you'll bring trouble on me. They'll put me in jail.
Chapter 5
Nadezhda accepted her fate and continued to play the role of the loving and submissive wife of the country guy. Expecting that her father would soon have mercy on her and take the disobedient daughter back. Or at least give her the benefits she deserves. So far, the girl has steadfastly endured the new rules and in completely unaccustomed, for her, conditions of life. By the time she was twenty-six She was learning everything any woman should be able to do. The housework seemed to her to be God's punishment for her parent's disobedience. Every now and then, wiping snot on her fist, the girl picked up a broom and a mop, and so on. Not only did she have to clean the house, but her mother-in-law dragged her into the stable to the cow and goats.
The smell of manure and other incomprehensible things drove her crazy. The first time it made her sick, which amused Stepan greatly. He followed his daughter-in-law on her heels until he got bored. When the girl started assigning things to the guy, he would quickly start looking for escape routes and disappear from sight. Eventually, he stopped getting in the way.
Katerina Aleksandrovna, Spartacus's mother also gradually began to get used to Nadia. Despite her burrow and white hands at first, the woman took a liking to the girl. Soon, Nadezhda began to receive gifts and with she go on visits. The woman bragged to her friends and showed her daughter-in-law to everyone in the neighborhood, especially to those girls from who she had previously discouraged her son. One month passed, and then autumn came.
– You know, I'm not going to sleep on the floor anymore, it's getting a little cold, – Spartacus told her one day as they walked to their bedroom for the night.
Nadezhda looked at him and nothing said. He was even a little surprised, but remained silent. Then knocked down a pillow and lay on the bed on one side. Nadia lay down quietly on the other, turning her back to him.
– Good night, – he said to her in a half voice.
– Good night to you, too, – she replied.
In spite of his fatigue Spartacus couldn't sleep for a long time. He was pleased to realize that she was trying to please him and his mother. She didn't take offense at anything and didn't demand anything. And this is considering that the girl grew up in a wealthy family. Accustomed to pushing around housekeepers and bossing around servants, she suddenly turned herself into Cinderella!
Yes, she had a hard time and everyone saw it. The first time she literally collapsed from fatigue. She just lay down on the bed and passed out until morning. Even Uncle Pasha, as if trying to make it up to her, now and then brought her some presents, as if he were his own daughter. Something from outfits, scarves (she now tied her head, taking an example from her mother-in-law) or sweets, sharing them equally with Stepan. The appearance of her daughter-in-law made the house cheerful and warm. There were always flowers and washed fruits in a vase on the table. The only downside was the food they had to eat when she got down to cooking. But the men ate, choked, but ate, pretending they had never tasted anything tastier before. Not wanting to offend the girl, they chewed and smiled, looking at her. Nadia sat with bated breath waiting for the feedback, each time asking «how is it, is it good?», «yes, it's a little bit burned…», «and here it's a little raw…», «you salted it too much? I knew it!» and so on. But most of all Katerina Aleksandrovna was satisfied, especially when she didn't have to cook. Finally, there were days off in her life.
Time flew by and the girl was getting used to this house and their family. Spartacus looked at her frail back and thought, and things might even work out between them…for real. And they didn't need her money, and they didn't need any America. Possible could try, right?! There was only one thing left to do, just cover a short distance. All he had to do was touch her. He raised his hand, but it hung in the air, hesitant to reach his target. After a few seconds, he put it back in place. Tilted his head back and tiredly closed his eyes.
By the end of December, Spartacus was turning thirtieth, and though he didn't like to celebeyes. This time the family insisted on a little celebration. Especially since Nadezhda was slowly learning how to cook and she was even getting good at it, especially the cakes. She promised to bake a cake for the evening and Katerina Aleksandrovna gave promise that she would help her daughter-in-law in everything.
Spartacus worked in another settlement in an automobile repair shop. And since he had abandoned his underground fights, he had to work hard at his job to provide for his family. Little by little he saved up money with the intention of going to live in the city. But now the confidence in his former desires was leaving him. More and more he began to realize that he was drawn home. And he no longer cared about Vera and Claudia or any other women. Spartacus simply stopped noticing them. He was drawn to her. His wife.