Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

While his thoughts were occupied with these questions, the alien turned to him with a question;

– We don't understand why you were shouting and crying. According to our doctors, your health condition is normal. They keep an eye on it all the time. Are there sensors in the spacesuit that also did not detect any deviation in your body from the norm?

– My health is all right. I am a living person and I miss my mother, my relatives and friends, my native Land, which we ourselves destroyed, where everything was, my relatives – earthlings, birds, animals, vegetation, rivers and mountains. Like in the old days, I want to hear the singing of birds, see the joy and laughter of children, the happy faces of couples in love and everything, everything that was on Earth. Perhaps these human feelings are alien to you. I do not know and do not understand how it is possible to live in such a planet where there is only greenery, monotony all around, there are no forests, mountains, rivers, where there are no birds and animals, I have not even seen your children, maybe they do not exist at all. It seems to me that you live a monotonously gray life just for the sake of living. And, we lived on earth, enjoying life, rested, ate, drank, went to concerts, listened to the music of our great composers …

– Yes. And if we add to it that all the time they were dividing the territory and wealth of the Earth, for which they were always fighting among themselves, killing and blowing up innocent people like themselves, and now, being living biological owners of high minds, they themselves destroyed their entire earthly civilization.

The Earthman did not answer, because the alien was right about that.

The alien continued;

– We also have cities where we live, factories where we make not only spaceships and other technical means, but produce everything that we need in life. And we also have children, young people who study, we can say even better than on Earth. The only difference is that already at the birth of each of them, it is possible to determine in advance by the genetic code who he will become in the future, that is, scientists, factory workers, astronauts, and so on, this can no longer be changed. In addition, our children have a very short childhood, since they reach an absolutely mature age in three years after birth, according to your time-measuring standards. Therefore, our children are born not often, but as needed, if for some reason there is a need to replenish our gene pool. At the same time, we do not have any sense of attachment of parents to their children and vice versa, children to their parents. The birth of children and their upbringing are taken for granted by us, the fact that our ranks are replenished strictly to perform work in a particular industry where for some reason there is a shortage of personnel. And, the greenery that covers our planet is only an artificially created living outer protective shell of our planet. This shell is located at an altitude of more than thirty kilometers above the planet and everywhere encircles our planet like a large green ball. The thickness of this living green protective ball, artificially created by us, is more than one kilometer. It absorbs the rays of our Blue Star, regenerates them and illuminates the entire surface of our planet evenly, regardless of whether it is night or day on the back side of the planet. In addition, absorbing the already spent harmful gases, it releases back in a uniform and in the right amount of atmospheric air, which we feed on. But, one of the main functions of this greenery is to protect our planet from the outside. When you came to the surface, you sat down on a green, solid object. In fact, this object is nothing more than one of the devices placed among the greenery, a lot of evenly distributed such devices that control this living greenery and determine "their" and "strangers"in the outer space around the planet. This device, like your radars, telescopes and other technical means of detecting targets in space, detects from afar any cosmic body moving in the direction of our planet, whether it is an asteroid, a comet or an alien ship. Automatically continuously observing these observed objects, it determines their volume, mass and flight path in outer space as accurately as possible and sets objects among them that are potentially dangerously threatening to our planet and transmits this data to our specialists. He opens an opening in the greenery in the right size, freely admits his ships, and when "strangers" are detected, whether it is an alien alien ship, a meteorite, a comet or other small space bodies, this device collects and puts a powerful stopping electromagnetic barrier on their way out of the greenery. This electromagnetic barrier, purposefully affecting the object long before it approaches the planet, first counteracting as a weak repulsive anti-gravitational force, gradually slows down its flight speed, and later catching it in its placed nets, stops their further progress and after that the greenery, dissolving these "strangers" in its depths, absorbs them.

– And whether this green copes with large space bodies. Well, for example, with a very large asteroid or comet?

– No, for this we have special, large and small, security spacecraft that ensure the safety of the planet. After receiving and processing all the data, these ships fly out to meet a large asteroid or comet, potentially and inevitably threatening our planet, long before they approach the orbital boundaries of our planet. Having approached these objects, during a parallel flight with those objects, our specialists carry out the appropriate necessary accurate calculations, and then, by soft, safe contact with subsequent repulsion, they change their flight trajectory to a safe direction for our planet. The number of ships participating in such operations is determined by the size, mass, speed and other parameters of the space body.

– Well, if this protective green, as you said, swallows and dissolves all strangers in its depths, then why didn't this green swallow me, I'm a stranger to them?

"If it weren't for our spacesuit, you would have been dissolved and swallowed up in this green haze in an instant. I warned you about this at the beginning of our conversation. These greens are artificially created and genetically encoded by our scientists to protect and maintain life on our planet. On Earth, a similar function is performed by the ozone layers and other layers of the atmosphere of your planet. Earlier, as on Earth, our planet also had its own atmosphere, similar to that of Earth, which protected us from the destructive rays of the Blue Star, from radiation and the cold of outer space, and from all other, small and large threats coming from outer space. But a thousand years ago, having descended from its orbit as a result of a collision with an asteroid of enormous magnitude, a wandering, huge lifeless planet of our star system passed dangerously close to our planet. This planet, by its gravitational attraction, tore the atmosphere from our planet, and we were forced to artificially create this protective green, which is vital for us, resistant to cosmic cold, harmful rays of a Blue star and radiation. We could not have changed the flight path of this huge wandering planet with all our desire then, and even now, in any way. And therefore, long before the dangerous approach of this wandering planet to us, we calculated its flight path in advance. And only after we were guaranteed that this planet would not collide with our planet, but would fly past, having approximately determined in advance the distance of its flight from our planet and its gravitational force of influence on our planet, we prepared for its approach. So, in a certain, calculated safe depth of the planet, they built extensive networks of tunnels and buildings, and all factories, factories and other important infrastructure and life support communications were transferred there, and they moved themselves so that their gravitational pressure on our planet, this planet at the same time, did not destroy us and our vital infrastructure. A wandering planet, flying past us, ten million kilometers away, that is, by cosmic standards, in very dangerous proximity, without causing any other tangible damage to our planet, tore off its atmosphere and after that, this wandering planet ended its existence in the Universe, in the arms of our Blue star. And we, in turn, continuing to live in the depths, were forced to create this living greenery with artificial intelligence. Moreover, when we created this protective greenery to protect our planet, it was covered directly on the surface of the planet and as it strengthened and multiplied, at first we ourselves gradually raised it to a height, and as the technology developed, we programmed it in such a way that it automatically rises above the planet. At present, there is already a kind of stable atmosphere between the planet and the greenery covering its surface, which, in proportion, has composite gases that are very close to the compositions of gases with the former atmosphere of our planet.
