Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


In a Foreign land

He woke up in an unusually light-bright space. It was not the cabin of a large spaceship, or a huge hall without windows and apparently even without doors. Nearby, dressed in a cloak of gray material, an alien stood silently, looking and describing very similar to the aliens from the fantastic films of earthlings. But this alien was very taller than the ones he saw in the movies, that is, if he determines by eye, then his height was about two and a half meters. At first glance, the alien's face and gaze seemed to him not terrible, not evil and not ferocious, as in those fantastic films about aggressive alien predators-aliens or about terminators-destroyers, but kind and smiling. The Earthman turned to the alien:

– Where am I, where are the rest of the crew? The

humanoid looked at him and did not frame a word, but at the same moment he somehow telepathically transmitted to the human brain, in the form of thoughts brought from outside, words;

– This is our planet, it is called the Green Planet, our Sun is a Blue star. All the time, without interfering in your life, we are watching you, studying the Earth, the Earth's civilization. However, we did not have time to prevent a nuclear catastrophe on Earth. Unfortunately, the human brain is very complex and does not lend itself to our full study. We can somehow inform you about the upcoming catastrophe of a cosmic scale, change the trajectories of a particular cosmic body, potentially threatening the Earth on a large scale. Even by telepathic influence on the human brain, we can stop him from committing any actions if we establish that he is planning something global, not good, but we cannot predict in advance what he is thinking and will do, even in a minute. Therefore, we could not foresee in advance, and will prevent a nuclear war. And although we knew that every day, step by step, the interstate relations of the nuclear powers of your planet were getting more and more heated, however, on the issue of nuclear war, we fully and completely relied on the high intelligence of humanity. We believed that you would refrain from using nuclear weapons because you invented these weapons yourself, you knew in advance that a global thermonuclear war would lead to what tragic consequences, what catastrophic consequences this war would have for the planet, for the entire Earth's civilization, if not forever, then for many, many times. But as you can see, we made a mistake and this disaster happened. It is quite possible that we, of course, except for you, have lost all our earthly brothers in mind as a result of this catastrophe. We will return to this topic later, since our experts have not yet reliably studied the consequences of a nuclear war on Earth and it may still be possible to save the survivors of your relatives and restore your earthly civilization. Now let's talk about the ISS, where you were and survived the thermonuclear war with the entire crew. So, by the time our ship arrived, other members of your crew had died off brain cells due to prolonged oxygen starvation and their brains were already beyond repair, so we did not revive them. Only you were resuscitated. Fortunately for you, our patrol ship was in your galaxy at the time of the nuclear disaster. Our planet is not suitable for you. Although the atmospheric air and all other conditions of our planet are somewhat similar to your planet, but the inhabitants of the upper layers of our planet are very aggressive for human flesh. Without a special protective suit, you will disappear in an instant into the living, green haze of our planet. For our body, the environment of this planet is not only harmless, it is even useful. Therefore, you can only go outside in special spacesuits. And we will feed you with specially prepared food, just for you, so as not to harm your body and will support all the functions of your body at the level. We ourselves never eat, as earthlings eat. Our body is arranged in the same way as in your science fiction films about the terminators, but at the same time we are not robots, but living beings. Inside our body, a biochemical chain reaction takes place all the time, which carries out a continuous exchange at the cellular level and the body feeds and recovers at the expense of the air of our planet. And in the absence of such or similar air, our body can automatically reconfigure itself to an unfavorable mode of existence and on this mode, too, for an indefinite long time, we can eat and exist at the expense of any gaseous substance of biological, plant or even sometimes chemical origin. However, with a very long unfavorable mode of existence, our body is very weak, but we do not die at all. Therefore, we live a very long time, compared to human life, almost forever, with the exception of …

The humanoid did not finish the sentence and the telepathically transmitted thoughts to the human brain were automatically blocked. But the person immediately thought that humanoids can only be destroyed in some physical way and immediately thought to himself, " why, why do I think so, they saved me, they want good for us. Only for us, that is, for human nature, these qualities are inherent, to kill and take possession." Putting these thoughts aside, he also asked a question;

– And, how long has it been since you took me from the ISS?

"Eight years by your earth standards.

The man asked in surprise and quickly;

– Your planet is so close to Earth. Why did we never know about the existence of your planet, or at least a Blue star?

– No, the distance between our planets is measured in several hundred light-years. But, our ships overcome this path in just eight earth years. Our galaxy is located next to your galaxy, almost on parallel planes of outer space and they rotate equally parallel and only in one direction. Due to the fact that the galaxies are located on parallel planes, your Solar system is always parallel almost next to our Blue star, respectively, and with our Green planet. This explains the proximity of our planets. However, despite this, your telescopes do not see our galaxy, since there is a huge, dark, dusty cosmic-scale nebula between our galaxies, making it difficult for your telescopes to see.

–This is incomprehensible to the mind and according to all the laws of the universe, this is not possible. How is it possible to overcome such a distance so quickly and why have our telescopes, and scientists who make their theoretical conclusions based on a comparison of other scientific data, not yet noticed this dusty nebula and have not discovered your galaxy?

–Your telescopes do not notice the dusty nebula because it is reflected in your telescopes as a dark and huge empty cosmic abyss of the Universe, and for the same reason your scientists have not discovered our galaxy. As for the Law of the universe, we do not understand what Law of the universe we are talking about. The universe has its own comprehensive Laws in this regard, the knowledge of which will allow us in the future to develop the speed of our ships even several times faster than the speed of light. Therefore, it is possible to overcome such a distance even faster. Our time is also measured by other standards and the technology of the structure of ships, their movement in space is completely different…

The alien, apparently knowing the abilities of the human brain for rapid assimilation, remembering and processing of the received information, most likely, even most likely, for a completely different reason, even if in the form of telepathic thoughts, did not want to give out to a person the technological secrets of shipbuilding that they had achieved. It is very possible that they are strictly prohibited by their internal rules, and therefore he stopped for a moment and then went on a little sharply;
