Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


- Yes, we need to pass the presidential election! And given the mood of the people, this is not an empty formality!</p>


Mishustin grunted:</p>


"All the more reason why we need unity more than ever! Moreover, I am acting President of Russia under the constitution. And I have legal authority for five months. And of course, from the point of view of the continuity of power, those who temporarily perform, should receive powers for another six years!</p>


Medvedev objected:</p>


- I was president, Prime Minister for eight years, and now I lead the United Russia party, which has retained its majority in parliament. I should have been the successor and unified candidate of the party in power!</p>


Mishustin logically remarked:</p>


- You did not cope with the economy, and Putin lost confidence in Medvedev. In addition, the one who has full power has more opportunities in the presidential election.</p>


Shoigu agreed:</p>


- In fact, what is it to plow and give everything to someone who performs the duties of the president, but is not nominated for the throne. After all, this is illogical. It is better to let who has the power, he is nominated!</p>


Matvienko objected here:</p>


- It would be more politically correct to put a woman after a macho man!</p>


Shoigu shook his head:</p>


"We need a man on the throne now. The situation in the country is very alarming. And there, God willing, maybe in six years and a woman will go!</p>


Matvienko said angrily:</p>


"In six years, I'll be older than Biden!" No this is not the best idea!</p>


The Foreign Minister remarked:</p>


- Yes, the best option is who performs the duties of the president and goes to the throne. In any case, this will lead to the fact that everyone will work in the same team. And if we bet on Matvienko, then the acting president will not be interested!</p>


Mishustin added:</p>


- All of you will receive awards and titles! And I won't hurt you!</p>


Moscow Mayor Sobyanin also chimed in:</p>


- I personally do not oppose the candidate Mikhail Vladimirovich, but ... he is still not charismatic enough and is loved by the people. In addition, his father is Jewish, his mother has Armenian roots. It will be very difficult for him to compete with the stronger Communists!</p>


Lavrov noted angrily:</p>


"Nationality doesn't matter!</p>


Matveenko giggled and noted:</p>


"My last name is co. Maybe for reasons of political correctness I will be better!</p>


Shoigu said emphatically:</p>


- No! I am definitely for the nomination of Mikhail Vladimirovich. He is a doctor of science, and economic, and a man moderately tough and strong-willed. He has performed well as prime minister, and a worthy successor. And Matvienko, and the mayor was unimportant, and the speaker of the Council of Federations is not God knows what position. And the age is too solid. And the Communists will nominate a young candidate and gain an advantage over us!</p>


The Interior Minister remarked:</p>


- It doesn't matter how they vote! It is important how they think!</p>


The Director of the FSB replied:</p>


"If we steal too much, a real color revolution could start!" There is no unambiguously, five-six percent of falsifications we can only afford!</p>


Mishustin nodded his bald head:</p>


- You should win at least relatively honestly! However, we have populist resources!</p>


The Attorney General suggested:</p>


- Maybe put some of the billionaires?</p>


The acting president grinned and confirmed with great eagerness:</p>


- Roman Abramovich! That's who should be put definitely!</p>


The Attorney General asked with a smile:</p>


"Is this a joke or something?"</p>


Mishustin said emphatically:</p>


- No! This is not a joke! Arrest Abramovich and go to jail! It will be a strong propaganda move!</p>


The Prosecutor General nodded:</p>


"It will be done!"</p>
