Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


And then the soul of Vladimir Putin has left the body, and now there are new presidential elections in Russia. And this is in a very unstable situation.</p>


The Security Council met with the Government in closed session.</p>


And immediately there was an altercation – who will lead the meeting. The acting President and head of government was Mikhail Mishustin. But the deputy of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev. And he insisted that it was up to him to lead the security council in such a force majeure situation. And this is very disturbing and it almost came to assault. Medvedev and Mishustin grappled for the chair of the chairman.</p>


Sumo wrestling began. The other ministers and generals did not interfere.</p>


It looked very comical.</p>


Heavier and slightly taller Mishustin still pushed Medvedev and sat down at the chair of the chairman.</p>


Then he began to read the report, panting after a hard struggle. Stumbling and choking, Mishustin somehow read to the end. After that, Shoigu took the floor.</p>


The Minister of defence is quite logical said:</p>


"Now more than ever, we need to be united and united, as well as loyal to the constitution. And according to the constitution, the acting president is the prime minister, that is, Mikhail Mishustin!</p>


The newly minted Tsar of Russia nodded:</p>


"That's right! You are a wise man Shoigu, and I grant you the long-promised title of Marshal of the Russian Federation, and the Order of Victory!</p>




- And why this particular order!</p>


Mishustin answered honestly:</p>


"It hasn't been awarded in half a century!" Moreover, it can be quite awarded to you for the victories in Syria and Afghanistan!</p>


Shoigu nodded in agreement and remarked:</p>


- You are a worthy successor of Putin! I hope the funding of the army will be increased?!</p>


Mikhail Mishustin nodded vigorously:</p>


"Of course! First of all, we need more powerful and advanced tanks! The tank is the main weapon of breakthrough!</p>


The crowd nodded vigorously. The thought of new times made everyone happy.</p>


Shoigu noticed:</p>


- In modern warfare, the tank is not the main thing!</p>


Mikhail Mishustin objected:</p>


- The experience of all wars has shown that one aircraft war can be won only in computer strategies! And for a real victory, you need a combination of all means and measures!</p>


Deputy Prime Minister for the Military-Industrial Complex confirmed:</p>


- Tank is an important element of war! Especially in a regional war, we don't really need hypersonic missiles. The example of Afghanistan has shown that Russia is not ready for serious regional wars. But the tank is just against the Taliban-the locomotive of war!</p>


The Finance Minister remarked:</p>


- Our treasury is empty… And elections require money!</p>


Mikhail Mishustin stated emphatically:</p>


- We need to add salaries and pensions to all people. Even if you need to turn on the printing press!</p>


The Finance Minister nodded:</p>


"A little inflation won't kill us!"</p>


The Acting President remarked:</p>


- In Russia, one person has always been the most important. He was something of a king. And we must not allow chaos and anarchy! There should be only one president and his powers should not spread!</p>


Shoigu nodded in agreement:</p>


"Of course you shouldn't! Otherwise, there will be real anarchy. We are already a little different from Ukraine, and a little more and a civil war can begin.</p>


Mishustin nodded and confirmed it:</p>


- Moreover, it is necessary to hold presidential elections as soon as possible and get a new tsar. Moreover, the Communists can arrange a new provocation!</p>


The Interior Minister said:</p>


- Mass rallies and actions are already going on all over the country. The protesters demand not to allow election fraud, and the holding of repeated re-elections to the State Duma.</p>


The Acting President remarked:</p>


- Winners are not judged! And losers still as judge so after all messrs?!</p>
