Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Он снова работал в лесу, в другой бригаде. Хорошо работал – и пилил, и возил. Платили тут не в пример регулярнее после того случая, даже аванс иногда выдавали. Он даже успел деньжат подкопить: хотел избу поправить, надстроить, перед тем, как жену в нее ввести. Ждали только весны, чтобы расписаться, когда ей исполнится восемнадцать.

Ivan and Masha went to school together for only two years. From the third year he was sent to boarding school, and Masha was taken to her relatives living in the district center, having there a good high school. They saw each other and played together every summer, but real love came to Ivan Rebrov only at eighteen.

He worked then again in the woods, but with another team. He worked hard, sawing the timber and hauling it by the trucks. They paid better there and more regularly after that grim incident. Rebrov did not drink much and saved all the money: he wanted to repair his house and add one more room, good enough to bring his wife into. They both were waiting for spring to marry, when Masha will be eighteen, too.

Ребров работал всю зиму на дальних делянках, но часто кто-нибудь из земляков приезжал-уезжал, и они оправляли друг дружке нежные хорошие записки. Сам он домой специально не ездил, хотел испытать себя и ее: ему скоро было идти в армию. И вот испытал. Записки к концу зимы стали приходить в лес реже и стали они как-то суше. Потом вообще перестали приходить. А в апреле один вернувшийся из деревни земляк так прямо и сказал Реброву:

– Загуляла твоя Маша.

Rebrov worked all that winter on distant allotments. Almost every week someone of their team went back home for a short stay to one of the neighboring villages, and Rebrov exchanged with his Masha gentle and loving letters. Rebrov never went home himself and didn’t see her several months: he wanted to test their love, because he had to go to the Army soon. He tested their love all right, though it didn’t endure their winter parting. By the end of the winter fewer letters reached the snowbound woods, and they became kind of formal and dry, and by the early spring they stopped coming. In April one fellow that came from the neighboring village frankly revealed to it to Rebrov, “She’s having a good time, your Masha.”

Поехал домой Ребров только на майские праздники. Приплыл на ройках в ее деревню, но к ней сразу не пошел, остался у магазина. Тут было людно, шумно, он выпил с одними, с другими, но в душе у него стоял озноб. И вдруг он увидал ее. Она шла по улице под ручку с одним знакомым малым. Ребята, что пили с Ребровым, и знавшие про его любовь, как будто сразу осеклись, замолкли.

Она тоже увидала его. И как будто желая спрятать своего парня от Реброва, вдруг суетливо повернулась – спиной, очень тесно к тому, парню, и грудью к Реброву. Без улыбки, и только с перепуганным лицом, будто птичка защищающая своего птенца..

Rebrov went home only on First of May holidays. That was both official and folk festivities stretching often well up to Ninth of May, the Victory day. He sailed to her village by roiki with his little brother, but he didn’t go to her house but stayed by the store with a bunch of his old half-drunk friends. He drank half a glass of vodka, then some more, but his soul was trembling. Then he suddenly saw her. She walked down the village main street, closely arm in arm with some guy. Rebrov’s friends, who knew about his love, stopped talking at once, and the dead silence fell on store’s porch. She saw Rebrov, too. As if trying to hide her boy from Rebrov she fussily turned, but then stepped forward, with a back to her boy, breasts to Rebrov, with worried and scared eyes, as a bird protecting her nestling.

Ребров шагнул к ней, хотел только поговорить, но она вдруг стала пятиться от него назад, толкая спиной и этого малого. Ребров все сразу понял. В его душе, тронутой уже водкой, как что-то вспыхнуло. Он вынул свой нож и шагнул к ним. Он должен был убить этого малого, а после – все равно, будь, что будет.

Rebrov stepped forward. He just wanted to say “Hi!” to congratulate her with a May’s Day, and maybe to have some talk. But she warily backed from him, bumping at her boy. Rebrov, taken aback, stopped. Something flashed in his affected by vodka mind. And getting his knife out of pocket, he walked to them. Deeply insulted, with everybody around watching, Rebrov felt he should kill this guy now, because nothing else could lift his months-old pain, whatever happens with him afterwards.

И вдруг она бросилась на него, на нож в его руке, обвила руками шею, стала целовать лицо, толкать его грудью назад. Он даже нож свой не успел убрать, и тот застрял между ними, лезвием в нее, а она все целовала его и толкала назад. Он уже чувствовал, что режет ее, но она целовала и толкала. Наконец, он выкинул руку с ножом вбок, глянул – лезвие было красным. Другой рукой Ребров отстранил ей плечо, чтобы увидеть ее платье, – и на платье расплывалось пятно того же цвета.

Unexpectedly she flung herself at him, threw her arms around his neck, kissing his face and pushing him back. Rebrov couldn’t even to move away his knife in time and it stuck between them with its blade between their stomachs. She was kissing his face all over, pushing back, step by step, away from her boy. Rebrov felt his knife cuts her, but she did not stop kissing, silently pushing him further back from her boy. Finally, he threw out his hand with the knife sideways and cast a quick look at it. The blade was glittering red. With his other hand Rebrov gently pushed her back, just to take a look at her. Down her waist over her festive dress ran a bloody stain.

Как что-то натянутое в нем, долго и сильно, вдруг оборвалось. Он протянул к кровавому пятну на ее платье руку, но она теперь попятилась от него назад. Он посмотрел ей в глаза, в них был только страх. Он разжал руку с ножом, и тот упал на дорогу, – прижал обе ладони к своему лицу, повернулся и медленно пошел прочь. Ноги привели его к озеру, он забрался в свою лодку и сел. Но что-то вдруг сдавило ему горло, подкатило снизу, он зажал ладонями глаза и затрясся. Скоро прибежал за ним его младший братишка, и Ребров захватил рукой из озера холодную майскую воду и плеснул ее себе в лицо.

Something that was painfully strained for months suddenly snapped and broke in him. He reached out his hand down to her bloody stain, but she at once threw herself back from his hand, and Rebrov saw closely her eyes. There was nothing in it but unconcealed stony fear. Rebrov let down the knife from his hand and it fell on the ground. Then he closed his face with both hands, turned and slowly walked away. Feet brought him down to the lake and he got into his boat. Something hard and tight suddenly squeezed his neck and a lump rose in his throat. He clamped both his hands to the eyes and his body violently shook all over. Soon his little brother came running after him. Rebrov leaned overboard, drew a handful of cold water and splashed it on his face.

Дома он собрал свою спортивную сумку, потряс за плечо, да так и не разбудил пьяного отца, и пошел в ночь за двадцать километров на станцию. Пассажирский поезд останавливался здесь раз в сутки. По четным дням – в сторону Питера, по нечетным – на Москву. Раннее утро оказалось нечетным, и Ребров уехал в Москву. Если бы утро оказалось четным, то поезд повез бы Реброва в Питер. Там жил и работал на заводе его дядька по матери, хороший и непьющий мужик. Он, когда приезжал в отпуск, всегда звал Реброва к себе, на свой завод.

Но выпал нечет. Ребров уехал в Москву и стал там сначала бандитом, а потом киллером. В свою деревню он никогда больше не вернулся.

At home Rebrov packed his sporting bag, tried to wake up his drunken father, but then hugged his brother and went in the light spring night to the railway station some fifteen miles away. Passenger train stopped there once a day. On even days of a month the train went to Sankt-Petersburg, and on the odd days to Moscow. If it would have had happened to be an even day the train would have taken Rebrov to Petersburg, where his uncle lived, a non-drinking cheery fellow. Every time he came for vacation, to see his sister when she was alive, he always lured Rebrov to come and work with him at metal works. However, early morning of that day in May happened to be odd. Rebrov went to Moscow, became there firstly a burglar, and then a professional killer. He never came back to his village.
