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The COMPLEX OF ACTIONS – is a sum of all events and doings by players/actors of the Agency during the realization of the scenario.

The ROLE – is a personal position in the complex of the actions for a specific player of the Agency in a current of realization of the approved scenario.

The INSIGHT – is a complex of information provided to the Agency by the client on the terms of full accordance between the client and the Agency and on the terms of assistance from the client to the Agency. Insight is crucial for creating the sexual preferences map of the Lead Hero. Insight may include oral descriptions received from the client, sources of digital media, photographs, and paper (including books, magazines and other) sources relating to preferences of the Lead Hero. Insight is used only for the aims of SPM and is not used for any other purposes. Agency does not store the insight after terminating the current complex of actions. Nothing of the insight can be provided to any third side. Complete terms for using the insight are described in the particular part of the Code devoted to this matter.

The SEXUAL PREFERENCES MAP / SPM – is a complex of personal preferences of the Lead Hero that defines what methods and actions can contribute to achieving the major aim. SPM is formed on the basis of insight and the understanding general human behavior and psychology. SPM determines the scenario and the complex of the actions. SPM includes the desire objects, the desire actions, and the desire places together with other elements.

The DESIRE OBJECT – is an image of a person who is sexually attractive for the Lead Hero. It may represent a personalized object from his or her supposed sexual fantasies.

The DESIRE ACTION – is action desired by the Lead Hero as one of the best possible ways of achieving the pleasure.

The DESIRE PLACE – is a place which is supposed to be one of the best places for reaching the pleasure.

The REALITY RATE / RFR / REALITY-FANTASY ADJUSTMENT LEVEL – is a level defined as the proportion of person’s possible actions in reality in conditions of absolute availability to the person’s actions in fantasy. RFR is defined in the range from zero to one (or in the range from 0% to 100%). That means that if the person’s RFR is zero, he or she would like to do nothing from his or her fantasies despite having such fantasies. And another way he or she would like to do everything from his or her fantasies if his or her rate is defined as 1 (or 100%). Right determination of person’s RFR helps to adjust his or her fantasies to what he or she would like to do in reality.

The POSSIBILITY RATE / PFR / POSSIBILITY-FANTASY ADJUSTMENT LEVEL – is a level defined as the proportion of the volume of what is possible to perform regarding the sources available to the Agency to all the actions desired by the person in his or her fantasies. PFR is defined in the range from zero to one (or in the range from 0% to 100%).

The FULL REALITY RATE / FRFR / PRFR – is a mathematical result gained as multiplication of RFR and PFR or proportion of what is possible and wanted by a person in reality to what is wanted by a person in fantasies. Rate is defined from 0 to 1 (or 0% to 100%).

The COMPENSATION RATE / CR (FRFR) – is an inverse number to FRFR. It determines what actions value should be added to deliver the full pleasure achievement.

The FULL PLEASURE ACHIEVEMENT LEVEL / FPAL – is a mark defined as a level in which the person is satisfied with the actions and elements of the scenario. Each element of the scenario depending on its specifics, a perception of the person and the position in time contributes its marginal value to the pleasure achieving. A scenario is balanced when FPAL is close to 100%.

The PLEASURE – feeling of absolute joy, happiness, and general emotional elevation together with the extensive production of endorphins in an organism.

Nov, 7. Evening. from Dictaphone Record. by Martin

Today we had one more interview with Susan. This one was bigger than the previous. And information appeared to be even more specific than before. The girl told us that they engaged some other person in the act of voyeurism and by this, she explained a connection between two parts of the video I watched before doing an interview. She also told us that all of this was rehearsed. I just unfolded another envelope with more of secret files in it. And there I found a video file that possibly proves this fact. Girls in this video do the same things as in previous one, but it happens in another place, and there is a tall dark-haired woman instead of the woman in the dark. And also they do the same things, repeating acts many times, memorizing. As they do it all, the dark-haired woman, who I suppose is the head girl, about whom Susan told us, directs their actions. At least it looks so. It is hard to say exactly what they do as there is no audio track attached to the footage and you can’t hear what they are talking about. But I think she directs them. She looks to be very sure and a bit bossy with all these motions she makes. She has some manner. She is pointing to something, sometimes. She’s telling them what to do as it looks. I mean she looks like a leader. Also except new video files, I entertained myself with a description of some terms about which Susan told us. These are the terms they use in the Agency in the process of work. That is a particular science slang, I should admit. That was especially funny to learn about these rates – RFR, RFRF and others like these. And also I finally learned what the pleasure is. That is very useful to know. … Absolute joy … emotional elevation … production of endorphins. The government says we need to increase high-tech production in next years and that is one of the priorities for the nation. But it looks like they don’t know anything about the increase of endorphins production. And it isn’t listed among what they think to be the national priorities.

When the interview was over, I asked Elise whether she would like to stay to see some additional material connected to the facts we investigated. She said she needed to go home. I don’t blame her because we stayed some couple hours after hours. I just asked in case. We agreed with Susan on our next interview. It will take place as soon as tomorrow. She told me that her story was still a long one to tell. I am not surprised about this as I know exactly how many unopened envelopes with other people’s secrets I have. It is a long story to tell. So, I’m glad that the girl is so friendly with us and she is ready to give us as many interviews as we will ask from her. I wonder about her enthusiasm. Does she feel herself a little like in a TV show? Does she feel it can give her the fifteen seconds of fame? There is a very known and battered idea. It says that everyone thinks he has a story worth to write a book about, worth to make a film. And she probably thinks that her story is a special one. More fantastic than the stories of others. Actually, it is possible that the girl is right. No matter whether it is a truth or a tale.

Nov, 8. Susan’s Interview Three. from Dictaphone Record. by Martin and Elise

Martin: After you were allowed to participate as a player – if I call it right – in the Agency’s activities for the first time, how soon it was you returned there?

Susan: That was quite soon, in a couple of days. After that, we were often at the place.

M.: We?

S.: I mean Jane and me.

M.: Oh, yes, of course. Please, continue. You went there a couple of days later and then… did you start to prepare for the next thing? I mean, a next game.

S.: In some way. But actually, no. We were learning. True. It was more about having fun for me. It was like some pretty cool leisure. I was mentally relaxing after a dull work I am doing.

M.: But when your next time came? Was there any next time?
