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M.: What was it you noticed?

S.: There was another person, another one besides Jane and me. I think it was a woman. I only could judge by her legs.

E.: What do you mean only by legs?

S.: All I saw of her were her legs. She was sitting in the dark corner of the room, being deep in the darkness and all I could see were her legs and a little of her silhouette, but it was very uncertain. Only her legs came from the dark seen clearly. And I suppose so because of shapes and shoes. I am sure it was a woman though.

M.: You say it was a woman? Go on. What was the next thing you were doing?

S.: The next thing was that Jane came out to another room and then after a few moments returned with a telescopic tube. She gave it to me and asked me whether I would like to watch what happened outside. She asked me whether I thought there could be something interesting somewhere in this area of the city. She said that there was possibly something interesting very close to us, but we didn’t know. Maybe it is just across the street. And with these words, she gave me the tube. I took it and looked through it across the street. At first, I pretended that I was searching freely for something I didn’t know what. Then I looked straight at the windows of the building which stood right across the street. And there I saw Ann sitting on the bed in a room where the windows were as big as in apartment where we were. I then gave a tube back to Jane. And I was kinda telling her. Yes, there is something interesting, indeed. That was kinda signal. That meant that I saw Ann and that she was ready. Then Jane started watching through the tube. And then she asked. Do you want to know what happens now? But she said it not to me. She said it to this woman in the dark. And then she also added. It is interesting, indeed. Then the woman who sat in a chair found a voice. It was surprising to me. Almost like I thought she was mute. She just said. Tell me. That was all she said. And then Jane began to describe her the things she saw. Things that were happening on the other side of the street. And at that time Sally also appeared in a room in this building that stood against the building where we were. She joined Ann, and they began to do things planned, as we rehearsed it.

E.: And what was that?

S.: They caressed each other… They made love… in general.

M.: And Jane was telling you about it?

S.: Yes, she was describing everything they did. As Sally was kissing Ann and what spots… She told us about how they undressed each other and other things [giggle]. And then she gave the woman a tube, and she was watching girls for the rest of time. As Jane did so, she sat down on the floor. Close to her. I am not sure, but to me, it seemed like her hand went down her belly and she was… something like caressing herself. I am not sure, but it seemed so. I suppose… When we began this thing, I was a little uncertain, but as it progressed I felt more relaxed. And finally, I actually felt quite excited.

Nov, 7. Evening. Private Audio Diary of Elise. by Elise

It was a weird thing. The second interview with Sue… with Susan was even stranger than the first one. The girl was even more talkative this time. She told us a story that is indeed unusual one. And again I ask myself why Martin decided to have me near when making such an interview. This time I really became a witness of some intimate story. And it is true that if Martin listened to this alone, he would be in a complicated position. Or maybe he would be in a position from Kama Sutra? Uh… And in this case, it is also a complicated position for a journalist if to talk about ethics of the profession. If any ethics of journalism had ever existed in the real world, of course, but not only in some knightly codex that some professors should compose with the help of students in some universities. Ooff. That was something that I didn’t expect to happen. It was like working on TV for one of the shows devoted to sex, like being an assistant for another reality.

Again… she readily told us about her adventures. But this time they were more interesting or just more peculiar. It is remarkable that she told us about what was exciting for her in this affair. As I know, this interview wasn’t the last one with the girl. And I expect even more of her unusual tales to come. I expect she won’t come when telling us it all. I hope so. After we finished with an interview, Martin told me that he had something to say and to show me. He said he had some records confirming what the girl had told us. He said that I should keep it all in secret until we release the documentary film about these events. He also said that if I wanted to watch the videos, he would let me, but he wouldn’t let me copy it because it was a part of an agreement between him and the person who provided this evidence to him. That video, as I understood in brief, is something like surveillance footage. Close in style. Actually, I am not the person who will tell the others something that will make everybody think I am crazy and kinky. And what about that video… I’ll probably watch it if there will be a need for it, but not this time.

Now I am going to sleep and hope I will have normal dreams tonight. End of line.

Terminology Description Provided to Susan. Paper Document. from Archive of Martin

The AGENCY – is a group of people collaborating under principles described in the code of the Agency called in short the Code. The main aim of the group is a high-class luxury level entertainment that is provided on the terms of an agreement between the Agency and the client. Structure of the Agency is one-leveled in its hierarchy except for the Head who is chosen by the other members including the players and the other persons of general assistance. Head is one who bears more responsibility for organization and activities of the Agency.

The CODE – is a collection of principles that are primal rules for all activities of the Agency. The Code defines the mission of the Agency. Major principles are: (a) absolute secrecy of activities, (b) joy of the Lead Hero as the most important aim of any actions executed in the complex, (c) the absolute physical and informational safety for any participant on both sides, (d) prohibition of any methods requiring a crime or any law-breaking, the actions that lead to any health damage or any financial damage or any other kind of damage to the group or a person, (e) others.

The TECHNOLOGY – is a full complex of all methods and skills that can be used by the Agency in the process of its activity.

The CLIENT – is a person who places the order for entertaining the Lead Hero. This person provides an insight including information which client will decide possible to provide and which is essential for an understanding the Lead Hero’s map of preferences, the Lead Hero’s map of sexual desires and similar. By doing so, the client takes responsibility for providing this information which may appear to be personal for the Lead Hero.

The LEAD HERO – is a person who is familiar to the client and who is a major object for complex of actions. He is led through the events that are part of the complex and according to an approved scenario. It is important that the Lead Hero has no information on what will happen to him, but all, what will happen, is to be designed for his pleasure. No harm and no damage should be introduced to the Lead Hero during the actions. And thus, it is the responsibility of client and people of the Agency.

The PLAYER / ACTOR / ACTRESS – is a person involved in performing a role which includes doings to please the Lead Hero.

The GAME – is complex of approved events performed according to the scenario, happening as a result of the single order.

The SCENARIO – is an order for the appearance of the events that are contents of the complex of the actions. The scenario aims to define the events in a certain way. That is to please the Lead Hero on the maximum level. The scenario is created on the basis of sexual preferences map and on the basis of understanding person’s RFR and PFR.
