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Ключ. 1. “It was not very polite of him to leave without saying goodbye to the hostess.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 2. “It was not very polite of him to hang up without saying goodbye.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 3. “It was not very polite of him to accept our help without saying thank you.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 4. “It was not very polite of him to enter a lady’s bedroom without knocking.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright indecent.” 5. “It was not very polite of him to step on my foot without apologizing.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” (Или without saying a word of apology.) 6. “It was not very polite of her to push me aside without saying a word of apology.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 7. “It was not very polite of him to talk to me without taking his hands out of his pockets.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 8. “It was not very polite of him to talk to me without taking the cigarette out of his mouth.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 9. “It was not very polite of him to keep sitting without offering me a seat.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 10. “It was not very polite of her to walk past me without saying hello.” “Very impolite, I should say. Downright rude.” 11. “It was quite careless of her to go to bed without locking the door.” “Very careless, I should say. Downright stupid.” 12. “It was not very careless of her to buy a car without taking it for a test drive.” “Very careless, I should say. Downright stupid.” 13. “It was quite careless of her to open the door without asking who it is.” “Very careless, I should say. Downright stupid.”

Time for Fun

“Well, Ted, how does it feel to be a grandfather?”

“Oh, it’s wonderful, of course, but I’ll tell you, it’s hard to get used to the idea of being married to a grandmother.”

how does it feel каково это; get used to привыкнуть к, свыкнуться с


A young man is choosing an engagement ring. He decides on one and says to the jeweler, “I want you to engrave inside this ring “From George to Dora.”

“If you take my advice, young man,” says the old jeweler, “you will just have “From George.”

engagement ring обручальное кольцо; decide on something остановить свой выбор на чем-либо; engrave выгравировать

День двести сорок третий

Тема урока: Герундий в роли предложного дополнения.

Exercise 285

Согласитесь с собеседником, что некоторые вещи подразумеваются сами собой. Воспользуйтесь для этого идиомой It goes without saying.

A: You mustn’t take any actions without telling me first.

B: It goes without saying, Sir.

А: Вы не должны предпринимать никаких действий, прежде не поставив меня в известность.

Б: Это само собой разумеется, сэр.

1. «Вы не должны предпринимать никаких действий против наших конкурентов, прежде не поставив меня в известность». – «Это само собой разумеется, сэр». 2. «Вы не должны спускать глаз с подозреваемого (let somebody out of your sight)». – «Это само собой разумеется, сэр». 3. «Вы не должны входить в мою комнату без стука». – «Это само собой разумеется, мадам». 4. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что у нас тоже есть свои правила». – «Это само собой разумеется». 5. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что мы не можем нарушить закон». – «А то как же (certainly), сэр! Это само собой разумеется». 6. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что мы должны действовать в рамках закона (act within the law)». – «А то как же, сэр! Это само собой разумеется». 7. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что мы должны оставаться в рамках бюджета (remain within the budget)». – «А то как же, сэр! Это само собой разумеется». 8. «Я надеюсь, ты понимаешь, что должен держать свои мысли при себе». – «Это само собой разумеется». 9. «Я надеюсь, ты понимаешь, что должен держать свои подлинные намерения в секрете». – «Это само собой разумеется». 10. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что не можете обыскивать его квартиру без ордера на обыск (a search warrant [´wo:-])». – «А то как же, сэр! Это само собой разумеется». 11. «Я надеюсь, ты понимаешь, что должен проникнуть в дом, не разбудив его обитателей (inhabitants)». – «Это само собой разумеется, босс». 12. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что не можете нарушить данное слово (go back on your word)». – «Это само собой разумеется». 13. «Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что не можете нарушить наш договор». – «Это само собой разумеется». 14. Я надеюсь, вы понимаете, что, если вы нарушите наш договор (также: break our agreement), мы можем подать на вас в суд». – «Это само собой разумеется».

Ключ. 1. “You mustn’t take any actions against our business rivals without telling me first.” “It goes without saying, Sir.” 2. “You mustn’t let the suspect out of your sight.” “It goes without saying, Sir.” 3. “You mustn’t enter my room without knocking.” “It goes without saying, Madam.” 4. “I hope you understand that we also have our rules. “It goes without saying.” 5. “I hope you understand that we cannot break the law.” “Certainly, Sir. It goes without saying.” 6. “I hope you understand that we must act within the law.” “Certainly, Sir. It goes without saying.” 7. “I hope you understand that we must remain within the budget.” “Certainly, Sir. It goes without saying.” 8. “I hope you understand that you must keep your thoughts to yourself.” “It goes without saying.” 9. “I hope you understand that you must keep your real intentions secret.” “It goes without saying.” (Или that you must keep your true intentions secret.) 10. “I hope you understand that you cannot search his house without a search warrant.” “Certainly, Sir. It goes without saying.” 11. “I hope you understand that you must get into the house without waking its inhabitants.” “It goes without saying, boss.” 12. “I hope you understand that you cannot go back on your word.” “It goes without saying.” (Go back on something значит идти на попятный и тем самым нарушить данное слово, обещание, договор и т.д.) 13. “I hope you understand that you cannot go back on our agreement.” “It goes without saying.” 14. “I hope you understand that if you break our agreement, we can sue you.” “It goes without saying.” (Или if you go back on our agreement, we can sue you.)

Time for Fun

The patient shook his doctor’s hand in gratitude and said, “Since we are the best of friends, I would not insult you by offering payment. But I would like you to know that I mentioned you in my will.”

“That is very kind of you,” said the doctor emotionally, and then added, “Can I see that prescription I just gave you? I’d like to make a little change…”

shake sb’s hand пожать руку кому-либо; gratitude благодарность; since поскольку; insult you by offering payment оскорблять вас, предлагая вам плату за лечение; add добавлять; prescription рецепт

365 дней английского. Тетрадь девятая - _1.jpg

День двести сорок четвертый

Тема урока: Герундий в роли предложного дополнения. Конструкция talk somebody into something.

Exercise 286

Выясните у собеседника свои шансы.

A: Is there any chance I could talk you into being my date tomorrow night?
