Part 1
cow fly(n) eye hut
Somewhere above there lives an old man. He has a cow. The cow is big and white. She has big black spots on one side. Her eyes are green her nose is large. Cow’s proud is her long tail. The cow uses it to wave away the flies.
One day the old man becomes weak and cannot looking for the cow. The cow is staying careless now. So she decides to come far away from the man to find a new house for herself.
She goes and sees the hut. Very old woman goes out the door and says:
– What do you want young cow? Are you getting lost?
– Oh no, mistress. I am looking for the new house. – says the cow.
– Ok. Let’s live with me!
And now the cow stays live with the woman.
careless [ˈkɛːləs] adj. – небрежный old [əʊld] adj. – старый
decide [dɪˈsʌɪd] v – решать proud [praʊd] v – гордиться
find [faɪnd] v – находить side [saɪd] n – сторона
have [hæv] v – иметь so [ˈsəʊ] adv. – так, итак
house [haʊs] n – дом spot [spɒt] n – пятно
get lost [ˈɡet ˈ lɒst] v – потеряться want [wɒnt] v – хотеть
live [lɪv] v – жить wave away [weɪv əˈweɪ] v – отмахиваться
man [mæn] n – мужчина, человек weak [wiːk] adj. – слабый
mistress [ˈmɪstrəs] n – хозяйка what [ˈwɒt] pron – что, какой
new [njuː] adj. – новый young [jʌŋ] adj. – молодой
Match the first part of the word in A to the second part in B / Соедини первую часть слова (колонка А) с его второй частью (колонка В):
F.ex. ha de
1. si self
2. de man
3. care ve
4. hou cide
5. wo ud
6. pro se
7. her less
2. Join the word with its right translation / Соедини слово с правильным переводом:
F.ex. eyes решать
1. house дом
2. cow человек, мужчина
3. decide гордиться
4. man шерсть
5. wool корова
6. side глаза
7. proud бок
Look at these words. Find the odd one out in each line / Посмотри на слова. Найди лишнее слово в каждой линии:
F.ex. a) cow b) dog c) cat d) fly
1. a) big b) large c) man d) young
2. a) nose b) eye c) tail d) ear
3. a) hut b) decide c) live d) stay
4. a) man b) go c) woman d) mistress
5. a) live b) cow c) go d) see
4. Read the sentences. Choose the best answer (a, b, c) for each space / Прочитай предложения. Выбери правильный ответ (a, b, c) в каждой линии:
F. ex. Somewhere above there lives
a) old man b) old cow c) old man
The cow is
a) big and white b) big and black c) small and black
Cow’s eyes are
a) green b) blue c) brown
The cow can fly away
a) bees b) flies c) people
The cow goes to find the new
a) mistress b) friends c) house
So, the cow stays to live with
a) the woman b) old man c) new friend
5. Put the words into the missing place from the text / Вставь нужные слова в пропуски из текста:
F.ex. There are black __SPOTS___ on her side.
1. Cow’s eyes _____________ green, her ____________ is large.
2. Cow’s proud is her big long ___________.
3. The old man becomes _____________.
4. The cow goes and sees the _________.
5. So, the ___________ stays to live with the _____________.
6. Put the verb “to be” in the Present Simple tense / Поставь глагол “to be” в простом настоящем времени:
F. ex. The cow _ is_ big and black.
1. There __________ white spots on cow’s side.
2. Her eyes __________ green.
3. Her nose __________ big.
4. Mistress, I _________ looking for the new house.
5. She __________ careless now.
Part 2
milk goat horns tail
The cow lives with the woman only one week but she already does not like her new mistress. The woman does not feed the cow and demands a lot of milk. So, the cow goes away to find the new house again.
Not far from woman’s hut the goat is walking. The goat has big round horns and the long beard. Her wool is white like the snow. Goat’s tail is small, straight and short. The goat sees the cow and asks:
– Dear cow. Where are you going?
– I am looking for the new house. – answers the cow.
– Take me with you. – tells the goat.
– Ok. Let’s go. It is more fun together.
So, the cow and the goat go to find the new house together.
already [ɔːlˈrɛdi] adv. – уже round [raʊnd] adj. – круглый
beard [bɪəd] n – борода small [smɔːl] adj. – маленький
demand [dɪˈmɑːnd] v – требовать straight [streɪt] adj. – прямой
feed [fiːd] v – кормить take [teɪk] v – брать
fun [fʌn] n – веселье together [təˈɡɛðə] adv. – вместе
like [ˈlaɪk] adv. – как week [wiːk] n – неделя
looking for [ˈlʊkɪŋ fɔː] v – искать where [wɛː] adv. – где, куда
only [ˈəʊnli] adv. – только wool [wʊl] n – шерсть
Match the first part of the word in A to the second part in B/ Соедини первую часть слова (колонка А) с его второй частью (колонка В):