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But just the former us President and roads would be a good advice.  What should I do now?   In real history, Napoleon himself lost the war with the Russians, not in open battles, but more in small skirmishes, and because of frost and pestilence. </p>


Here Donald trump was visited by the first sensible idea in many years:</p>


- We need to introduce hygiene rules in the army!  And to remove the lice!</p>


The flame-haired girl nodded approvingly to the President-Emperor, and cooed:</p>


"And you are not as stupid as people think you are in many countries of the world and among your own subjects. Only it's not so easy to do it!</p>


Donald trump, who liked to read historical literature, and without inventing anything new, proposed an old, proven method:</p>


"He'll shave his head."  And clothes to give to the lamb!  This is quite real at the beginning of the nineteenth century!</p>


The Golden-haired blonde shook her index finger at Donald Trump:</p>


"You have a good memory!"  But it is strange that Napoleon did not think of this!</p>


The President is the Emperor with a sigh noticed:</p>


"It is human nature to err!</p>


After that, Donald trump thought that it might be a good idea to use the knowledge of the future to strengthen the army.  But the problem is that, for example, the former us President has only the most General information and knowledge about the technology of production of glycerol and any other modern explosives.</p>


However, even if what he knows is passed to local engineers and chemists, they will certainly be able to find something suitable for practical use by trial and error.</p>


But this year, apparently, new weapons will not have time to make.  And screw guns won't mow down the Russian ranks.</p>


First question?  To fight or not with Russia?   The Rubicon has not yet been crossed, and there is time to play a retreat.   The ambitions of both Napoleon and his family require a solution at the expense of Russia.  And the Russians have much more land than France with all its conquests.  But on the other hand, Napoleon was not yet well established in Europe.  In Spain, civil war is raging, and the colonies of the Castilian Empire are rapidly separating from the mother country.</p>


To win them back: you need a powerful Navy and dominance over Britain.</p>


Napoleon is now at the top of his power, but there are more and more problems every year.  Although, of course, a lot of progressive things have been done.</p>


Donald trump himself thought that it might make sense to reconsider the previous Napoleonic plans, and instead of going to Moscow to find a different direction. </p>


First and foremost in the head of the President of the United States came to Ukraine.  They have antagonism with the Muscovites for centuries, or more simply, confrontation.  You can enter Kiev and proclaim a self-sufficient Ukrainian state, putting one of your relatives as a Manager over it. </p>


The idea itself looks tempting, but contradicts Napoleon's previous promises to the poles and Austrians.</p>


Well, if the poles were raised from the mud and the state of complete lack of statehood, to an Autonomous Duchy, which can be declared a Kingdom, then the mighty Austria is a stronghold of the dominion and control of France over Central and Eastern Europe.</p>


Although on the other hand, Ukraine can also become a counterweight to the Austrians, and the poles will have enough of the Baltic States and Belarus.    The father-in-law will have enough of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are still Ottoman possessions.</p>


And if not enough, you can add Serbia.   The former US President had a biased opinion about the Serbs and really thought it would be better for them to be under the Austrians.</p>


In the future, Napoleon II may receive the Austrian crown, and in this case, the unity of Europe will be strengthened. </p>


So the question is: should we go to Ukraine, and most importantly do it now, or wait?  Pause can be used to improve weapons.  The General principles of rifled rifles are known to Donald Trump, and engineers in France and other countries will be able to adjust the details.  And dynamite is quite realistic to develop. </p>


Aeroplanes probably can't be built that easily.   But dinamoriga artillery or a primitive mortar.   Also, of course, it will take time, but having received General guidelines from Donald trump, local designers for a couple of years, we can hope that they will create something worthwhile.</p>


But the Russians can also adopt, even if not immediately, French weapons.  </p>


It is probably impossible to construct a tank yet, but trains are quite possible.  A fairly simple device for a steam boiler: and the Railways will encircle all of Europe, to the Pacific ocean, if this is the will of Napoleon-trump. </p>


And the car can appear much earlier, with a modern layout.</p>


The place where Napoleon's headquarters was located looked cozy, even slightly slicked down.   After all, it is home to the Emperor, at that time the most powerful power on the planet. The United States of America is still gaining its power.</p>
