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Donald trump involuntarily glanced at himself.  His sumptuous suit was replaced by a more skoromny army coat with a blue ribbon and a pair of modest orders.  The American President was not exactly slender, but he could even be proud of his abs.  </p>


This time he has the third body in a short time.  Not too young, but not too old.</p>


But unusually obese, and Donald trump did not feel quite comfortable.  Although Napoleon of 1812 is thirty-two years younger than trump of 2021, but the US President kept himself in shape and was not inclined to be overweight at all.    So the rejuvenation at thirty-two was almost completely absent. </p>


Bonaparte himself is not so small in stature, but broad-shouldered, stout as a dwarf.   But twenty centimeters below the President of the United States, although at least five kilograms and heavier. </p>


Donald trump was not very happy about the extra weight, and looked at the girls.  Napoleon's eyes were sharp, for he had a good view of the battlefields and won victories over a numerically superior enemy.</p>


Not all Americans, of course, are familiar with Napoleon, but of the European tsars in the United States, this person is the most famous-there is even a term in journalism – "Napoleon Complex".</p>


Sadam Hussein was especially often given this definition.  No, of course, being a slave in the quarries is worse, and now Napoleon has all of Europe under his control.</p>


Memory and its own and the Emperor suggest that not all.  Scandinavia: Sweden and Norway are still nominally independent, while Finland is Russian.  In addition, the Balkans is dominated by the Ottoman Empire.  </p>


Moreover, Austria and Prussia retained their sovereignty, even if they lost part of the territory.   Although the Habsburgs are now related, through Bonaparte's wife, the French-allied state is heavily influenced by Imperial capital. </p>


Nevertheless, Donald trump remembered that Austria and Prussia would betray Napoleon after he lost his company in Russia.  In Spain, Bonaparte's older brother now rules, but his power is fragile.   Italy like Napoleon wants to unite under the rule of his recently born son.  The Polish Duchy of vassalage.   France itself included several territories in its composition – for example, Belgium.  </p>


In Europe, Bonaparte's position is strong.   The French army, together with foreign regiments, is huge – about 640,000 soldiers.  Russia has fewer troops.</p>


Formally, relations with the Russians are almost allied.  Russia joined the continental bloc and formally suffered no territorial damage, unlike Austria and Prussia.  Moreover, Alexander took Finland and Moldova from the Turks, and the Russians advanced in the Caucasus and Central Asia.</p>


Of course, this situation, when someone besides Napoleon expands their possessions, caused discontent with the Emperor.   In addition, Bonaparte has plans for the revival of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, to put his illegitimate son Alexander valevsky at its head, making him king.</p>


The expansion of Polish possessions was envisaged at the expense of Russia.  Austria can no longer be touched, it has already lost access to the sea.   Moreover, the Emperor Franz II can count on a piece of right-Bank Ukraine – after all, he is now Napoleon's father-in-law.  This means that he must receive at least some compensation for the fact that the Austrian Empire lost its possessions in Italy, and access to the Mediterranean sea. </p>


Especially after the death of the Emperor Franz, Napoleon's son, Napoleon II, may well assume the Austrian crown. In this case, all the more need to expand ownership.    </p>


In his plans, Napoleon at least wants to give the poles Riga, the Baltic States, Belarus, and Kiev.   In any case, in the East, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth regains its former possessions and, moreover, gets access to the Black sea.</p>


Thus, only a war with Russia could satisfy Bonaparte's growing ambitions.  There is also the vast Ottoman Empire.  But this enemy is weak and it is unlikely that the Turks will be able to offer serious resistance to French and mercenary troops from all over Europe.</p>


In the future, Napoleon plans to create kingdoms controlled by himself and his relatives there.  Perhaps at the expense of the Ottoman Empire, Austria will regain access to the Mediterranean sea.</p>


And finally, by collecting the resources of many lands, you can build a huge fleet and crush Britain.   It is unlikely that England, even considering her colonies, is able to resist the resources of such vast spaces.</p>


Napoleon's plans, in General, are clear to Donald Trump, who inherited the excellent memory of his predecessor.</p>


Another thing is that Bonaparte suffered a severe defeat in Russia, after which there was the collapse of his Empire, the betrayal of the allies.  And now the former us President Harlequinade, the Creator Goddess of the universe, has been given a chance: using the knowledge of the future to change the course of history.   Such a task now faces Donald trump.</p>


The President-Emperor turned to the girls following him:</p>


"Are you my retinue?"</p>


The girls replied artlessly:</p>


"The great Goddess has assigned us to protect Napoleon-trump from assassination. </p>


And the bare-legged warriors added in unison:  </p>


- But we will not give you advice!  Think Donald Bonaparte with your head!</p>
