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At a magic level you can ask for and work to send people to the light. He helps your loved ones to find the light, to reach their destination without getting lost or trapped in this world wandering aimlessly.

Essence: Orange Blossom

Mineral: Sapphire, Onyx, Obsidian

7 – Anuket – Anukis

Anuket was the Egyptian representation of water. She was the goddess of water, a personification of the Nile, the waterfalls of Aswan, the waters of Nubia (floods and rivers overflowing were believed to be Anuket’s hug). She was also called the hugger and brought fertility to the earth. Water was life in Egypt, without water the land that provided food for livestock and people could not be fertile.

For the Greeks, Anuket was the deity Poseidon; for others, she was the deity of the narrow gorges of the Nile. She was depicted as a gazelle for her delicacy and tenderness, a very slender woman, with a very big feathered headdress as a crown, and a tight and richly ornamented dress.

Her festival was celebrated on the 7th of the month of Thoth. The ritual consisted of throwing jewels and objects of great value to the Nile thanking Anuket for the water, the fertility, and the life she brought. On this day people could eat fish, it was otherwise forbidden on any other date.

She was part of the Elephantine triad with Khnum and Satis. She was the daughter of Khnum (god of the night) and Satis, her mother and sister at the same time. She shared her gifts with Satis. In the New Kingdom of Elephantine there was the temple where she was worshipped as the "Lady of Seheil" (Nebt Satet). There was another temple in her honour in the region of File but people thought it with Isis. As well as the temple of Elephantine, which is the most important, Anuket’s origins can also be found in the temple of Deir el-Medina where the workers of the granite quarries of Assuan worshipped her.

At a magic level you can ask for and work for anything that has to do with connecting with your feminine side. You may ask her for fertility, to get pregnant easily, etc. something that we know is currently rather difficult due to the hectic pace of life and daily stress. This goddess is very important to help you recover after the removal of an ovary. You may also ask her so that abundance enters in your life.

Essence: Tart Pepper

Mineral: Emerald, Aquamarine, Lapis lazuli

8 – Apis – Hep

Apis represented the sacred bull of Memphis. He was a solar fertility god and was later considered a funerary god, part of the Court of the Sacred Gods. He was the Greek representation of Dionysus. His animal was the ox and his symbol a solar disk. He was the god of fertility and wine.

Apis or Ptah merged with Sekhmet, Ra and Maat´s daughter. Their son was named Nefertum or Atum, which meant sunrise.

Apis being a manifestation of Ptah was part of the triad of Memphis with Ra and Amun.

At a magic level you can ask for and work so that he gives you a lot of energy and strength; so that any celebration is fruitful and any negotiation comes out well, even if it is long and arduous.

Essence: Marjoram

Mineral: Amber, Jet, Blood Jasper

9 – Aton – Iten

Aten meant whole or complete and was a solar deity. He represented the solar disk originally from Heliopolis and the sky. He was a symbol of vital force and energy, key in the Egyptian mythology. At the beginning of the Egyptian creation Aten was considered the supreme creator. He was the Greek representation of Apollo and was associated with the solar disk emitting rays and the sun and was a creator god.

Akhenaten exclusively worshipped Aten during his reign thus becoming a superior deity. At first he was depicted as a falcon-headed man and was worshipped as the god of goodness and infinite justice.

At a magic level you can ask for and work for anything you have to start, so that the beginning of everything goes well. Also so that the things that have gone wrong straighten up and everything goes back to normal. You can ask for any field: emotional, health, money, love, etc.

Essence: Dill

Mineral: Topaz, Siderite, Wulfenite

10 – Atum – Atem – Itemu – Atum Ra – Tem – Nefertum

Atum was a creator god, the god from which all the other gods came from; the most important god since he created Shu (god of air) and Tefnut (goddess of moisture), and their offspring Geb and Nut (the god and goddess of the Earth and the sky). Geb and Nut gave birth to the other gods and goddesses that complete the Ennead of Heliopolis, such as Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Set, and Horus.

Atum was one of the nine main deities of the Egyptian city of Heliopolis and was one of the most important since he created the universe.

He was depicted as a solar god with the head of a ram, a phoenix or a mongoose, or also as a snake, and wearing a double crown.

He was part of the triad of solar deities. Atum represented the evening or setting sun, Ra the noon sun, and Khepri the morning or rising sun of dawn.

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