“This is logical,” said Torpedos, and also got up from the table. “Where is your lady?”
“Looks like she threw me,” – answered Podvalny, looking around.
"Why do you think so?"
"I guessed. Because I'm intelligent bastard."
“You are really bastard. I don't mind,” – said Torpedos.
"Well, in this casino we are unlucky today."
"Yes, Podvalny, we’d better go to visit brothel."
"Do you have money?"
"In the capsule in the glove compartment, another hundred and twenty Britcoins. So today we are still walking."
Then friends left casino Palma and go out to the central tunnel. They took their capsule from the parking lot.
“And where is the nearest brothel?” – asked Podvalny.
"I studied all brothels on the map. The nearest brothel Monica".
"Well then, you sit down at the control panel. All cards in your hands. And money rushing to you today. Consider that you cut down a thousand Britcoins.
"I cut down the money, but I can’t spend it."
“Yes,” answered Podvalny, “we have such a job. Well, let's go have some fun."
The capsule gently gained speed and moved along the main tunnel, then after a while turned into a small tunnel and continued moving. Signs of various establishments shone on either side, and there were Kuafers and fashion designers and beauty salons, a chain of various cafes, cinematographs and snack bars. Finally, wanderers noticed a sign of the Monica brothel at the Hotel Idiot. At the entrance they were met by a young man in a baseball cap with the inscription 'Idiot.'
“Gentlemen,”– the young man appealed Juan and Yegor, who had left capsule, – “the receptionist leads you to the reception desk, and if you wish, to the brothel, and I have to park your capsule. Do not turn off the engine, please.
"Of course, dude. Girls are good here?” – asked Torpedos.
“Yes, sir, they are good,” – the young man answered, and taking off his baseball cap, handed it to Torpedos with the words, – “this is a gift from the establishment. In it you will be welcomed as a regular customer."
Then the young man sat down in a capsule and slowly drove it to the nearby small tunnel.
Juan in baseball cap 'Idiot' and Yegor went into hotel vestibule. Seeing inscription 'Bordello Monica' on one of the doors, they went straight there. They were met by drone Monica, – "gentlemen, we glad to see you in Monica's brothel. You need to pay two entrance tickets for ten Britcoins and you can choose a girls."
“Pay, come on,” – Podvalny turned to Torpedos.
Torpedos counted out Britcoins and lowered them into the coin acceptor. Music began to play on the device, and applause sounded, then two tickets popped out of slot. They had a date, a price and the inscription "Monica brothel".
“And what to do with it now?” – asked Torpedos the drone Monica.
"Keep it as a keepsake or hand it over to your bookkeeping department if you are on a business trip. Now you can choose the girls."
Drone Monica flew up to the mezzanine and with two manipulators took a couple of boxes from the top shelf. Then she returned to the visitors and laid the boxes on the counter in front of them. On one of the boxes was a picture of Monica, on the other – Marilyn.
“What is it?” – asked Torpedos.
“These are girls, they need to be inflated. Clients must inflate them themselves to the degree of elasticity they need. On the back of the box there’s scheme a hole pattern,” – said drone Monica.
Torpedos took the box from Marilyn and turned it over. There was a scheme already pouted Marilyn.
“And where to blow here?” – asked Torpedos.
“Into that hole,” answered drone Monica, pointing by her manipulator at the diagram.
“I won’t blow here,” said Torpedos and looked questioningly at Podvalny.
"Do you have any live girls?" – Asked Podvalny from drone Monica.
"Of course have! We are a three-star brothel! We now have a virgin from Venus. I just don’t know if it will suit you."
"Why not? What's wrong with her?" – asked Torpedos.
"Everything is fine with her, but she, like all the inhabitants of Venus, is covered with a scaly shell. You will not break it."
"And what, do you have guests from Venus?"
"No, they are all on harvesting potatoes on Mars. But we keep one girl just in case. And without her, we would not have been given a third star."
“Something I don't want these girls anymore,” – said Podvalny to Torpedos, “we’d better go to MacDonald’s Cheburechny. I have been told they make on the Moon briquettes with taste pelmeni and sour cream. In these Cheburechny you know in advance what you will get for your Britcoins."
Juan and Yegor looked around and left the brothel. The hotel hall was not crowded. Then they left the hotel to the main tunnel and were going to ride in their capsule to MacDonald’s Cheburechny. But parking attendant who gave Torpedos a baseball cap was gone.
“We need to ask at the reception hotel where their parking attendant had gone,” – Podvalny said, and they returned back to the hotel.
Going to the reception, Torpedos asked, – “Where's your parking attendant?”
“We never had a parking attendant,” – the heavily made-up hotel employee answered.
"And who then gave me this baseball cap at the entrance to your hotel?"
“How do I know?”
“But the baseball cap says Idiot, the name of your hotel,” – said Podvalny.
“They are being sold near that counter,” – the girl said and pointed to a kiosk in the hotel lobby, “anyone can buy it.”
“Let's go look for a capsule in the tunnel,” said Torpedos to Podvalny, “I saw that dude turn into a small tunnel. Maybe she is somewhere nearby."
They went out into the main tunnel and noticed a person approaching them from the opposite side. The man stopped in front of the tourists and said, – "if there are problems, please contact. I am a private detective, Alfred Bespyatov. My office is in front of Hotel."
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