And before I could even take a sip, Elegelica started asking me questions, how are the contestants dressed, who has the most beautiful dress? What kind of furniture in the rooms, the halls? And the curtains and the wallpaper? Did the prince like? And the food is delicious? And in the garden which flowers grow? Not only did she ask questions, but she was interested in a thousand details of which she was putting together a picture, but unfortunately, I was not as attentive, so I shared what I had learned . But i promised that in the future will be more attentive to the interiors of the palace rooms, style palace ladies and taste Palace food. About Prince answered with restraint: not to my taste. I did not say that prince is fire-breathing monster and a special love for crocodile appearance, though winged, i never entertained.
– Elegelica, I have a delicate request to make. You know, I lived in the lands of the portal and as it turned out, even though we speak the same language, but we have different writing. I can not read and write letters, and for the future Empress is incredible disadvantage. Even if my chances to become the minimum, I would like to learn the letter, could you help me?
Elegelica jumped from the chair, and with the words «of course help» retired to the house. She returned with a pile of books and a notebook.
– So, from these books, my nephews were learning to read, and there’s alphabet, coloring, assignments, fairy tales. They are for the very little ones. – And notebook with handles for training. Here is the book of fairy tales – she picked up a thick folio – there is a large font and a lot of pictures. Kids often check the reading by syllable.
– How lucky I am that it's your house was on my way! Thank you so much!
The time flew by, the books and the cakes were packed, with happiness and thought " with such friends I certainly will not be lost in this world" I would return to the castle, looking out the fields and forests on the way. The green was saturated, the road was dusty, the sun was bright and the wheels creaked. In general, I entered the castle though not much tired, but happy.
Chapter 15. Stirlitz’s Failure
In anticipation of accompanying I was walking down the hall, examining the pattern of the marble floor (he was black and sleek, in the center laid out drawing of the sun, the color of gold), white columns, stretching high up in the cave vaults. I tried to memorize the very details that Elegelika asked for. But the study was interrupted by the pleasant male voice of a handsome brunette:
– Hello, Catherine. You look wonderful
I looked down at my dress, a little dusty, absolutely not perceptible, without a corset. Looked up at the stranger, I met the gaze of his blue eyes, noted the high growth and tightened figure. I gave short answer – «Thank you» – and returned to looking down the hall.
The Interlocutor silently studied me, obviously not expecting such neglect from me, probably local womanizer (appearance pretty, voice fascinating, I am, for example, at the edge of the eye studying it), used to the ladies catching his attentions signs. I am so tired today forces to flirt with the local playboy left.
– Good morning, Your Majesty. Did you return earlier than planned? – a voice said Rosalind, who sat in a deep curtsy.
I felt faint, it is necessary so to fail the task for agents 007 so not to know the subject of persecution so to speak in the face. But I had nothing to do once again unfold in the direction of the heir. It seemed too late to bow, so I simply froze in silence, waiting for an answer.
– Yes, Rosalind, as you can see. Would you like to walk with me in the garden?
– With pleasure, Your Majesty – and she took the brunet under his arm sending me a perfectly sincere smile.
– Have a nice evening Catherine
– Thank you, Your Majesty – I said quietly. From rainbow mood was gone.
– Have a nice evening Catherine
– Thank you, Your Majesty – quietly said by me. There was no trace of the rainbow.
Chapter 16
I should have worn the lowest cleavage I have at dinner. o distract the heir from analyzing my behavior. Bright red color, well opened collarbone and a little chest.
In the dining room this time, I was one of the first, so instead of taking a seat at the table, I went to the event board. There are events marked on it: a play to be held in three months (open to all), a culinary evening from a certain Zarina (invited) in three weeks, and a private dance from Faride next week. – I could get you an invitation to a cooking party- the heir was too close behind my back- or do you think about how to overshadow faride's dance? – at this point the heir raised his hand and gently ran the outside of finger from my neck to the shoulder.
–I'm bad dancer- i retreated from the prince and turned to face him. – I think I'll knit your socks so you won't freeze in the damp castle
– Catherine, dragons do not freeze.
– Good to you, and why fireplaces if you do not freeze? I'm here every night trying to stay close to him, it is terrible to think, as here in the winter.
– For beauty. Fire in it is a very beautiful and fascinating sight, isn’t it?
The room became a little noisy, the sound pushes chairs interrupted our conversation about beauty, and I hastened to take his place at the table, away from the heir.
On the right hand of the heir sits Nadine, most likely the arranged bride, next to her Rosaline, placed Bleckle on the left, followed by Farida, Zarina on my right, Darin on my left. This girl, as far as I knew loved horses, never missed a single horse riding or hunting, swordsman, willingly accepts the challenge and from men. Darina was the embodiment of the warrior: high height, pronounced arm muscles, low loud voice. Her movements were more rapid and abrupt than smooth.
In front of the heir sits Assol. The girl had bright red hair, falling down her back with large, sunny, green eyes, fascinating with her beauty. My dress paled next to her outfit. What she was wearing was a work of art. The creator of this creation is incredibly talented. Dress embroidered with small stones so that it shimmered in the light, (it seemed to dress sprinkled of diamonds). The dress was also decorated with green stones (as our emeralds) and red (as our rubies) , blossoming on a black silk dress with delicate flowers. Assol of ancient and powerful family. So she like Nadine can be a contender for an arranged marriage. Other names I unfortunately, did not remember, so just examine on a variety of dresses and parties at the table. And then focused on my stew with potatoes. That's surprising, such contrast to our worlds, but language and cuisine we were similar? I saw as Nadine and Rosalind easy to feel in communion with the successor of (he has a long full name .. Ridon Amaral Deron kind of Drakodar).
It was impossible to leave before the heir, but I did not have time to warn Amiron about what I need tomorrow to the city in the morning, and the heir was in no hurry to leave the table.
– Katrin, your plate was empty for a long time, with the girls you not communicate all the time fidgeting in a chair, you want to leave ? – heir voice seemed friendly and quiet, but the issue and appeal to my address so unexpected that girls fell silent and all eyes are directed in my direction.
– To be honest, I really wanted to leave early, if it would not insult you, Your Majesty. The fact that I made an appointment in the city with friends, but I didn't have time to warn Lord Emiron that I was going away . I would like to have time to find him, before he live home.
– How long will you be gone?
– I have to be in town by 11:00, the meeting will not take more than a couple hours.