- What happens if I do nothing? - I asked.
- You will remain that. What was before... - he answered.
- It is clear to me. But one question remained. How can I win this battle?
- You have everything to improve your life. Good luck. - The berd said these words, Cheshkerston disappeared.
Three hours later, I found a cave where her exhausted friend was sitting. Patrick raised his head and looked at the girlfriend entered. Lowering my sword, I told him to stand up and go out of the dark room. We walked along the corridor consecrated by lanterns.
The queen said a clever thought "You must go to the picture" and disappeared. From far away came chess.
- If you run away, we will not cope with an important circumstance.
- How can we be with a doll like you?
- What's wrong with her?
- She starts to get bored and tries to create energy chaos.
- Right, I forgot about how Fiona Waterloo created my mechanical copy.
- True, but you can stop her.
Otherwise, at a certain hour the clock will stop, it will be dark. You will understand that your thoughts only hindered you. You could run all your life, but you won’t achieve anything.
- You know how to control yourself and your emotions. Use the long-smart sword, if the copy starts to resist.
Patrick and I went down the side of the hill. All the royal army accompanied us until we disappeared behind the fog. Sometime later we were on the landing where Henry and Emma Roide were sitting on the oilcloth. Away, there was a porcelain and chrome girl who tried to approach them, but the magical barriers did not give her any opportunity.
- Liza! - I cried, running up to the doll.
- You can convince her that there is nothing to fear us.
- I understand.
Stretching hands forward, a copy put them on the walls, as if asking about freedom.
- You must be strong and calm.
- We - your friends - will help you.
After this action, the barrier has disappeared, and two our figures moved away from the walls. Passing to the gates and the border of the Chess Kingdom, the two silhouettes looked back every minute, as if wanting to remember the characters left behind. Smoke shut people into reality, to where we could be who we were. The picture became even at the moment when Patrick and I came out of the Chess Kingdom. Fiona, emerging from the air, snapped her fingers on both hands.
- I think, Elizabeth, you doubted for real reasons. It became clear to me very late. Excuse me... - said Patrick Earle, when the couple left the track and went onto earthen soil.
- It is normal. Thank you for sympathizing with me ... - I replied, and hugging each other tightly, I continued to think about my thoughts.
Twelfth chapter.
We went through the Park fence. Some seemingly decent and polite man touched Patrick. At first I did not pay much attention to the gesture, but after three odd insults, I responded. I blow by stick the offender and forced his to fall.
- He didn't treat you right.
- You could walk past or go another path.
- I don't think so.
I and Patrick went into the office of animation.
- And now, if you can, watch the movement of the character.
The screen will appear different scenery and silhouette belonging to a small copy.
- Guys, I will go now. I have to get to judo practice.
- Go, Elizabeth. Good. We'll call you, if we need your help.
We decided to escape from the place. Men told the solves of their troubles between they.
- So, where was the first part?
We looked at how Walter Berrow forced his brother to leave the house.
- Clearly. Further it will be interesting.
We went. Alex Dream rose from his chair and, flexing his fingers, went to the counter to boil the coffee. Carlos began to change the color scheme on the area where the action was to begin with the car of Alfred Berrow.
- Can I write something about your project? - Ethan asked.
- Of course you can. Now it is better not to do it, you see how the beginning looks... - Alex answered.
- I agree. And in a week it will be necessary to come here... – answered Carlos.
- Thank you. I remembered... – said Alex.
- All the best, Ethan... – repeat Carlos.
- So long… - told Alex.
The journalist went outside, crossed the roadway, got into the car, returned home. The brothers Dream continued to develop the version about the characters and their personalities.
- Walter Berrow was in a special way developed: in the character you can find self-criticism, the desire to express themselves in any way, regardless of the goals and circumstances, strict self-control, the ability to subordinate and use random people. However, despite these qualities, he fell in love with the Queen of Hearts. These feelings were unambiguous, so as about love should be honest and disinterested... - Andy said.
- If you look closely at his work, you can immediately say that almost all the assignments were carried out mainly by his brother and close friends. Secondary characters follow his path, or went away... - Eric (fourth brother) added.
Ethan and I watched what their friends tried to portray, but the diagrams on the sheets of the notebook were not very beautiful, difficult to make out because of the slanting handwriting and curls on the letters.
After checking all the locations, images of characters, levels, words of heroes, Eric Dream consulted with his brothers and began processing the project. Soon there was a 15 series devoted to me and my adventures.
Ethan Noise came to the office, took off his coat, washed his hands, Cup, and poured coffee, went into the room. There were: Board on stands, two computer, under ceiling projector'm hanging, on the table expected a fresh tea.
- Why did you Wake me up so early? It's Saturday!
- I have something interesting for you.
- Like what?
- Sit down, please, calm down.
- Nicely.
- Now, listen carefully.