Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Mikhail Andreevich Petrov


Elizabeth Roide’s story. 3

First chapter. 3

Second chapter. 4

Third chapter. 5

Fourth chapter. 6

Fifth chapter. 8

Sixth chapter. 9

Seventh chapter. 11

Eighth chapter. 13

Nineth chapter. 14

Tenth chapter. 15

Eleventh chapter. 17

Twelfth chapter. 18

Thirteenth chapter. 21

Fourteenth chapter. 22

Originally from Darlington 25

First chapter 25

Second chapter 26

Third chapter 29

Fourth chapter 30

Fifth chapter 32

Sixth chapter 33

Seventh chapter 34

Mr. World's last memories 36

Part 1. Chapter 1. 36

Part 1. Chapter 2. 37

Part 1. Chapter 3. 39

Part 1. Chapter 4. 41

Part 1. Chapter 5. 43

Part 2. Chapter 1. 44

Part 2. Chapter 3. 47

Part 2. Chapter 4. 48

Waiton`s alternative 51

Chapter first. 51

Chapter second. 52

Chapter third. 52

Chapter fourth. 54

Chapter fifth. 54

Chapter sixth. 56

Chapter seventh. 58

Chapter eighth. 59

Chapter nineth. 59

Chapter tenth. 61

Chapter eleventh. 61

Chapter twelveth. 62

Chapter thirteenth. 63

Chapter fourteen. 64

Chapter fifteenth. 65

Chapter sixteenth. 67

Chapter seventeenth. 67

Сhapter eighteenth. 68

Chapter nineteenth. 69

Chapter twentieth. 70

Chapter twenty-first. 70

Chapter twenty second. 72

Elizabeth Roide’s story.

First chapter.

(Behind the scenes)

My name is Elizabeth Katherine Roide. I was seventeen years old. We had to leave Ireland from-by noise, for my education in Oxford College. My friends stayed there, I miss them. I still communicate with my last school friend Lisa Jones so far. We lived in the same area, were, we remain friends, even at a great distance. I live in London, near Hyde Park.

On my first day of study, Alice Roide said that her watch broke, and asked me to go to "The shop of repair watches and clocks", of my grandmother`s old friend Edward Timeberg. When I came to him, I noticed such a large amount of mechanical products that I had never seen before.

 - Hello. You, apparently, Alice's granddaughter? I am very happy to meet you. Did you want something? - He spoke.

 - Yes, my grandmother said, that you are fixing your watch well. The fact is that her old was broke.

- It's okay, I have to fix this trinket.

 I stood and watched: the work in the hands of the master was going on quickly.

- Good. You have no customers?

 - It is, as you can see ... Everyone now uses an electronic clock, and I'm used to gears. Sometimes people come to me to fix old ones, watch, but it is extremely rare.

 - With such a collection you can become a junkie or a wizard.

 - It's not just some rusty, things that have become dull from time, like moldy books, and something else.

I could look at this magic forever, but to my surprise, mr. Timeberg, after a minute, finished the job, put off the instrument and handed me a watch.

 - Do you have time for cleaning, restoring order, cleaning all the details?

 - Yes, we must follow the events here!

(After those adventures)

Fiona Waterloo, as the teacher of musical lessons and the head of the creative circle, said me: "Your talent for music is awesome". She offered me to participate in the festival "The day of flowers". I agreed. But headmistress and professor of West literature, Amanda Redhem, heard about it, and broken off the Mrs. Waterloo`s sentences, and decided to: Violet Lloyd will song for place me. Order Director`s are the law for everyone, including me. Of course, I did everything I could to achieve my goal. I had to calmly ask the headmistress to organize a mini-hearing. There was a guy in room 32, who played Ludwig van Beethoven's Third Symphony well on the harpsichord.

Second chapter.

The impression of listening to the song exceeded all expectations, and I was somehow scared: "What will happen, if I do not beat his record? If I play a melody, at least part of the work, but bad, or sing a song not to the notes and not to the beat?" Naturally, on my attempts to worry and be nervous nobody paid attention.

Miss Redhem present there complimented me and said that he will gladly enroll in the group of young talents of Oxford.

Chemistry we were taught by John Bedhed. But we can be happy for the fact that use for good.  In the beginning, he gave us leaflets with tasks, drafts, textbooks, markers, flasks, test tubes, reagents, chemical devices. We did it.

Mark and Lisa Hamish go to school with me. They are fun and funny, very similar to the Tweedledee and Tweedledum. I always have fun and play with them.  I will not list what happened. There is no logic, in unexplainable. At first it seems so bright, warm, Sunny, family, then this is changed, it turns absurd, the former goes away.

I am left alone with my thoughts, sorting through the memories; ask relatives, friends, known.     They are not able to absent from the body of the man came somewhat obscure highlights: chilling steam, a pool of blood, fear, shame and anger.  I frightened. Here, at least, I managed to convey those feelings, what happened at that hour, silent and meaningless.    I hope all our people stay alive.

 Memories moved to the background in connection with the lessons. You can miss the summer days, when it was a serene state, in which was and dreamed of the impossible.

 - Look. Here is the one we are waiting for! - Hatter cried out, rising from the chair, - Sit down, and drink hot tea. Now Cheshire must arrive.

 - Are you waiting for me? - I heard a voice.

 I looked at it. That was Mr. Cheshkerston - a magician, who gave a presentation at our school.

 - Elizabeth, I am very glad to see you. Astral is a place, where I can be myself, not a man, as like just grey cat.

 - I know. But I did not think that you really ...

 - What I can be  the cat?! - he interrupted. - This is a formality! I and everyone else should have saved you.

 - Mr. Bledheim?

 Suddenly there was a voice behind my back. It turned out to be a man whom I had seen before, but could not recognize him.

 - And the most important thing is that miss Redhem`s mechanical dolls. I somehow managed to stop her! - asked the Donald Frank, the professor of sewing.

Third chapter.

- She's barely living. I do everything in my power.

 - What happened? - I asked.

 - It's too early for you to know. But I will say one thing, dear: you are our hope.
