- What, Mr. Bengalius?
- Did you hear the shots?
- Not.
- I heard a lot of shots.
- I do not know.
- Let's go quickly, collect things and leave.
- It seems to you.
- I'm telling you.
- Okay, you.
- Hey! Ronald! Stuart! Alvin! Mitchell! Quickly changed clothes and went with us! I think it's dangerous to be here right now.
They packed up, found the bus, ran. There was no one left at the fair, but someone was shooting. He felt not just like that. When we sat down, he looked out the window, and there all the tents began to burn. Bright shade of green. Someone launched a firecracker far from us. The driver drove us to the usual wooden hotel. An inn was attached to the building. Simple, but it’s tasteful. The grand piano stands in the corner, a Bamboo in a leather striped jacket, two people at a far table, they - Bengalius, Ronald, Stewart, Alvin, Mitchell, Thomas. We have the place here. If there was something special, I would stay here for another week.
- What is your name? - Benalius asked.
- Edward... - Bamboo answered.
- We'll sit here for a bit.
- Sit down. Anyway, few people come here. The place is not so famous.
- I'm a magician. Just do not tell anyone.
- Why?
- Simply.
- Do you give tickets?
- Recently sold two hundred coupons. Everyone who came, everyone was delighted.
- Well, really.
- Yes. Something is to offer?
- There are a lot of things on the menu. Not too much...
Later we moved to the rooms that were located on the top floor. Six people, six bedrooms, in each - a table, a bed, a sofa, newspapers and magazines, this was the end of a simple guest life. It's sad.
A week later, he learned that some lady Newt decided to buy land near New Harley. Bambo worked for her, entrepreneurial and persistent woman. However, he could convince her to leave It would be better if he made a bet with her.
- What is your name?
- Jessica Newt. What you need?
- I need you to give me one part of this whole area.
Originally from Darlington
First chapter
Autumn of 2005 (two thousand fifth year), it was September. Alfred and Walter Berrow were in good spirits, but when the cold came, they became suspiciously rude.
If the students and teachers decorated the corridors with Halloween crafts, the brothers together copied the originals and with the help of a photo processing program made their own holiday cards. Walter's reaction to the feast did not find a response from his teachers and other students.
At school, on the fifth floor, the ground slowly went down, a group of tenth graders, and two of them they stopped near the iron crossbar, hanging between the railing and the stair. They talked about something so enthusiastically that they noticed it at the wrong time a teenage boy running by. He, apparently, wanted to hurt them.
He ran, touched the girl's elbow, and she turned over through the fence, began to fall slowly down. The guy threw his textbooks, having hooked by a foot for a free piece of metal, followed it, outstretched hands, grabbed the body, and gradually the pupil raised her to the fourth floor. Those people who were nearby, perfectly watched a scene and steps of the daredevil and when it ended, all at once conspired against the boy-the eighth-grader. Three teachers took the pest to the Director's office.
In the evening, the same day Diana said Frank short thoughts about last behaviors, sitting watching TV commercials, turned off the sound. Walter gone out to the living room and asked, why they were called.
Dad: - Children! We have to work internally suspended production, and on this occasion the family will temporarily save. Moneys' your excessive requests yet I can't give you. The school is close our neighborhood. You can walk on foot.
Mom: - Yeah. That's both good and bad. But be distracted from training and those the more we interfere with someone will not. Dad's right about this!
Nothing could be fixed. Walter and Alfred returned to table and played a video game on the computer.
A: - If this is true, I agree to be a pedestrian for at least two weeks.
W: - Be kind and tell me, please, who messed up yesterday? Who threw the girl from the gallery? Isn't that an accident?
A: - And you yourself did not do something?
W: - Only I made opportunities real. I wanted to, and I did.
Now I will close all windows on the computer, we will get dressed, and we will go let's tell our mom and dad that we were bad kids. Your fault is in many things.
W: - Wait, wait! We are not go on streets. We will find a taxi, with the remaining funds we will reach software Mall and ask the employees something suitable. We help them.
A: - Okay. Is it Halloween? It will look like some kind of little costumed teenagers. And then we let's go home and explain it the way it was.
W: - Arranged. Let's go!
Two minutes later the two were sitting with full backpacks on the track in the alley, looking carefully at the roadway part, then on the electronic clock, then on the display of the gadget, where the matrix shone city map. Passed a few minutes, then there was a car with red and white cells in the form of chess. Stopping the driver on the move, the guys asked the price and the route to a certain place, sat down, convenient settled in the cabin, put things in the corners. Soon the car raced ahead.
Past flashed different buildings-hotels, shops, houses, shelters, coffee shops, Smoking places -, and pedestrians, foreign cars, dog breeder. All have somewhere to go, fled in a hurry. Neon and gas signs, banners, advertisements, leaflets attracted their attention, some of them which changed fonts, pictures, shouted something. All the way. The boys didn't ask a single question either to each other or to the taxi driver.
When approaching his destination, he said he would stop at the station, and you will need to pay the fare. After that, they gave the money the chauffeur got out of the transport. A young man passed by them.
When people noticed them approaching him, he asked their names, the purpose of coming's. Then the new friends went to some decent staff computer games where the brothers were introduced to the head and staff. Script specialist, Andrew Lloyd allowed to see the first part of the game "Treasure of rainbow. First".