Порядковые числительные в английском языке используются для обозначения порядка, образуются путем добавления суффикса th
fourth, при этом five – fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, eleventh и т.д.
First – первый
Second – второй
Third – третий
Написание дат:
При написании и произношении года, цифры “делятся” пополам
1826 – eighteen twenty-six
1745 – seventeen forty-five
2006 – twenty oh six
2000- two thousand
12th July, 2019 – the twenty-fifth of July, nineteen seventy-six;
12th July, 2019 – July the twenty-fifth, nineteen seventy-six
July 12 (12th), 2019
12 July 2019
4.1. Напишите числовые значения следующих числительных:
• first – 1st
• second –
• third –
• fouth –
• sixteen –
• twenty-seven –
• nineteen forty-seven –
• two thousand and sixteen –
• thirty-first –
• fifteen eighty-nine –
• the thirteenth of June –
• the sixth of August –
• the twenty-seventh of July –
4.2. Дополните предложения соответствующими числительными:
1.I have breakfast at eleven o'clock at weekends. (11)
2.My sister is in the _____ grade. (5)
3.Natalia is _____ years old. (17)
4.Today is the _____ of May. (4)
5.It costs only _____ euros. (10)
6.He won the____ prize and we were all really happy. (1)
7.It takes _____ hours to get from Moscow to Sochi by air. (2)
8.It's the _____ day of our holiday in Italy. (2)
9.He read _____ books during summer holidays. (4)
10.He was the____ person who entered the room. (5)
4.3. Напишите следующие даты:
4.4. Образуйте порядковые числительные от следующих числительных:
1 – first
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
16 –
27 –
38 –
4 –
5 –
10 –
13 –
15 –
18 –
44 –
63 –
72 –
61 –
60 –
4.5. Выберите подходящую форму местоимения.
1.My sister is still a teenager. She is only fifteen/fifty.
2.He knew it was a painting worth $5 million/millions.
3.Three hundred/Three hundreds people gathered at the stadium.
4.In the section 2/section 2nd we also suggest other topics that need to be researched.
5.The first battle of the American Revolution was fought in year/the year 1775.
6.Hundred/А hundred years ago the main means of communication was by post and telegraph.
7.How many children are there in the school? About three hundred/three hundreds.
8.The book has got over five hundred/five hundreds pages.
9.It happened in the year two thousand and two/two thousand and second.
10.He won the prize 1/ 1st prize in the competition.
4.6. Напишите предложения согласно образцу:
Children in a running competition.
John – number 1, Mike – number 5, Hanna – number 6, Alice – number 2, John – number 4, Elena– number 3
Пример: John was the first.
Alice was the _____________.
Mike was the _____________.
Hanna was the _______________.
Elena was the ______________.
John was the _____________.
4.7. Впишите подходящее по смыслу местоимение.
1.Friday is the fifth day of the week.
2.The ___________ month of the year is September.
3.The ___________month of the year is January.
4.In a competition the gold medal is for the___________ place and the silver medal is for the__________ place.
5.There are ___________ days in a week.
6.There are ___________ seconds in a minute.
7.There are ___________ days in November.
8.You can always have a ___________ try if the first one is not successful.
9.Ususally an employee has ___________ days off in a week – Saturday and Sunday.
10.Monday is the ___________ day of the week.
4.8. Выберите из списка количественные числительные и переведите их.
1. sixth; 2.eleven – 11; 3.forty; 4.second; 5.two hundred; 6.twenty-first; 7.nineteen; 8.seven; 9.twelfth;10.third; 11.fourth; 12.eight; 13.seventeen; 14.fifth; 15.nine; 16.one; 17.sixteen;18.tenth; 19.fifty; 20.one hundred and first; 21.two; 22.thirty-three; 23.ten; 24.sixty-one; 25.twelve; 26.thirteen; 27.four; 28. twenty.
4.9. Выполните упражнение по примеру:
Если возникли сложности – повторите тему “Образование множественного числа”
Пример: (2) (a man) – two men,
1. (10) (a woman),
2. (25) (a child),
3. (15) (an ox),
4. (35) (a sheep),
5. (32) (a tooth),
6. (67) (a goose),
7. (100) (a star).
4.10. Выберите из списка порядковые числительные и переведите их.
1.one hundred; 2.fourteen; 3.thirteenth – 13ый; 4.two 5.ninth; 6.twenty-three; 7.thirty; 8.hundredth; 9.thirty-fifth; 10.seventeenth; 11.forty; 12.twentieth; 13.one million; 14.thousand and hundredth; 15.sixth; 16. nineteenth; 17.forty-five;18.third; 19.three; 20.eleven;21.four;22. fifteenth; 23.eight; 24.ten; 25.twenty-two;26. twelve;27. twelfth; 28. thirtieth
Времена глаголов
В английском языке 12 времен, таблица, приведенная ниже дает краткое пояснение по образованию времен:
5.1. Ознакомьтесь с приведенными отрывками, какие времена употребляются в предложениях?
1.London is the capital of Great Britain. Present Simple
2.He is working for a small company.
3.By the end of the year he will have spent all the money he's won in a lottery.
4.He has worked there for three months now.
5.He has been working there for three months now.
6.The next plane leaves this evening at 2 p.m.
7.I'll call you when I get there.
8.He is meeting his lawayer this afternoon.
9.He works at McDonald’s.
10.You will definitely be tired after you have been working all night.
11.I've seen that man before.
12.He'll come home as soon as he has finished work.
13.The scientist has written three books and he is working on another one.
14.She put on her dress for the party.
15.He called the web-site regularly.
16.We did not know the way so we used a navigator.
17.The wind was blowing and it was raining.
18.I've liked ice cream ever since I was a teenager.
19.She didn’t want to interrupt anybody and kept silent during the conversation.
20.By the time we arrived at the station, our train had already left.
21.It will be warm in two days.
22.On the day of the exam I woke up at six.
23.We’ll take a taxi and go clubbing.
24.In two hours we will be lying on a beach.
25.Will you be going to the kitchen later? Bring me a glass of water.
26.I am going to travel around the world.
27.I will text you as soon as I arrive.
28.The train arrives at 6.35.
29.I will go to a theater every year.
30.I will order a steak, and you?
Present Simple
Простое настоящее
• Present Simple – время простое настоящее, которое используется, когда говорят о привычках, фактах, в том числе неоспоримых, ежедневных рутинах.
Water boils at 100 degrees. – неоспоримый факт