Use a deep flesh-colored pencil to draw the skin color of the girl, and use light pink to draw the color of the cheek.
Then use orange pencil to draw the color of the hair.
Square face
Draw a square shape first.
2. Draw an ellipse in the upper half of the square.
3. Draw the shape of the character's head on the original basis.
4. Use crosshairs to determine the position of human features
5. Draw the girl's facial features.
6. Draw the girl's hairstyle.
7. Draw the upper body of the girl.
8. Use black and ordinary blue lead pens to draw the colors of the eyes and pupils, and ordinary blue, dark blue, sky blue, and light blue pencils to draw the gradient colors of the eyes.
9. Use a deep flesh-colored lead pen to draw the skin color.
10. Use the sky blue pencil to draw the hair color.
Eyes and eyebrows
Draw the position of the character's head and facial features first.
Draw the outline of the facial features on the basis of the crosshairs.
Draw the internal structure of the facial features.
Draw the highlights of the eyes and the position of the tongue in the mouth, and draw the face of the character.
Draw the girl's hair style and body.
Use brown pencils to draw the colors of the eyes and pupils, and dark green, olive green, grass green, and yellow-green pencils to draw the gradient color of the eyeballs.
Draw the skin tone in dark flesh.
Draw the shadow of the eye socket on the eyeball in light gray, and the mouth in pink and dark red.
Draw the color of the headdress in sky blue and grass green. Draw the hair color in dark gray.
Girl's eyes
Draw the girl's head and shoulders.
Draw the outline of the facial features.
Further portray the facial features.
Draw the details of the facial features and the faces of the characters.
Draw the girl's hairstyle and hair accessories.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.
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