Wild boars liked forest pigs, and they cut the forest cleaver for two rutting. Swamp boars were larger than forest boars, black, covered with reddish bristles (wire-hard) with a long snout, on which thick yellow fangs protruded from the bottom upwards, so that it was convenient to undermine and cut the roots of trees and dig up the rhizomes of swamp plants. Females had smaller fangs. It was impossible to defend against an angry boar with an ax or a boomerang, only bonfires kept it.
Wolves driven to a sand spit at the end of the island were starving and therefore began to hunt piglets and gilts in the reeds by the lake, although not always successfully. The general battle between wolves and swamp boars occurred in the spring. The son and his group first heard a very loud screech of the pig, which the wolves dragged, passing each other on the braid. People climbing up the oaks saw a pig run out of reeds, followed by a whole herd of gilts, and rushed off to the scythe. There was nowhere to retreat to the wolves; wild boars swam better than them. The deadly battle lasted an hour or two, but in the end, the surviving pigs rushed to the Dnieper and sailed to the forest river. And only one Wolf, whom the Son tamed, returned to the village.
Father went limp and aged (new people lived on average up to 30-35 years old, if they did not die). He began to manufacture hunting tools in a stone pit, hollowed out by people on top of the island. The long-armed youths, the grown children of cave hunters, helped him. They helped not only him, but were in the tribe in the role of slaves. He broke large stones and broke off branches and branches necessary for the manufacture of axes and other tools. The rest of the processing was done only by him. In addition, he now performed the role of a shaman, painted animal figures and hunting scenes on sand or large stones,
and broke off the branches and branches necessary for the manufacture of axes and other tools. The rest of the processing was done only by him. In addition, he now performed the role of a shaman, painted animal figures and hunting scenes on sand or large stones.
After the battle with the cave lions, the Father realized that the handle at the stone ax should be longer, and the sharp stone, which was fixed in the splinter, it is better to deploy the narrow part forward. Thus was born a heavy spear with a sharp and firm tip. The son understood everything and took the spear into service. He was now the Chief Hunter, and he had a group of girls. Spears allowed to kill an animal from a short distance or to point them against a predator.
After the battle with the cave lions, the Father realized that the handle at the stone ax should be longer, and the sharp stone, which was fixed in the splinter, it is better to deploy the narrow part forward. Thus was born a heavy spear with a sharp and firm tip. The son understood everything and took the spear into service. He was now the Chief Hunter, and he had a group of girls. Spears allowed to kill an animal from a short distance or to point them against a predator.
But the island was threatened not only by predatory animals reigning in the steppe. New islands also lived on the islands upstream of the Dnieper. They could raft and try to occupy a large wooded Island. They still did not have copies, but there could be many men with axes. The Father watched as the Son threw a spear, and understood that a strong hand was needed. The girls threw boomerangs well, which, with an exact hit, could have broken their neck or throat, but the enemy often managed to bend down or dodge. Throwing aiming spears for girls was not enough.
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