Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

1. How old is your elder sister? 2. What does she do? 3. Is she successful? 4. Does she earn a lot of money? 5. When did you last see her? 6. Where did you go? 7. Where did you eat? 8. How old is Bob’s brother? 9. What did Bob want you to do when he heard about your sister? 10. Why don’t you like the idea?

Training 2

Bob: “I have a brother. He is older than me and bigger. He is a very handsome young man. He is a successful businessman and makes a lot of money. However, he never tells his new girlfriends what he really does. He believes that some girls might be very nice to him only because he is rich. My brother is coming soon and Jane wants me to introduce him to her. I want Jane to introduce my brother to her elder sister. Her sister is a film director. Jane says that her sister is pretty, too. I think that it is a good idea to introduce two successful people to each other. I am sure my brother will never tell her what he does at their first date. Jane agreed to introduce my brother to her sister on the condition he didn’t know what her sister really does, either.”

1. Is your brother older or younger than you? 2. What does he look like? 3. What does he do? 4. Is he rich? 5. Why doesn’t he ever tell his new girlfriends what he really does? 6. When is he coming? 7. What does Jane want you to do? 8. What do you want Jane to do? 9. What does her elder sister do? 10. What does she look like? 11. Why do you think it is a good idea to introduce them to each other? 12. What are you sure of? 13. On what condition did Jane agree to introduce your brother to her sister?



Lisa: I heard you will go to visit your family this weekend.

Alex: Yes, there will be a big family reunion. My family lives all over the world so we don’t see each other too often.

Lisa: My whole family lives in one town. It is really boring. You must have an exciting family.

Alex: I guess I do.

Lisa: Who are your favourite people in your family?

Alex: Well, I really love my Uncle Julius. He led a very interesting life.

During the 1960s he was travelling all over the country, meeting interesting people and doing crazy things. Once he went to jail because someone paid him to take his place.

Lisa: What do you mean?

Alex: My uncle’s friend had to go to jail for two days. And he didn’t want to. So he gave my uncle a lot of money to pretend he was the other man.

Lisa: That’s a great story.

Training 3

Lisa: “My whole family lives in one town. I live in a student dormitory. My parents live in a semi-detached house in a suburb. My grandparents live on the other side of town. My aunt lives in the very centre of town. My uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces live in the same town. We rarely visit each other and we rarely have big family reunions. Only weddings and funerals make us come together. I find it really boring. My friend has a very exciting family. His family lives all over the world so they don’t see each other too often, either. However, they regularly, once in three years, have big family reunions. About fifty people come together to see each other and discuss family matters.”

1. Where does your whole family live? 2. Where do you live? 3. Where do your parents live? 4. Where do your grandparents live? 5. Where do your other relatives live? 6. Do you often have big family reunions? 7. What can make you come together? 8. Who has a very exciting family? 9. Where does his family live? 10. Do they often have big family reunions? 11. How many people come together to see each other?

Training 4

Alex: “I really love my Uncle Julius. He led a very interesting life. During the 1960s he was travelling all around the country, meeting interesting people and doing crazy things. He had all kinds of jobs. He was a farmer growing tobacco. He built and sold houses. He worked in a factory. He was a businessman exporting fertilizers. He was an officer in the army. He even was in prison. He went to jail because someone paid him to take his place. My uncle’s friend had to go to jail for two days. And he didn’t want to. So he gave my uncle a lot of money to pretend he was the other man. When he came out of prison, he decided to settle down. He married my Aunt Dolly. They have a big family. It was their idea to organize big family reunions every three years. This week the whole family will gather together and I will see my dear Uncle Julius.”

1. Which of your relatives do you really love? 2. What kind of life did he lead? 3. What was he doing during the 1960s? 4. What kind of jobs did he have? 5. Why did he go to jail? 6. What did he do when he came out? 7. Whose idea was it to organize regular family reunions?



Harry: What kind of flat do you live in?

Mary: It’s pretty big. It has three bedrooms, a kitchen, a big living room, and a front hall. The best thing about our flat is that it has a balcony. In the summer we sit outside on the balcony and play cards. Another good thing about our flat is that the kitchen is very big.

Harry: Do you live there alone?

Mary: No, I live with my parents. What about you?

Harry: I used to live with my parents. We had a nice big house in the suburbs. But now I live alone.

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