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What that answered.

– It is not essential. – she told, and then reminded. – Do not forget, your plane soon to land. – then it left, was dissolved in crowd of people on the osmotrovy platform of the Eiffel Tower. Having left Nina one смотрящею in crowd to the osmotrovy platform and a little, and even there is nothing without understanding what in general occurs.

Passed a quarter of hour. Natalia went down from the osmotrovy platform on the elevator. It slowly went along streets of Paris, thinking of something. She wanted to understand something. To understand why it here? Here and that would not be anywhere somewhere else? That its government wants from it. What is it? the Setup for the sake of some purpose, or want to get rid of it? But if they wanted from it to get rid, then why they sent it for a cordon? What this, check? Check before a task? And can do it just adaptation? Probably, it so it also is. Not for nothing this woman approached her. It was in euphoria from freedom from the Iron Curtain, and this woman lowered it on the earth. Yes. So it also is actually. Natalia never went abroad, and these people are put to her in order that it did not remain here forever. And a task a task, it has to execute it. To execute at any cost. She did not notice how on its way the wood appeared. Bologna wood of Paris. She looked at the watch. Time still was enough. She looked round. was around nobody. Uniform live soul. No uniform birdie was heard. The wood stood. It seemed that in it there was something now? Something terrible and awful. Something forcing to tremble before what there was. Natalia felt that this wood pushes away her, warns about something. Suddenly, some force began to attract it to itself. There, to afar, on the road lit with lamps. Paris! Night fell by Paris. Natalia even did not understand how it occurred? Just in the sky there was the sun, and now? Unexpectedly she was called by someone's female voice. Natalia looked back, and, here she costs. Behind it. The same woman, that was with her on the osmotrovy platform of the Eiffel Tower. She said in a low voice. – You are surprised as it is possible? – the woman looked around herself and added. – Isn't that so, perfectly!

Natalia was shocked. It was in confusion. In confusion because that she saw now. She tried to analyze the events. She tried to analyse all possible options how in general it is possible? But kind of she tried, she did not find the answer to this question. The stranger told. – do not try to understand what occurs? You where have to be and anywhere in other place. – Nina asked. – I died?

The woman answered.

– No, you are alive.

– Who are you?

– My name is Anabel.

– Natalia. "however you know it and so" – then she asked. – You from the USSR?

– No.

– Then from where you? – Natalia did not understand. – You approached me on the Eiffel Tower. You told me there that I have a task. – If you not because of the Iron Curtain, togas, from where you?

– You want to know, this it is good. I have to you a conversation too.

– What conversation?

Anabel offered.

– Let's walk on the wood. There nobody will prevent us. Will you accept my offer?

– I have exit?

Both women passed on the road of the Bologna wood. They went slowly, quietly speaking with each other. They said about what perhaps will happen in the future to the world. Danger of the approaching wars, the wars in Chechnya. In the close East, about terrorism threat. Women spoke about all this and many other. Natalia did not understand how all this is possible? This woman says about what did not occur yet? About what will be in the future and how it is possible to change this future? However, whether it is possible to change the future if it is predetermined? Perhaps it is also possible to change its its some part, but not all together. The future cannot be changed, it is unchangeable. It is predetermined by human destiny. All in this world is chaotic. Chaotically and our destiny if you want to tell our karma. Also do not twirl by that predictor who will tell you that your destiny is changeable! No! This full lie! Nonsense invented by people swindlers. They claim that they can change the fate of the person. It is a lie! The person is cast in the lot with his time spent on the earth. Whether somebody can change time, and is even better stop it? It is impossible. Time cannot be stopped, it is possible to reduce its speed only. Course of hours of your integral death. It is not proved why the person dies at different times the life. One dies without having been born, another in youth, the third in old age and what to tell about long-livers? They can be counted on fingers of hands. Natalia took an interest. – From where do all of you know it? – then she told. – Such feeling that you from the future. – the woman answered. – I not from the future and from the present.

– From where you?

Anabel smiled. In her smiles some mysteriousness, mystery was concealed. It it is obvious, was not from here, she was not an inhabitant of the earth. She could never make what was now. Madness and only. Natalia could not be here now? In this wood. At night when there has to be a day. Anabel answered a question.

– You are right, I not from here.

– From where you?

– No matter. – She answered Natalia's question, then continued. – I know all this because I it know also all here. – she made a pause. – I offer you something bigger than a task which to you was charged. It is failure. It is doomed to a failure. You will not find what look for.

– From where do you know it?

– Turn. – she assured Natalia. – I know it for certain. – she made a pause, then continued. – You can help the world. In the future it will change. Also you change, people. All will understand life value. Because they will exterminate themselves. And only then, when rich men will keep the own opinion, them with all their riches nobody will deliver them products food when one chicken costs as the present cost of the lands of France, then they will become those at whom all the life scoffed. Then they will also become people.

– And who they are now?

– Bad people. The bad people trying to tidy up more to itself the fact that the currency is called. They deceive each other, kill for the sake of it. How such it is possible to call people? Language does not turn. Bad people, bad people also are. Murderers! One word, murderers.

– And what you offer me?

– To go With me.

– Where?

– In the future.

– In the future? – Natalia was surprised. – But it is impossible! It is impossible to get to the future. The time machine was not invented yet. – then she added. – It from area of a fantasy.

– It agrees. It is impossible to believe in it and nevertheless? If to you suggest you to go to a similar travel, you went to the future or to the past?

But this question is not present definite answer. Who loves the past, who wants to visit the future? And nobody wants to remain in the present. It Is hated to most of people. They want more better life than now.

– I do not know. – Natalia answered. – This offer for me is unexpected.

Anabel told.

– And you think, I do not hurry you.

Natalya thought second.

– I was tired of this life. Lives of cares and efforts. – then she added. – If it is possible to find rest. Calm, and pacification.

Anabel asked.

– Do you want rest?

– I want. – Natalya answered, and added. – You do not know how I was tired of this life.

Anabel was surprised.

– Unless it is possible to be tired of life?

– It is possible. – Natalia confirmed. Then she added. – From such life as at me, it is possible.

Natalia's life was not sugar. She stuck at the plant as damned, any private life. Yes it also could not be. She put all the life on service to the fatherland, and here to her patience the end came. She wanted rest, but considered the state that to it early at its age to retire. It considered: – let will die for the fatherland than will retire. From there nobody retires, only death is the reason of resignation from life. Only death.
