Nina told.
– No, this not fear! – then she added. – You still are worth on break it of a ravine, and think, to jump to you there, on other coast or to remain on it? – she made a pause, then added. – Your wife risked and jumped on other coast of a ravine. Yes, she is sick, but she to be drilled with a disease does not lower the hands. She lives. – then she reproached the stranger. – You only are also capable of tears. To be cried in someone's skirt!? You look, and it will become easier, will pass. No. – it continued. – It will never pass. With it you will live to the death, and if God grant she dies, you it never forgive yourself. You will blame yourself for the fact that these last minutes you were not with it. Turned away from it, so to speak. – it finished.
Having listened to her, the man thought. It never before was in such situation. For all years carried out with Veronika, it never was so close and in too time is far from the truth. Really, he as if stood on the edge of this ravine, and could not jump through it, on other coast. Some invisible fetters tied his hands and legs. All of us consider that freight of our sins are the our chains which are holding down us from head to foot. But it so. These chains only lie heavily upon us, and they can easily be dumped. And having dumped them, we understand that they actually were not. We just invented them.
Simplification! End of sufferings and misfortunes. As it is fine when freight about heart falls down. Simplification. Pacification and relaxation of all organism. Euphoria of happiness, and joy because that freight about heart is removed. Freedom! True happiness of the person and all mankind to be free.
The man recovered, and immediately exclaimed.
– VERONIKA! – then it, having looked at Nina, told. – You are right! Ah as you are right! I never thought of what in this life is valuable. I thought that it is only money! But I was mistaken. This not only money? Whether and money they in general what can be given us in this life of valuable? I never thought of it. Now I know that the most valuable was near always. With me. And this my family, my wife, my children. – here he made a pause, and told. – Children. – he pronounced this word with grief. As though he reproached them with something. – What for vyrotok did I generate with Veronika? Only one word. – here he grinned. – Children? They became anyone, only not members society. One of them went to crime, the code-bound criminal now. The second became an addict, and cannot come off a needle in any way. And I spoke to him, it is worth going on friends, they bad also will teach. And my daughter, what whore light did not see before! Whatever you may say, family!?
Nina having listened to the stranger asked.
– Tell, you do not consider that your wife has cancer because you refused the children? What children would not be, they always remain children for parents. Let them be bastards and swine, all of them are equally in your children. – she made a pause, heaved a deep sigh. – Unfortunately you are right in one. – she told. – Our children forget that we at them are. – then she added. – Unfortunately it occurs quite often. – she agreed with the man. – Children are forget about the parents, and happens. – she objected herself. – Children to care for the parents, cherish them, speak, MOTHER, MUMMY!
The stranger, having heaved a deep sigh, answered.
– It is a pity that sometimes this care, depends on a material condition of the parent. The more the state, the is stronger love.
Nina agreed.
– Unfortunately you are right. – then it told. – But I believe that there are children loving the parents disinterestedly. Without demanding anything in exchange.
The stranger it is heavy sighed.
– That is blessed at whom such sons and daughters. In the life I such did not meet. From parents something is necessary to all, and it is the fact. Idiom human existence.
Having looked at Nin on the stranger, asked.
– What did you decide about Veronika?
The man for a second having thought, told.
– What can I solve? – he made a pause. – Of course I will go to it to states. I do not want that these days, difficult for both of us, Veronika carried out alone.
The electric train left on the Savelovsky direction. She went further, to the Savelovsky station, and from there straight without any stops to the Belarusian station, one of legends of Moscow. Moscow of times of the Second World War. But we will talk about it in the following chapters of this history. And now we will return to the stranger and Nina.
Nina said in low tones.
– You fly to the wife, you fly to Veronika. She waits for you.
– I and will make. – the stranger answered. – Now I will reach to the Belarusian station and I will go back, I will buy the ticket, and I will fly to it.
Nina asked.
– And you have a visa? Whether you know without passport and the visa abroad, will not let in Armerika.
The stranger answered.
– Is, at me is both. I am married to the foreigner. – he admitted. – I have a dual citizenship, and it has the same. So we can cross border when we want.
Having heard these words, Nina was surprised?
– And YOU DID NOT DEPART WITH the WIFE? – she was terrified. – What you for the person?
– What is. – that answered, and added. – There is no other.
– Fly rather! – again with obvious enthusiasm that that will listen to her words Nina told. – She waits for you!
The stranger answered.
– I told, I will treat. – he got the telefony device from a trouser pocket, and having dialed number, asked: – It is Sheremetyevo Airport? – then he booked the ticket to New York. Switched-off the cell phone and then told the sitting next woman. – Flight tomorrow, at noon. – then he added. – Unfortunately places on other flights reserved and already bought.
– I understand. Unfortunately, we have no time. – then she added. – I am sure that this time for you will be the heaviest hours in your life. But I would like that for you these hours passed quickly.
The interested man asked.
– Do you offer something?
– I? – Nina thought. She, perhaps, did not know what can be advised in this situation. We never know what sodvigat us on this or that action, to wait for result which sometimes, torture. Time is played. Stands still. Who knows? Who knows why so occurs? We wait for something, we want to know the result somewhat quicker. We feel that our heart escapes from a breast. It wants to jump out and to be exempted from the fetters connecting it with a body. During this process, time stops. It torments us as without knowing that. Looking at time, we consider that already came it is time to learn what should be learned or made so long ago. But we see, as there did not pass minute, ever since, as we looked at the watch last time. Expectation, the heaviest hours in human life. This uncertainty. Will be or not? It is possible to go mad, isn't that so? – you know. – Nina told. – I could offer you a lot of things, but I will not begin to do it. – then she added. – Too it is hard for me to sit with you and to listen to your story.
– I understand.
– But. – Nina continued. – I cannot advise you something how to spend this time. – she made a pause. – To solve it only to you.
The man told nothing. He understood that perhaps the woman is right. Who will want to listen, absolutely to the stranger and furthermore stories with him time. That with it to spend though some time, the person has to recognize at least him, and that will bring to the dark lane, and shout will not help. Everything will be as in a nightmare. Dreadful waking dream.
– Yes. – he agreed. – This my headache. But whatever you may say, it is necessary to sleep the same. – he made a pause, then smiled. – Well, I will think up something. – he told. – I will go home and alone I will take seat for the computer, and I will compose.