Larisa understood its feelings. She understood them better than somebody. She lived all the childhood in orphanage, and knew that such loneliness. Roman was lonely. Though he was also married to Vera, he was lonely. Larisa approached it, and having embraced him told.
– Ah! As I understand you. – then she looked in his eyes, and told. – I promise you that I will never leave you one.
Roman quietly asked.
– And how about Vera? She will never agree to divorce me.
Larisa answered.
– Let's think up something.
They were by the window, looked at the street of their windows passing by of passersby, and thought of something. Each of them knew that they will never leave. They are connected forever. To their death. And it is unimportant that Larisa suggested to kill Belief, knew the Novel that Larisa will never make it. She will not dare to hurt it or will dare? Roman could not answer this question unambiguously. He asked Larisa
– And about Vera Va's murder joked?
Larisa tenderly smiled, and Romana assured that she, of course, told it not seriously.
At Roman the stone about heart fell down. Of course she told all this, to check it as it to belong to a divorce. But can and is not present? We learn about it in the following chapters of this history.
Detective and only
What happens to Vera now? Where it? I will answer this question now. We left Vera on the bridge in Ramenskoye. She got into the taxi. Sitting in the taxi Vera thought that everything that happened to her, she deserved it. Nobody knows what to it walked to pass. She took the mobile phone call, and having dialed number, told.
– This I. It arrived.
– …
– Where now? Goes to children's policlinic.
Then it disconnected a mobile phone tube.
This conversation was short. The belief called the person to whom it trusted. This person was called Dimitrii. He somehow got acquainted with Vera, and spent with her much time. He discussed with it everything that is connected with Roman, and Vika. He was also interested in Larisa. Now, sitting in a secluded corner of one of restaurants they talked. they were not visible, the dark curtains hanging at a little table in a dark corner of restaurant did not let know who sits there.
The belief asked.
– Why you are interested in it?
Honestly, Dimitrii's interest in Larisa was unclear. He did not know it at all, never saw him, but was interested in it. It was suspicious.
Dimitrii answered.
– The novel my friend, I would like that nothing happened to it.
– And what is with it still what can happen?
– I do not know. – Dimitrii answered. – According to our data Roman wants to make something.
– What?
Dimitrii looked on trust and told.
– The novel lost so long ago a large sum, borrowed still, and too lost. At what he borrowed money want that Roman paid off by the end of this week. It has no such money, and the debt should be repaid.
The belief listened to Dimitrii, and said to itself that the situation which arose with Roman, almost same as well as with that marriage on him, with that ill-fated marriage. That with people make money, they simply kill them. Of course they should be had, whatever you may say. But it is necessary to dispose with them intelligently. Larisa frowned. It was by the form clear that she is dissatisfied. And whether it is possible to be happy with what her spouse changed it, other woman to him gave rise, and he still was everything due. Affairs?
– And how many he ran into debt?
Dimitrii quietly answered.
– Three million.
The belief negoduyushche asked again.
– Three million? You are not mistaken?
– No. – Dimitrii stretched to Vera two receipts on one and a half million everyone. – Here, be convinced. – he told. – Three million. – then he added, again reminding her. – The debt should be repaid until the end of this week.
The belief looked at two receipts, and could not believe own eyes. How it is possible? To lose so much money? And in what?
Dimitrii explained.
– Totalizator. Your husband put on that team and lost. – then he made a pause and added. – However, lost many.
The belief did not understand.
– It what did not understand that this it is risky?
– Understood. – Dimitrii answered. – Everything, even I put on a victory of Saturn, and Spartacus won. And twice.
The belief understood that now money should be given, given in that that became, or percent, and can even that is worse, death. Looking at whom, he lent money. And he borrowed them at mafia. Only they had this sum. The belief asked.
– And delays rely?
– No. He already asked a delay twice, on the third time will not give.
The belief understood that it smells of trouble. Nobody in judiciousness will grant it a delay. Yes it was useless. It had no money. The belief asked.
– And when it was lost?
– About one and a half years ago.
The belief assumed.
– And approximately at the same time his mother died, and appeared its being with Vika?
– Quite right. – Dimitrii made a second pause, then assumed. – Do you think? – he was terrified. – These events are connected between themselves?
– You consider. – Dimitrii assumed. – What?.
– Yes. – Vera interrupted it. "She firmly told" – I Consider. – then she added. – What do we know about this Nina? Only the fact that she gave rise from Roman and refused the daughter, that's all. Than she lived all these years on what existed? We do not know about it?
Dimitrii agreed with it. He as well as Vera considered that all this information needs careful check. Nina was dead, but her daughter? Where it was now, nobody knew. Both of them arose in novel life as if from nowhere. They were past ghosts. Ghosts of bygone days. Why Nina or as her sometimes Roman called Natasha because so she was called in the childhood, and only many years later, it changed a name, and was called Nina. Had not an effect all these years? And why with its emergence Nadezhda, mother Romana died? And here also Larisa? But with it everything was clear. They got acquainted with Roman accidentally that could not be told about Wicky.
Vika was his daughter, and it was confirmed by DNA examination, and it is an indisputable fact. However, and examination can be forged, there would be only money? And at their Wicky was very much. Yes, put? The novel owes the huge sum, and to give there is nothing, and is unclear why Nina showed the daughter shortly before the death? She can wanted that Roman protected it from something? But why? From whom? From Robert? Her husband? But he is dead. Whether it is dead? He can did not die absolutely, and he had to disappear from someone? To dramatize own death? It was quite possible. But then there was other question? Where now Robert and if Roman is somehow connected with his disappearance, then how? Vera could not understand it.
Dimitrii promised that he will check this information. Now there was other problem. To find three million rubles. At Vera a money, of course, was found, and she could give them, but where the guarantee that Roman will not get into another adventure, and will not run into debt still, besides this sum?
Dimitrii offered.
– I can repay this debt, but in exchange Roman will sign the contract under which he any more will never gamble.
It suited belief.
By the end of the week, the debt was paid. The truth to Roman was necessary to sign the contract which essence consisted that he any more will never begin to play for money and if plays, and will lose, then it undertakes to return the sum of three million rubles and a penalty of hundred sixty percent from this sum of annual. Here so Roman, finished badly.