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She poured some of the coffee out and refilled the cup. “Let’s go down to the Sound. I’ll get my jacket while you drink that.”

They strolled down Albemarle Heights to Washington Avenue, the road that led them to the Sound. Although flowers bloomed, the wind from the ocean still chilled, and she folded her arms to warm herself against it. As they reached the bottom—as the locals called it—of Washington Street, Reid’s arm went around her, pulling her to his side.

“It irks me that I can’t even hold your hand when we’re walking the streets.”

“Let’s give it a try, Reid. We can talk on the phone, have an occasional dinner together at your house or mine, or maybe not. I don’t know. Anyhow, I’ll always be there for you if you need me. So, let’s not see each other, Reid. I’m afraid that if we get closer, it may hurt you. I won’t be happy with that arrangement, but it’s best.”

Reid faced the wind and turned her so that she had her back to it. “What do you feel for me, Kendra? I care for you. It’s deep, and I know it isn’t going away. Tell me.”

“I care deeply for you. This isn’t a brush-off, and you know it.”

He looked into the distance. “I’m going to hire a lawyer and get started on that suit. I’m going to try to keep my distance, but I don’t promise not to call you, and I want you to promise to let me know whenever you need me. Will you do that?”

“If I need you, I’ll let you know.” Her voice broke.

“To hell with it, baby,” he said and put his arms around her. “Come on, let’s go back.”

After the first court session Monday morning, Kendra asked Carl, her clerk, to come into her chambers. “Carl, I want to get involved in the community, but I don’t quite know how to go about it. If I’m going to live here, I have to have a stake in the place.”

“We have a great little theater group, Judge. I used to belong to it, but after the babies started coming, I dropped out. What free time I had, I use to relieve my wife and look after the children. They’ll be glad to have you, and especially if you can act.”

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