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‘It was something she said to me earlier,’ he explained, looking decidedly puzzled. ‘I recall clearly your telling me that Elizabeth’s only reason for going to Brussels last year was to take care of her grandmother who was concerned for the welfare of her godson. Thankfully, he was amongst the lucky ones and came through the battle unscathed. We also both know for a fact that Elizabeth remained in Brussels for far longer than had been originally planned in order to nurse several wounded British soldiers. She mentioned that in the letter she wrote to you from Brussels last summer, remember? So why, when I brought the subject up, did she try to give the impression that it had been quite otherwise—that she had fled the capital shortly after the battle had begun?’

Richard transferred his gaze from the Viscount’s rather puzzled expression to study the delicately painted box in his hand. Yes, he silently agreed, that was most odd. Perhaps, though, she was by nature very modest and didn’t want her highly commendable acts of kindness to become generally known. Or, maybe, there was some other reason? She must have realised, surely, that Brin knew the truth already? So there could have been only one other whom she had been trying to mislead. His eyes narrowed. How very intriguing!

Before returning to his estates in Hampshire, he decided, clamping his jaws together in hard determination, he intended to get to know the delightful Miss Beresford a good deal better!

Chapter Four

Settling himself more comfortably in the corner of his well-sprung travelling carriage, Richard looked across at his intriguing companion with narrowed, assessing eyes. Although they had resided under the same roof for several days, he knew little more about Elizabeth Beresford now than he had after that first exploratory ride across Viscount Dartwood’s estate.

It would be grossly unjust to suggest that she had deliberately gone out of her way to avoid him, because she most certainly had not. He’d spent many pleasurable hours in her company, either exploring the Devonshire countryside on horseback, or enjoying a hand or two of piquet in the evenings after dinner; but since that first ride across the estate, they had never once found themselves alone together.

Of course this went some way to explain why he’d been unable to discover anything further about the life she had been leading since leaving the protection of her family home; nor, indeed, what had induced her to seek sanctuary with her maternal grandmother in the first place. He could hardly question her in any great detail when in the company of either their host or hostess. To do so would give rise to the wildest suppositions, especially on the part of the sportive Viscountess, who was quite obviously as touchingly fond of Elizabeth as was that dragon-faced maid who always accompanied her whenever she took a stroll in the gardens.

Not that he believed this was done with the deliberate intention of thwarting his attempts to be alone with her, nor through any reasons of propriety, either. If that were the case, why hadn’t Miss Beresford insisted on her maid accompanying her out this evening? After all, it was hardly considered correct behaviour for a young, unmarried female to ride in a closed carriage with a gentleman who wasn’t a close relative without the support of some female companion.

‘Something appears to be troubling you, Sir Richard,’ Elizabeth remarked, turning her head suddenly and catching the frowning scrutiny. ‘If it is the prospect of dining with the Chilthams which has brought on a bout of ill-humour, then let me remind you that it was you who accepted the invitation, not I.’

‘On the contrary, I am looking forward to it.’ He didn’t add that it might offer the opportunity to discover why—and this was pure supposition on his part—she seemed disinclined to make up her differences with her sister. ‘I’m rather surprised, though, that you chose to leave your maid behind.’

He had long since come to the conclusion that she was far from slow-witted and wasn’t in the least surprised, therefore, to see a spark of mischief suddenly brighten her eyes. ‘Sir Richard, let me assure you that you’re in no danger of being compromised. Nor do I consider my reputation is likely to suffer by taking a short carriage ride with you. Besides which, I deemed it far more important for Aggie to remain at the house.’

She wasn’t slow to recognise the unspoken question in his eyes, either. ‘It’s my belief that the Viscountess is nearer her time than she supposes.’

His brow rose. ‘I didn’t realise, Miss Beresford, that amongst your many other accomplishments you were such an expert on childbearing.’

‘Certainly not in childbearing, sir. But I have some experience of childbirth.’

Again his brow rose and he regarded her with amused interest. ‘May I be permitted to know how you acquired this knowledge?’

‘Unlike many young females of my class, I have not frittered away my time in sewing or painting water-colour pictures. During the past few years I have not infrequently accompanied Tom out when he has made calls.’

‘Tom?’ he echoed, totally bemused.

‘Dr Thomas Carrington, a licentiate of the London College of Physicians.’ Her lips curled into a warm smile, betraying clearly enough her regard for the doctor. ‘His father was an apothecary and a close friend of my grandmother’s. He died when Tom was little more than ten years old, and my grandmother virtually brought Tom up. She took him into her home, paid for his education and provided him with funds when he went to train in London. When he returned to Bristol he continued to live in my grandmother’s house up until her death.’

Her sudden scowl revealed quite beautifully her feelings of intense annoyance, even before she added, ‘He then considered that it would be grossly improper for him to remain there with me, and now resides in the far from comfortable rooms above his father’s old shop.’ She raised her hand in an impatient gesture. ‘I’ve come to the conclusion that your sex can be quite foolishly stubborn at times!’

He decided that, as she seemed in an informative frame of mind, it might be wise to refrain from agreeing wholeheartedly with the actions the doctor had taken on her behalf, but could not resist remarking, ‘And I suppose the experience you gained by accompanying Dr Carrington on those visits to his various patients over the years came in very useful when you were in Brussels last summer?’

Her expression betrayed her immediate understanding. ‘I see! So you’ve been gossiping about me behind my back.’

‘It was remarked upon that you nursed some British soldiers, certainly,’ he admitted.

‘And so did many others, sir,’ she responded with yet another dismissive wave of her hand. ‘My grandmother and I were in no way unique. Many opened their doors to the injured.’ She looked at him steadily. ‘I understand that you, too, were wounded and offered sanctuary. I trust you were not badly hurt?’

‘As you see, ma’am, I survived.’ Richard turned his head to stare out of the window at the rapidly fading light as he experienced again that all-too-frequent gnawing spasm of grief. Would thoughts of Mary Smith, and her untimely death, always remain a painful torment?

He forced himself to look back at Elizabeth again, saw that she was regarding him rather thoughtfully and decided it might be to his advantage to change the subject before she turned the tables on him and began to enquire too deeply into certain aspects of his past that he would far rather be allowed to forget.

Consequently, they continued the journey with him only raising topics as impersonal as the weather, which had in the past twenty-four hours grown markedly colder. Evidently, Elizabeth was feeling the drop in temperature, for he noticed her shiver and glance up at the dark early evening sky as she stepped down from the carriage, after it had drawn to a halt outside the front entrance of the Chilthams’ imposing but rather gloomy greystone mansion.
