Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Alex stood, silent and stunned, as Jack brushed, his mouth foamy with sparkle toothpaste.

Dena Randolph winked at me. Twice. An unexpected warmth started in the region of Alex’s heart, then dropped like sand through a sieve, going straight to his libido.

Do not get turned on by Dena, he admonished himself.

Finishing, Jack rinsed his mouth, then tossed the brush into the sink. “Can I watch more TV? Mom lets us stay up and watch TV after we brush.”

Alex rescued the brush and inserted it into the holder. “Mom said book and bed. Now.” Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss in hand, he herded Jack to his room. Jack’s bedroom, the ultimate little boy’s hideout, was decorated in green-and-blue plaid. At the foot of his bed, a toy box overflowed with both twins’ treasures: baseball gloves and Barbies, Nerf balls and Nintendo.

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