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Her father rolled his eyes. “Nonsense. You wouldn’t know the first thing to do on your own.” His gaze swept over her. “You couldn’t take care of that dog of yours. Much less yourself.”

His dismissive cruelty, displayed so callously in front of strangers, momentarily robbed Olivia of speech. All these years she had told herself he was overprotective because he loved her so much. When had the desire to keep her safe changed to a complete disregard for her abilities? For some reason he thought she didn’t have the brains or the wits to take care of herself.

“What’s wrong with you?” she demanded when she found her voice would work again. “Did what happened to Mother warp you to the point that you can’t see me as a real, live human being? When did I become just one more possession to you?”

“You’re being hysterical.” Roger rose and held out his hand. “Come along now. We’ll go home, and you can talk to Marshall—”

“I do owe Marshall an apology,” Olivia said, glancing at Noah. “It was cowardly of me to run away instead of going to him and explaining why I couldn’t marry him.”

“Yes, it was cowardly,” Roger agreed, extending his hand again. “Marshall’s waiting at the ranch. I feel sure he’ll forgive you. The wedding can be rescheduled.”

“No, it can’t.”


“Can’t you hear me at all?” Olivia demanded of her father.

“I simply don’t listen when you’re acting like a fool.”

Reeling as if she had been punched, Olivia faced the sheriff. “Am I free to go?”

“Certainly. Anytime your father—”

“I don’t care about my father,” Olivia cut in. “I’m not going anywhere with him.”

Roger sputtered a protest, which Olivia ignored. She gathered up her tote bag and started for the door, pausing only in front of Noah. “Thank you for everything. You were absolutely right. I really didn’t need this drama to walk out, did I? I should have just done it long ago.”

Noah wasn’t certain why he was so impressed with Olivia. Was she playing a new game, pretending she was leaving, so that her father would give chase again? There was something about the calm in her voice and the determination in her expression that told him she was serious. After witnessing this little scene with her father, he hoped she was getting away. No one deserved to be belittled and talked to as her father had talked to her.

“Olivia, come back here,” Roger Franklin demanded as she opened the door.

Franklin’s men stepped in front of her, closing her escape route. She turned to the sheriff again. “Is there any reason why I have to do what my father wants?”

The officer shot Franklin a nervous glance. Noah couldn’t say he blamed the man for worrying about getting on the bad side of one of the richest men in Texas. But the truth was the truth. The sheriff cleared his throat. “Miss Franklin, there’s no legal reason why you have to stay here or go with your father.”

“You cannot do this,” her father insisted, panic clearly breaking through his calm facade. “You’re too inexperienced and naive to make it a day by yourself. What are you going to do for money?”

“I’ll get a job.”

“Doing what?”

“That’s none of your concern,” Olivia retorted proudly. With that, she pushed past the burly guards, who gave way with obvious reluctance. Noah felt a definite spark of admiration and something like pride.

“Olivia,” her father called angrily, going to the door. “You keep walking, and you’re on your own. I won’t rescue you. Do you hear me? I’m done with you if you walk out the door.”

Olivia didn’t reappear, much to Noah’s relief.

Her father ordered his men to follow her.

Noah could no longer contain his thoughts. “Good God, Franklin, why can’t you just let her go?”

“You don’t understand what could happen to her.”

“I understand you’re some kind of warped control freak.” Noah shook his head in disgust. “Olivia tried to explain to me why she couldn’t just walk out, free and clear, like any normal adult. Now I see exactly what she was talking about.”

“You don’t see anything,” Franklin replied. “Olivia belongs at home, where she’s safe.”

“She belongs wherever the hell she wants to be.” Noah turned to the sheriff. “Can your men make sure Franklin’s two goons don’t bother her?”

With smug satisfaction, the sheriff said, “It will be my pleasure.” He left the room without a backward glance.

Franklin blew out a frustrated breath. “Raybourne, I can see you managed to put some real ideas in Olivia’s mind during your few, short hours together.”

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