Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“I’ll think about it,” Worth muttered on a sour note, cramming his hands further down in his pockets, which pulled his jeans even tighter across that area.

Molly averted her gaze and muttered, “Thank you.”

He laughed, but again without humor.

Feeling heat rush into her face, Molly knew she should leave before insult was added to injury. She was about to do just that when his next words froze her in her tracks.

“Why did you run out on me?”


She whipped back around and stared at him, feeling as though she were strangling. “What did you say?” she finally managed to asked.

“Don’t play the deaf ear thing on me.” Worth’s tone was low and rough. “It won’t work. You heard every word I said.”

“I used to admire your badass attitude,” Molly responded with fire. “In fact, I thought you were the stud of all studs because of it.”

His eyebrows shot up as though that shocked him.

“But now I know better.”

His features darkened. “Oh?”

“That attitude sucks big time.”

The look that crossed Worth’s face was chilling, and he took a step toward her, only to stop suddenly as though he were a puppet on a string and someone had jerked that string. She knew better. Worth was no one’s puppet and never had been. Then she recanted that thought. His parents apparently knew how to pull his strings and get away with it.

“You know I really don’t give a tinker’s damn what you think about me or my attitude.” Worth’s voice had grown rougher.

“Then why ask me that question?”

“Curiosity is the only thing I can figure,” he said in an acid tone, fingering an unruly strand of light hair that grazed his forehead.

Molly was suddenly tempted to reach out and push it back in place, something she had done on many occasions that long-ago summer. That sensual memory was so vivid she felt like a piece of broken glass was slicing through her heart.

“Your curiosity can go to hell. I’m not answering you.”

He smirked. “That’s because you don’t have a satisfactory explanation.”

“I have no intention of swimming through the muddy waters of the past. With your cynical judgment of me, I’d just be wasting my time anyway.”

No doubt she was on the defensive and probably sounded as cynical as he did, but she didn’t care. If she were going to survive and keep her secret from him and his parents, she had to best him at his own game, or at least match him.

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