Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Larisa heaved a deep sigh. She could not admit that she is happy: she was unfortunate. To it, as well as all women, there was a wish for simple love and happiness. The truth her happiness was in becoming as this woman, successful and beautiful. Larisa envied it, she wanted that she to it as well as Vika, smiled happiness, and she did not run for work any more, and would stay at home with kids, to drive about worldwide at the expense of the husband. But she never would admit to nobody it, even under terrible torture of death.

−Да, – Larisa lay, and heaved a deep sigh. – I have everything.

But by the form it was not so. She was unfortunate, and it could be caught in her look.

− Is not present, – with full confidence Vika said. – You are unfortunate. You see me, want the same what and I, the authorities. Not happiness, namely the power and that to prove it to you, you have to remain on a party. Agree?

Larisa purely out of female curiosity took an interest.

− There though there will be decent guys?

Vika smiled.

− I Assure you, there will be everything: both binge, and guys for every taste. Choose − I do not want.

Party. What can be told about it? Party as party. Guests listened to music, had fun. Someone sang something on a karaoke. Someone retired to the bedroom. Men spoke about business, policy, about financially unstable situation in the world. One of attendees said that now the financial position is not stable, hardly somebody will want to run business with someone now. The second man did not agree with the opponent, he said that the financial position is stable today and that he invested money in one enterprise and waits for profit. On what the third opponent said that it is the best of all to invest money in the business and with anybody not to deal. All opponents agreed with this thesis.

But we will return to Larisa. Where it? One sits, misses. It was not interesting to it to be present at similar parties. She agreed to go to her only as agreed upon the girlfriend. She nevertheless wanted to find happiness, but how to find it? Larisa did not know it. Here the elderly man sat down at its table, it seemed to it disgusting and disgusting. His face was not pleasant to it, on the contrary, it expressed a toshnotvornost. Understand it as you want, I write as I see and I perceive this or that person. All of us are different, and not to me to judge other people if they cause in me contempt and disgust. But we will continue. Having sat down at my little table, he looked round and asked:

− I here never saw you, you the acquaintance Vicki or her husband, Robert?

− I am acquaintance Vicki, – Larisa told and added: – She invited me.

− And, clearly, – he told, and then it was presented. – My name is Victor, and you?

− Larisa.

− Very pleasantly Larisa.

− And me, Victor.

They got to talking. They had a lot of bigger, than it was possible to imagine. For example, both of them were single and lonely. But unlike Larisa Victor was a widower. His wife died in plane crash two years ago, and now it searching. Of course, he could marry, but nobody loved him, all needed only its money, and anything else.

Larisa almost told nothing about herself. She was afraid that she will tell superfluous and by that will bring Vika.

− Yes, you not the talkative woman? At you you will try to find out nothing.

− It is a complement?

− Certainly yes. – He took her wrist in the hand, and told. – You are beautiful! Such women are pleasant to me.

Larisa was flattered told. She seldom heard from men that she is a clever woman. Though if the man speaks to you about it, then he considers you the full silly woman. Larisa with care took an interest.

− What such? – and then added, kind of reproachfully: – Silly?

− That you? – Victor was surprised. – I meant nothing similar. What you the silly woman if you keep the mouth shut? Other girlfriend would blurt out everything about the girlfriend now, and you do not.

Larisa thought.

− It is a complement?

− If you want, then yes. – Then he suggested to walk. Here it already found what looked for. Larisa fascinated him. He, strangely enough, was happy that he got acquainted with it. Walking on streets of Moscow, they long spoke on interesting them equally topics. There came night, but they did not notice it. They walked on the night city and enjoyed each other conversation. But here they approached hotel. Already dawned.

− Dawns, – Victor told. – As time quickly flies. Did not manage to leave Robert's apartment as already dawns.

− Time, it quickly runs, will not even notice.

Victor agreed with it. He as nobody knew how time quickly flies. It runs, and do not keep up with it. Who knows how many to us it is released time? Some do not appreciate it, and some simply wave on it a hand and only in old age understand that time − this only thing that at them remained. Death, time stops and, eventually … the last hour, the end soon.

Biological clock has the time too. It much less, than life cycle of time therefore women hurry to become pregnant. They look for any ways it to make and, eventually, find. Whether there was something between Victor and Larisa, do not know. I think that the man the woman go to hotel not in order that to speak about something.

Larisa took an interest.

− you live here?

− Well you! For whom do you hold me? I live absolutely not here, just I arrived on affairs.

I do not know that Larisa felt then. Pain? Offense? Something else can. But she then told:

− I considered that all of you the decent person.

Victor grinned.

− And what you think, you really are pleasant to me? Do not forget the place, a knot. – He made a pause and asked: – Well you go? – Then he kind of with a smile added: − be not afraid, I will not offend.

Larisa immediately left the hotel foyer. She ran out on the street and ran somewhere in darkness. Down the street, badly lit with light. Here it stopped. She had no place to run more. It was at the dark deadlock. Around darkness, only there, in the distance, someone's shadow.

After this case Larisa never met Vika. For it it became the enemy No 1. To so set up the girlfriend? It is necessary to be true suky.


Letters to …

Maybe this history took place, can and is not present? Can Larisa raped in the lane, and can and is not present? All this consigns to the past. Let's return to the present. What's next?

Roman came back home. He was angry. Being angry with itself, he could not understand how occurred as really happened. He overslept with the woman, with the trainee. That destroyed its marriage. Roman was angry with everything and on all. Who can understand these men? Than they think, having seen a female body? Some of them immediately conduct women in a bed, some only conduct them in restaurants, and they are necessary to some for the sake of numerous receptions to which you will not come without ladies. There are those who only sleep with them, without obligations, without something. Rum, or is just a way to give to her child his name? It is not known whether she was a virgin or not? And she can became pregnant from someone another, at the same time her virginity was not disturbed? It can be actually, and cases such took place in the history of medicine. Yes, doubts were proved. Roman did not know to whom and what to trust? He did not know in general as further to it to arrive, and wrote the letter of the mother.

The letter to mother

Hello, dear mother! How are you doing? How are you? I hope, you are healthy? Forgive that did not write you so long. It is a pity that you cannot arrive to me. Here it is good. However, if you want, then I will arrive to you to the village. I hope, economy as it should be.
