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The children watching this absurd laughed, but Lopukhova heard nothing. She conducted Larisa and, thinking that it − is Vika, told her the following:

− you behaved badly, and I want to adopt her. As I will be able to make it if you − the disobedient girl, and disobedient are not necessary to me.

Larisa looked back. She saw Alice observing all this situation from outside. It seemed that nobody saw it. Alice sat on a bench one and looked at Larisa leaving afar.

Next day Alice sent from orphanage in the specialist institution which studies similar cases of children's mentality. But I nevertheless am sure that instead of Alice they took absolutely other child, and Alice left. It disappeared from a look. Having left behind only reminiscence.

As for Larisa, she was adopted by Lopukhova. After Alice ceased to use on Lopukhova the force, she told Larisa:

− Vika was adopted, I would like that you became me if not the daughter, then younger sister.

− Why I?

− Larisa, – beginning to smoke a cigarette, with care there began Nina Mikhaelovna, – I cannot have children and therefore I work in orphanage. All of you are my children, but I would like to have the lawful daughter. – She made an inhaling, and continued. – To me you attracted with Vika here. Frankly speaking, I wanted to adopt both of you, but my financial position does not allow me to adopt more than one child. – She made a pause, made an inhaling and continued. – Yes, I am not ideal. Here you see, I smoke. But believe me, it will not prevent me to love you. – She made an inhaling again. – Think, you would like to live how you live now, or will go with me? At me the house with the site, clean air what else it is necessary for life?

Larisa agreed. But before she asked:

− Tell why the first Vika, but not I?

Nina Mikhaelovna told nothing distinct. She shrugged shoulders and told only one:

− I do not know. You to liking to me both, but why first Vika, but not you?. – Nina Mikhaelovna finished smoking a cigarette and, having extinguished it, told. – I ask, do not call me Nina Mikhaelovna.

− And how to me to call you?

− Just Nina, – Nina Mikhaelovna answered, – or just mother.

There passed time, Larisa grew up, blossomed, graduated from the institute and went to work as the junior trainee.

Somehow time she met the girlfriend on orphanage. This was Vika. She invited her to herself to the apartment, Larisa agreed. Yes, whatever you may say? Life cheerful piece. One gives everything, to others − nothing. And happened to Vika, she was lucky! She extended the lottery ticket and won. Now she was married to one businessman, gave birth to him to three daughters and lived happily. Driving about on the city on Peugeot, she did not work anywhere, went on expensive shops and salons, directing maraft and spending the money earned with the husband. The husband always took it with himself abroad, and there she had a rest, had a rest after receptions on which the husband took it. And what from life still it is necessary? Walk, have fun and sing.

Larisa told about the life. She did not complain of her, and was grateful to her that the destiny reduced it with Nina. She made of her the person. The hardworking, not afraid of difficulties woman. And when Vika took an interest as at Larisa of business on the family front, she told that she got acquainted recently with the young man who to it is nice.

Vika immediately blurted out:

− It is nice? – she began to smoke a cigarette. – Well and its zakhomutayta, in what a problem?

− In anything, – she heaved a deep sigh, and then admitted: – I am still a virgin.

Having heard this recognition, Vika was surprised. She never before for the life saw anybody that at this age not to lose virginity. She lost it after her stepbrother, having come home is not able to connect two words at all and being angry very much because his girlfriend remained not satisfied with him, he drove all the rage on Vick, and that for the first time learned that such violence and sex. She became pregnant and in five months lost the child. Unplanned and undesirable pregnancy was interrupted. Unfortunately, the tyrant was not attracted to the answer, and Vika was told that if she does not want problems, then she will tell nothing, and for it she will remain in this family and it will not be sent to the street, to orphanage where life is worse, than at them. Vika agreed to be silent, she did not want neither on the street, nor in orphanage. She wanted to live, live as she wanted, to have money and the power. After this case she swore that more nobody will disturb it, nobody will touch it without it on that izvoleniye. Now she will choose, GDE, KOGDA, I SKEM? to do to it in this life, life full of violence and the conflicts.

Somehow time she accidentally got on a fashion show and there met Robert. They were similar at each other, only one distinguished them: Robert was rich, and Vick is absent −. But she solved this problem. She became pregnant from it, at the same time claimed and he saw it that Vika was a virgin. How so did it turn out? Probably, this act happened when at women monthly? And Vika can thought up what else, goodness knows? But everything ended with a wedding. Obviously, Robert never learns who the father of her children. It? Someone else? And if he nevertheless learns? It is unlikely he will want to lose the state and to give it to other people's children. Told this story of the biography of Vick to Larisa.

Larisa, listening to this story with bated breath, could not believe that she is capable of it. It was it in wildness. She could not believe that Vika was capable of it, and said in low tones.

− But same deception? How could you go to it?

Vika only grinned.

− Deception? No, I call it not deception, but benefit for myself, – made the next inhaling, enjoying cigarette smoke, she told: – No matter, that there who thinks of me, – she told. – The main thing that children are happy and will not need anything. And all the rest – it otmakhnut a hand, – so, one illusion of the better life. Who told that in marriage happiness?

Larisa shrugged shoulders.

− Well?

− you have no children yet, – Vika continued, – and when you have them, you remember my words. The main thing − is children, and for the sake of them mothers will be ready to do anything that they were happy and did not need anything not that we.

Larisa did not argue with Vika, she understood that in something she is right. Start up not in everything, but in the main thing, this main thing. The main thing, is children, and for the sake of them mothers will be ready to do anything that they were happy, and did not need anything. These words were a synonym maternal happiness what woman would not be.

But we will return to the apartment to Vika, the conversation of two women got new turn. Vika offered Larisa the following:

− you Know, today we have a party whether you want to take a walk at it? "Maybe you will find somebody?" – Vika ambiguously told. – Nobody knows who knows?" Maybe destiny to smile to you?

− Is not present, − Larisa answered. – Parties not for me.

− Why?

− I consider that, at these parties only dirt and platitude, and more than nothing.

− And you, so not such?

− What not such? – Larisa did not understand. – You it about what?

Vika answered the following:

− the Virgin of twenty two years living by the rules. See what girlfriend that tell, all not so. – On her face there was a hated grin. It seemed that she will begin to hate the interlocutor finally. – You live by rules and in poverty. Unless it is life? – she told with a smile. – Look at yourself, poverty! Do you say now that all that I made − incorrectly? And be at you such chance, you would grasp it, and all your correctness will appear in a toilet bowl. – She for nervousness began to smoke a cigarette. – You do not know what is the real life, and would know, so did not speak, – it finished the level speech. Then added, kind of encouraging her. – Happy you Larisk! – and then kind of in accidentally asked. – Do you have everything for happiness?
