Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Natasha agreed with this:

  - It happens ... I also visited the colony, and there all the pupils are so cultured and neat that you rarely find such people in the pioneer camp. Well, okay, maybe the German child will become an outcast with us, and it will be more humane to let him go! Angelica frowned and suggested:

  - Can leave it with us. Let him be the son of the regiment, we will teach him the Russian language ...

  Natasha frowned at Angelica and growled:

  - Do you need a toy?

  The redhead said harshly:

  - And what's worse with us than living in a fascist menagerie?

  Svetlana accidentally stepped on the spilled engine oil and now wiped her bare, graceful leg against the grass. But the dust stubbornly stuck. The spotter supported Angelica:

  - Yes, the boy really will be better with us than with this Hitler beast! He is small, thin, fit in the tank! We will teach him to fight and perform feats!

  Natasha frownedly remarked:

  - Thirty-four and so close for the four of us tank. And then there's the boy to plant. However, it's not just that. There will be then about us chatting all sorts of nastiness!

  Angelica angrily remarked:

  "You think too badly of other people." Will not!

  Zoya also leaned out of the tank and hoarsely:

  - Girls, let's live in peace ... Ultimately, whether to leave the boy, it"s not we who decide, but the commander of the unit ... Well, for now, take the child with us and ride with the wind!

  Natasha reluctantly nodded and growled:

  - You'll see, the commander will forbid us to carry him. There is war, not kindergarten!

  Angelica extended her hand to the boy and said in pure German:

  - Now I'm your mom! You will live and eat with us!

  The boy replied weepingly replied:

  - Do not need an aunt, I want to go home!

  Angelica shook her head menacingly.

  -Not! You are in our captivity! If you do not want to Siberia, then you will be with us!

  The boy wanted to be enlightened, but with an effort of will he kept his tears. Yes, and the man did not appear to cry. Svetlana took the boy in her arms and carried her into the car. Indeed, five in the tank has become closer. And the girls are not small, and the car is too cramped. The captured German was quieter than water below the grass.

  The tank entered the forest. And in time, two attack aircraft of the famous Ju-87 just flew by. By itself, this plane is not too terrible in air battles, but very accurately throwing bombs, it can get into a separate tank.

  Natasha noticed with a smile:

  - And we hardly missed time because of this boy. They would have blown our tank into shards.

  Svetlana shrugged:

  - We won a tank duel with an almost equal opponent, and apparently an experienced shooter. Prior to this, several guns were also shot down and survived. Of course, not everyone out of our comrades was lucky!

  Natasha looked at her body and noticed:

  - We are all four so smooth, without scars ... How fortune would not have us revenge!

  Angelica shook her head.

  - Usually a good start implies a good end. Be that as it may, we are still alive!

  Svetlana rubbed her toes with her toes and suggested:

  - Maybe stop and have a snack. In the morning, do not eat!

   Natasha agreed:

  - Come on! At the same time and feed the child!

  The dinner was modest: lard, bread and onions. The army ration was not enough for everyone, and they received a gift in the village. The girls ate, gave and the boy. He was evidently still afraid and ate only a thin slice of sludge and bread. But Natasha found some more milk, the truth is sour.

  After eating the girls relaxed and sang ...

  Zoe sang for a while with everyone, but then she started the engine and the car started to throb again. It is not easy to get away from pursuing a thirty-four with its loud engine. Diesel also has a lot of flaws.

  Radio did not work, and you just had to move to the east. Virtually move blindly. Natasha from time to time protruded from the hatch. I tried, there peer and Angelica. And Svetlana from the heat and broke up, the girl fell asleep.

  The boy was sitting in the same place and also nodded. Natasha also thought where to lay her route. There were plenty of ideas. But what will lead to salvation?

  I did not want to get captured by the fascists. Natasha has already seen what it is fraught with on the example of Dinky. The poor girl was caught during an intelligence raid. At first, the Nazis stripped her and carefully whipped her with whips. Then they drove barefoot through the snow to the next village. And there with frostbite legs forced to dance on the coals.

  Poor Dink was in great distress. Then she was strung up on the rack and almost naked forced to hang until the girl had naked from the cold. So Natasha commemorated that they were waiting in the event of captivity - torture and execution. In general, it is surprising that such a cultural people like the Germans turned out to be so, just supernaturally cruel. Natasha herself was amazed that the fascists simply did not feel pity for anyone. They even tortured children, and this caused amazement ...
