Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  The girl did not quite agree:

  - Do you think you, knowing the device of the tank only in general terms could help them?

  Oleg Rybachenko was offended by this:

  - Not in general, I generally know a lot about tanks, including about active armor!

  The girl giggled in response:

  - Well, then, let's better immediately technology T-90, and then take over the whole world!

  The boy scratched his head and admitted:

  - I read about one series, about the hitched ones in the forty-second year of the twenty-first century. So they built a simplified model of the T-54, launching it into production even before the battle of Stalingrad. And as a result, the USSR won much faster than in reality and with great effect. At the expense of other ideas, then ... You can try and something more complicated - for example, the Smerch multiple rocket launcher system. But it is not necessary to run too far technologically!

  Margaret readily agreed with this:

  - Do not get carried away ... And they also will require laser weapons!

  After some time, the girl sat down again to rest. Time flew somehow unnoticed. Again it was dark and I had to sleep in the open. But the nights at the end of June are short and warm. And judging by the tree species, it is somewhere in Ukraine, with a warmer climate. So you can sleep completely.

  A boy and a girl clung to each other and fell asleep on burdocks.

  On a half-starved stomach, I dreamed of any rubbish ... For example, it was as if Tsar Nicholas II died in 1933 as a result of the terrorist attack. For a long time in almost forty years, the kingdom ended tragically. The monarch was only sixty-five years old, and he still acted vigorously. Just won an impressive victory over Japan.

  That is, the relative failure of the kingdom is overcome with a vengeance. And so the mass of territorial gains. Nicholas the second was called great in history, and canonized. These are the collisions. But in general, 1933 was full of unpleasant events. To power in Germany, as in the real story, Hitler came. And three months later, he died and did not have time to be crowned, the heir Alex the second. Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov became the new tsar.

  Also not God knows what a monarch. Very mediocre abilities and drunkard.

  Russia, however, like the whole world emerged from the great depression, and was experiencing a boom. Under Tsar Nicholas II, the mortality rate was sharply reduced, and the birth rate in an Orthodox country, where there was no talk about women's equality, and the question remained high. Population growth exceeded two and a half percent. Due to the rise in the standard of living and the development of medicine, child mortality has noticeably decreased, especially for colds.

  Russia continued to digest assimilate margins. The country remained unitary, almost all the governors were Russian.

  The autonomy of the Polish kingdom after the war was further curtailed, as was Finland.

  Russia gained possession of many Muslim lands. Including Istanbul, and now Constantinople. Kirill Romanov decided to use this for the reform of Orthodoxy. The synod, under strong royal pressure, legalized polygamy. And now the Russian man could have four wives.

  At the same time, the king abolished almost all the posts, and thereby eased the burden of Orthodoxy. In the territories of traditional Islam, active missionary work was carried out. Muslims accepting Orthodoxy received a lot of privileges, including tax privileges. Part of the elite willingly replaced Magomed with Christ. Moreover, neither Namaz nor the rather painful Ramadan should be performed. Go to church once a week, confess to priests, sacrifice to the temple and you will be saved.

  In addition, the sale of indulgences was revived. This gave a considerable income to the church and with it the state treasury. So Cyril introduced a tax on religion. And at the same time increased the church fees.

  This policy caused discontent among a certain part of the population, but the nobility supported the initiatives of the king, especially polygamy. Moreover, the general level of religiosity of the population weakened, and the reform of Orthodoxy from above seemed quite an urgent phenomenon.

  But the situation in the world escalated. Japan was dissatisfied with defeat and dreamed of revenge. But the main thing complicated the relationship of tsarist Russia with Britain and France. Including because of China, where the Russians were already carrying out an overt expansion, creating Zheltoressiyu. Where voluntarily, and where and under duress, the Chinese regions were part of the tsarist empire, which gave rise to opposition from the world powers.

  In addition, Russian imperial circles wanted to get access to the Indian Ocean. Half of Iran in the division of the colonies went to Britain. Extremely controversially chopped land on the Saudi Peninsula.

  Under these conditions, the mutual desire to redistribute the world again became stronger and stronger.

  As a result, the union of England, France, Belgium, Holland, on the one hand, and Russia, Italy, and Germany that joined them, began to take shape.

  Tsarist Russia had the largest land army in the world. The growing economy also allowed for more Hitler, realizing the whole risk of war with such a monster, also chose a course of rapprochement with the Russians. A triple alliance was concluded ... The first step of such cooperation was the invasion of Mussolini's troops into Ethiopia, and the conquest of the last independent state in Africa.

  Hitler also dreamed of Africa and revenge for the previous defeats. To begin with, the fascists, with the support of Russia and Italy, carried out the Anschluss of Austria. The operation was successful, and without fighting. Then came the turn of Czechoslovakia.

  Germany received the Sudetenland populated mainly by the Germans, and Slovenia by Russia. Little has got and Hungary. In 1938, Kirill Vladimirovich died. And Vladimir the Third ascended the throne. The new young monarch continued the policy of his father - confrontation with the countries of the Entente. Japan, meanwhile, was looking for an excuse to join the war and union with the Germans.
