Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  - Woof! Woof! Woof! Kukareku! I mop you up! He walked on all fours, scratching his ear with his foot. Left alone, Hitler climbed onto the table and thought about it, began to talk to himself:

  - I am surrounded by bastards and cretins! They are all cowards! Low vile panties every one and insidious sycophants. Oh my God what idiot I am surrounded! Conquer all of Europe, raise your nation from its knees, and ultimately remain in complete solitude.

  But honestly speaking, he is a great ruler of Hitler. Only eight years of government, and the country destroyed by the crisis has not only been restored, but raised to unprecedented heights. The industry has grown by more than three, and with the conquered peoples and countries as much as six and a half times compared with 1932. Russian for one Finnish war put a lot more soldiers than he Hitler captured the whole of Europe. Such a triumph the speed of conquest, which would envy Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great. His name is booming around the world. And there is only one person before whom he - Adolph is in awe! Stalin - the son of a Russian nobleman Przewalski and a simple Georgian peasant woman! Not a Jew, but very capable, by cunning and deceit, to give odds to any Jew. Stalin is a fool, of course, in order to allow Hitler to conquer Britain and Africa, he will sow a backstab in the Third Reich. In any case, He - Hitler there would have acted in his place!

  Alas, Goering is not born a leader, and does not understand basic things. He, therefore, the Führer, therefore appointed Goering as his successor, because by virtue of the near mind of a hog, he is perfectly safe as a conspirator. There is always the danger that a successor announced by you will want to speed up the process and kill you. Here he is Hitler only a few years older than Goering. Unlike a hog, does not smoke, does not drink, does not overeat, watching for weight. But the thick live less. It is unlikely that Goering will be able, you will not experience a force majeure to survive the Fuhrer. So this is the successor, so for the odds. Another type of Goebbels. In propaganda, just an ass, his services to the party are enormous. Pretty cultured, educated, brave, but weak! Can the Führer of a great nation be almost a dwarf and a cripple? True, Hitler himself is only 166 cm, even slightly below average and by no means a hero. When he studied in village schools, he was a daredevil and a ringleader. But here in the gymnasium he was beaten and humiliated by stronger students.

  And for the boy, who was initially imbued with the awareness of his exclusivity, it was very painful. He was not evil since childhood, even now he sometimes gets scared by the flow of blood and his atrocities. Right now, he led to his entourage like the last fool. How it was affected by the injection of anphytamines. And also the desire to hide ostentatious swagger, their own helplessness and vulnerability. Yes, he understood that he was behaving badly, but the devil was squeaking in his head. Be a tyrant, crush everyone and crush! Be a cruel despot! You are the Führer, you are God, you must mock everyone. And what if you create a new religion and your Trinity, the head of which could be the Führer. How to say science develops. and scientists of the Third Reich and other conquered countries can at least make him immortal. In any case, the magicians promised to find a potion that returns youth.

  Then Oleg Rybachenko woke up, a drop of rain fell on his face. The boy jumped up.

  It was already completely dark, and there was a warm, judging by the climate, Ukrainian night.

  Margarita woke up a little earlier and sat on his haunches. The summer rain intensified, and the children hurried to hide under the tree.

  The heads had already stopped spinning and Oleg said vaguely:

  - Well, how?

  Margarita delightedly replied:

  - You're just a genius!

  Rybachenko pouted himself a wide chest and proudly said:

  - What did you think! My machine works!

  The girl exclaimed indignantly:

  - Yes, it would be better if she did ... did not exist! What will we do now?

  Oleg shook water from his hair and sincerely replied:

  - And what usually do people like in this situation? We will perform feats!

  The boy fumbled in his pocket and exclaimed indignantly:

  - Yes, I dropped the gun ... But I will make nothing for myself a new one!

  Margarita indignantly uttered:

  - Yes, do ... Here you are not the twenty-first century! Try it out of the tree to craft a starship!

  Oleg roared hard in response:

  - Now is not the Middle Ages! What to do, then I will do it! And in general, we now popadantsy, and it sounds good!

  The girl answered with admiration:

  - Yes, of course, the trappers! But unlike a fairy tale, everything is more severe and much more prosaic!

  The boy-wunderkind confidently stated in an ironic form:

  - The fact that the light of the doctrine, in winter and spring ... I say without exception to all the evil forest!

  Margarita approvingly confirmed:

  - Yes, a sense of humor has not left you! And this may be the main thing!

  Oleg Rybachenko replied in a poster with The girl burst out laughing ... And the summer rain intensified. The tree covered from the jets is very bad. The guys soon got soaked to the skin. And to dry it where.

  Rain, however, suddenly stopped, blew a cool breeze. To keep warm children moved through the woods. Dear sneakers squished, and Oleg took them off, as well as the socks left barefoot.

  Margarita, frightened, remarked:
