Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  For the Fatherland to fight with courage!

  There used to be swords from steel,

  And now the RPG in a strong knapsack!

  Do not step back or step back

  Though the bodies of the grave side!

  We shall cut a row of foes

  May the Most High add strength to us!

  Tanks rod, planes fly,

  Bombs raining and tearing shells!

  Do not hold us for vile puppies,

  Soldiers are hardened! Here is a comrade died like a hero

  You will not put anything under the cross!

  Often people play with fate,

  But love will be stronger - believe me!

  Though in a battle where nailing is hard,

  Recall our illustrious ancestors!

  As we went to Rome for a long time,

  What not to eat slaves in the vile scraps!

  Did not appear to bow to us to beat,

  Do not put our world on your knees!

  We're krechety - we beat the game ourselves,

  Representatives of all generations!

  That effort is also a throw,

  The enemy is already visible, finely shaking!

  The bullet almost hit the temple

  Darkened in the eyes of our sun!

  But we went up to attack,

  Smash nasty bayonets butt!

  We will burn out the Fritz, if you need fire,

  Our fighter has become without prices - just a treasure!

  As soon as the girl-tigress died, the main hero of the Roman army in gold with sapphire cornflowers fell from the blow of Attila. A Chinese-inspired girl cut it down even earlier, and now attacked the representative of the commander of the infantry. He entered into battle with the present, one-eyed giant and even began to crowd him, waving his sword:

  - You monster will not cope with us! Because we are Germans!

  The thug rudely replied:

  - Germans are peppers! Nation crippled!

  Magda got really angry.

  - Not! We are Germans a priori nation of great warriors. That nation that used to win and not in front of anyone not to bend!

  The giant curled his lip and immediately got the edge of the sword in the throat. From the bull's neck the fountain danced ... He staggered, and immediately received a shot under the heart ... Magda exclaimed:

  - Heroism has no age!

  Christina cheered her friend:

  - Truly crush them my dear stronger ... There will be even more rapid pressure!

  At this moment, one of the barefoot archer boys dumped the Roman emperor with an accurate shot. And it was necessary to please the arrow directly into the eye!

  Magda sang, singing:

  - Wow! Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!

  Christina twisted her finger to the temple:

  - And what! Better to hit one time than curse a hundred! Well, now the enemy will run!

  Magda chopped down another warrior, confirmed:

  - The enemy from fear will tremble and jump away will jump!

  Indeed, the ranks of the Romans hesitated and began to yield. Generally, when the army takes flight it is creepy. Even if it is such a disciplined army as ancient Rome. No wonder, after all, Genghis Khan, in the event that one dozen had escaped, ordered the execution of a whole hundred ... Although the accuracy of the last order is questioned whether it is not a fiction of historians. Even in Rome, every tenth was executed while fleeing. Flickering bare legs, girls and boys rushed to pursue the enemy. And the horns began to play ...

  Magda woke up, abruptly jumped up, the girls quickly lined up. We washed, brushed our teeth and again smeared with protective creams with a forced march through the desert. So they are barefoot in some swimsuits and rushed through the sandy hell.

  The Arab kids showed their fingers in surprise and whistled:

  - Deutsche Akbar!

  Magda looked around and looked at the retreating palm trees with anguish, then whispered to Christine:

  - Again in hell!
