Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

   Speaking the leader of Russia, he called for calm, and announced that the aliens were waiting for the most cordial reception. That the planet Earth and Russia personally is open to contact with someone else's mind, and in fact it's a joyful occasion to learn that people are not alone in the universe.

   Suddenly, the president's speech was interrupted and a face appeared very similar to a cute girl with a brooch in lush, sparkling hair, and shoulder straps.

   A pleasant, sonorous voice rang on all the ethers:

   "I'm glad that you earthmen prepared for a warm welcome." We are a great cosmic empire Luciferstan is also very fond of you people and offer our patronage. You will be well under our management. We will end with old age and disease, with hunger and wars!

   The president of Russia immediately became animated. He raised his head and asked hopefully:

   "Can you rejuvenate the old man?"

   Similar to a girl with precious shoulder straps, the subject nodded:

   - Of course! Our power allows even this! Become our subjects and you will receive eternal youth!

   The president of Russia hesitated. The prospect of rejuvenation is very tempting when you are already over seventy and you are exhausted by the long-term management of the country. And how many problems. And in Africa, the Russians are fighting in Afghanistan and Central Asia. There is no famine in the country, but the products are very expensive, and most of the economy works for the military sector. The people are growing dissatisfied that Russia has undertaken a difficult mission - a world policeman. And this is a colossal expenditure, for all these peacekeeping operations, and assistance to different countries.

   Yes, of course in the future it will pay off, and Russia will harvest the harvest from the established in different countries puppet regimes. But it's all in the future, but for now it's up to you to make huge investments yourself. One Syria cost tens of billions of dollars, and the Mujahideen all continue the war there. And from the fact that the US left Iraq, it only got worse. And after the Americans left Afghanistan, Russia was forced to come there. And again, wars, expenses, zinc coffins. Trump gave Russia the banner of the world gendarme, but by that he suffered a heavy burden.

   And at that moment the marshal Angel of the Angel gave the order:

   - Carry out an operation and neutralize the Russian missile base on the Moon.

   The detachment, under the command of the warrior Velimara, moved in the surface. Elves, more numerous (they are twelve times more than males) pronounced the techno magic spell, turning into a kind of Centaurs, only on caterpillars, and straight on to the vacuum rushed to the moon. Each girl and boy was surrounded by a cloak of invisibility, making it invisible to radar. Elves landed, near the base. Together with them there were two bear-druids.

   The seizure team synchronously pronounced the spell, and the armored fence around the base turned into beautiful, bright-winged butterflies that scattered in all directions. Butterflies were especially capable of flying in a vacuum. At the same time they paled and dissolved like sugar in space.

   And the elves attacked the Russian soldiers, who defended the base. They just kissed. They did not see the approaching beauties, they simply stopped and turned into bushes of lush flowers.

   And these plants woke up in a vacuum, dope with a honey smell.

   Lieutenant-General Goremykin, commander of the base, managed to run out. Right before him a beautiful elf appeared. A girl of perfect beauty, in boots on caterpillars she smiled at the general and said:

   - You're so old ... Do you want to become a young daffodil, and grow in a moonlit greenhouse?

   General Goremykin replied with anger in his voice:

   - That's it! You flew to conquer Russia, but that will not happen! We will not submit to dictate ... Our missiles are already flying towards you!

   The elf chuckled as she answered:

   "Can chocolate ice cream be dangerous?" Relax the boy and do not be afraid ... My sweet flower ...

   From the palm of the hand, the elf shone with radiation, and Goremykin was directly covered with leaves, and diminished in size, turning into a beautiful flower. Similar to the daffodil, but only on each leaf had its own unique pattern.

   The girl-elf answered with a laugh:

   "However, there is a lot of anger in this man." I lived for a thousand years, but I have not seen so much!

   Marshal Angela gladly informed, the great master Bernard Jeru, with his playful voice:

  - Mission accomplished! The moon is rendered harmless!

   The president of Russia meanwhile asked the leader:

   "You are so young ... Are you in charge here?"

   Bernard answered with a radiant smile:

   - I realize the general command - like a man! But I have three girls-zama!

   The President remarked with surprise:

   - You are so alike ... Sorry, you have your own customs, and we should not stick to them ...

   Bernard released a ring of smoke from his nostrils, which, flying, turned into a diamond necklace, and insinuatingly said:

   - Magic will give everything ... As our servants, you will live in luxury, as you never dreamed of!

   The president choked and coughed and asked:
