And he devoted poetry to his beloved,
So that every moment with a dream was beautiful!
In the sky, clouds, a drop in the palm of your hand,
Kissed you - in the heat sank!
This fire is unbearable to passion,
To suffer suffering, learned to suffer!
Around the desert - it burns quiet,
Drills the temple and pulls the roof off the hinges!
But my dove, you fly to eternity,
And the hassle of wings, I can hear by the wind!
Yes, I know it's true - it's not return,
What was in Eden, we used to be with us!
Pinned to the face, your naked chest,
I need will and great strength!
The cliff above us is gloomy and unfriendly,
And the wind blows, the evil wave gushes!
Wind the whirlwinds in the sky of the loop,
And a flock of gulls - a riotous horde!
And your look has changed and has become cheerful,
We squeezed our hands - the power is a triumph!
There is no break in sorrow, I will be honest,
In a land of great luck we live!
In the mouth I kiss - I'm glad to admire,
And that was not, without meaning conversation!
The booty is shared by the embezzlers,
They will suffer a severe sentence!
And the dull bad weather recedes,
On the horizon, a ray of smoke is painting!
And we were in burning power,
More precisely, I could not express the thought!
Affa radiantly smiled and, patting Trump on the back, replied:
- You are simply wonderful and unique. One and a half million years I live in the light, but I did not see anything funny.
The billionaire president answered in a pompous voice:
"A politician, a legal pickpocket, and Trump is a pocket in law!"
Affa smiled and replied:
- Yes, you do not need me, then you will live ten million years like me, and then you will end up in divine nirvana.
Trump with a feeling of ill-concealed hope asked:
"And will you make me a god?"
Affa rock glittering brighter than the stars of the teeth, sang:
- Everything impossible is possible in our world ... It is not necessary to be cautious ... only in the toilet!
Now Trump turned out to be the servant and clown of the goddess Affa. It was quite a troublesome post. The goddess was very fond of tweaking and amusing herself in very peculiar ways.
In particular, she wanted to turn an old man into a boy. Well, it occurred to such a whim, and run it into the city of the elves.
And that is very funny. Especially for the goddess to admire the work of her hands.
Trump, who has become such a jerk is so funny. He wrinkles his forehead, mutters something under his nose.
It does not often happen when an old man turns into a child. Although elves of a particularly higher order can do this. A goddess like this and just once spit.
Affa asked her fool:
"How's the feel of Trampic?"
The former American billionaire president, and now turned to the boy grinned in a childish smile:
- Not bad! I, frankly, feel amazing!
The goddess looked affectionately at Trump and nodded.
"Do you want to stroll around the galactic capital?"
The boy and former president Donald Trump answered:
- I would be happy to see the sights of your capital. When I myself become a god, I will build myself, something even more majestic.
Affa nodded in agreement.
- Well my boy!