- Do not call me so!
Marat asked:
- And how then to call?
The cat at once got friendly and a look, a skin began to give in the golden color, and a voice, such tender, myknut:
- You can call me a tiger, he from the cat family too!
Marat the fast hall drank coffee, Timoshishin followed his example. Both professors suddenly felt as in the fairy tale about Ilya Muromts. Healthy, full of strength and energy, directly people dynamo. The cat winked at them and warned:
- Children! To stir and we will not joke! And now together we will jerk to scientific research institute!
Marat at once thought:
- And so, what from us is necessary for the Devil?!
Cat tiger it is precautionary twisted a physiognomy:
- Do not hurry with conclusions, professor! Conclusions will find you!
And again before them there was a former boy really very similar to the nephew Artem, it is only far more beautiful though in advertizing act. Such here improved modification.
The imaginary boy asked:
- Appearance of the probationer will not cause suspicions?
Timoshishin doubted:
- Mine is small plemyash for this purpose, to it only fifteen more are not present!
Lucifer's servant sharply shook the head:
- You will tell that I am a child prodigy ... Yes be not bent, my knowledge such that any professors will get into a mess!
Timoshishin dared to doubt again:
- Yes, pussycat? And what you know?
Kot double-dealing fellow cold answered:
- And the fact that your nephew, just with the friend removes the prostitute. Very much he wants to become the real man, but intelligence to make sex on love is not enough!
Timoshishin frowned and severely noticed:
- Artyom capable guy. I do not believe that he is so silly or unattractive that he cannot achieve reciprocity on love!
The cat tiger did not begin to argue:
- Trust or do not trust, your business! For now, we pull ...
Marat tried to pat a teenage cat on a cheek, but that so looked at it moreover the eyes burning as if a muzzle of the throwing-up volcano. The cat strictly warned:
- Without familiarity! I am extremely mighty demon, and I can ... To threaten not in my rules, but believe, in team of the Lucifer of weaklings does not happen!
The girl servant bryaknut here:
- And Azazello?
The demon cat strictly threatened with a finger:
- Forget Bulgakov or Goethe's fairy tales. In total much more seriously and more difficult! But believe, you will see also other demons!
Wine glasses, in a flash, disappeared. Then they left, and Anyuta remained, holding in hand, very magnificent with buds, different in color and a grade, a bouquet. The demon, of course, as it is necessary to advanced essence, was gallant. But resolutely refused the car, having declared what will not miss so rare opportunity to walk across Moscow in a human body and on foot.
City of course big, colourful and externally rich. And there are enough traffic jams much. Though, of course, on number of skyscrapers with New York it is not comparable. The demon cat saw Moscow more than once, but looked under a new foreshortening and showed curiosity. Especially he liked to glance, at the same time charming, on cars.
A variety of foreign cars and more rare Russian models also really is interesting.
But at the same time, the demon hurried. Here, for example, the traffic light before them, contrary to turn, lit up green, and cars synchronously stopped. And the cat demon took from where he from air the "Havana" cigar in a platinum foil and with relish dragged on. He was not confused at all by presence of three police officers. Let dybitsya. And all is possible for the demon, people of a being of lower order.
Police officers whistled and moved across to impudent "teenager". The demon cat himself barked at them:
- Well it is necessary?
They stopped:
- The young child smokes in public places?!
It angered the demon:
- Young child?! Yes I still an impassable bog saw your Moscow ... And who smokes it!?
Police officers were struck dumb. And, casting platinum, the cigar in teeth of the demon boy was instantly extended, having divided into three parts, from them as if kidneys on trees arose mouths with canines. And these cobras stuck the police officer into faces. Those wildly cried, endeavoring to tear off a dragon from instantly flushed physiognomies. Then, on their bodies ran blue sparks, having forced to writhe from pain.
Both professors and other people saw only that three police officers fell suddenly down and killed in attacks as if epileptics ... But to approach and the more so to run up, give help, the crowd did not hurry. And the demon obviously happy with the work noticed: