Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  The little girl on it innocently smiled and seriously answered:

  - I am not a person and I cannot be that you put in the primitive concepts of a floor. The Satan is the mighty spirit capable to accept any cover.

  Marat wanted to insist:

  - And why women, but not men?

  The girl devil honestly answered:

  - It is as little as possible to be similar to Christ ... He hated women and in the Bible, they are belittled by apostles. I love all fine, I ennoble unloved Jesus a floor, accepting that shape that I want!

  Timoshishin suggested:

  - Perhaps therefore there many female witches burned in the Middle Ages?!

  The girl Satan having nodded, agreed:

  - Possibly in each beautiful woman the Devil seemed to them ... To my greatest regret!

  Marat asked the arising question:

  - And why you, being the most strong in spirit in the Universe, did not rescue them?

  The girl devil answered with unfeigned bitterness:

  - My power in this world is limited by God. Inquisitors had protection, I against them was powerless!

  And the heavy pause hung in mid-air. The servant collected a big parcel of gold coins and with great difficulty transferred heavy kruglyashka, having put them near the safe. Looked towards professor Timoshishin who in difference from it, knew a code. The little girl devil krutanut a forefinger. The sack with gold disappeared, but the music specifying that in the safe, something heavy appeared played and can be even moves.

  Marat suddenly blurted out:

  - Mastera and Margarita you read?

  The guest hit question with a question:

  - And what, it will give you more idea of my essence?

  Bearded professor hesitated, but the housemaid found the answer:

  - In this art fiction you such interesting!

  The little girl Satan radiantly smiling, answered:

  - But not such beautiful ... I love beauty and an esthetics ...

  Marat on it a little tactlessly noticed:

  - Hitler was an artist too!

  The Lucifer quite naturally took offense:

  - The biggest delusion to connect me with the evil. I am an ancestor of a sin, but it is not angry!

  Timoshishina surprised such statement of a question:

  - You speak a sin ... But a difference between a sin and the evil so thin and almost imperceptible!

  The girl changed the shape now, having become the young man with very fair hair and nice-looking in a civil suit with a red tie. Now Lucifer found a baritone of the preacher broadcasting from department:

  - Though it is also impossible to call the Scripture the objective book, but even in it a certain difference between a sin and the evil is visible. - The young man lit at himself over a palm the hologram image. The bald old man with a careless beard that shouted towards the running-up, barefoot children. Right there were two sharp-toothed, saber-toothed she-bears who with wild a roar jerked for children. Here the got under blow of a sharp-clawed paw, fair-haired girl, screamed and calmed down. The lovely face still distorted by pain arose close up. Then the boy failed with the cut-out skull. Several girls fell on knees begging about mercy, and the furious she-bear with a bigger rage rushed on children. Having overtaken, began to mill jaws of a leg of the next child. Shrill shouts and hysterical crying turned out soul.

  The housemaid screamed and nearly fainted. And Marat it is rigid with frenzied irritation, asked:

  - It that for a horror film?

  The young man Lucifer with an innocent smile explained:

  - I showed a bible episode from the fourth book of kingdoms - where the prophet Boga, Eliseus damned the children and two she-bears teasing it forty two children broke off.

  Timoshishin threw up the hands and unexpectedly applauded:

  - Bravo! Here evident demonstration of a difference between a sin and the evil! It is possible to remember Abraham's "feat" also!

  The Lucifer nodded also with pleasant maliciousness, confirmed:

  - Trade in the wife was not blamed of Abraham, and readiness to kill the innocent child - became "great" business ... Whether affairs Abraham justified himself, having assigned the son to an altar?

  Marat heaved a deep sigh and noticed:

  - How many I lectures other on scientific atheism ... I know that the Bible along with ennobled by ideas contains the mass of ideas of obscurantism ... - Bearded professor wearily nodded. - But I I to the fooled people proved to these that there is no God at all and not that He is Angry!

  The young man Lucifer turned into the girl, only in more modest dress, almost conventuals, only a cassock skirt too short again, opening fine, bare feet. And under it right there were small uvulas of a flame. The Devil incarnate said, very mild and humble voice:

  - Sin concept not of the evil! A sin, it when you arrive not as God orders to you!
