Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  The girl Lucifer rose from knees and changed appearance. Not strongly, but it is resolute - in hands a sword, hands of the little girl found muscularity, and sapphire eyes angry expression. And then the main revelation followed. For the sake of what similar visit was made:

  - Time when approaches, development of humanity in a sin will end. Jesus Christ will come and the doomsday will come! And then any more to you to people never to fly to stars but all who not it is written down in the book of life will are dumped to the lake fiery and sulfuric!

  Professors were silent, contents of their craniums strongly strained, on high foreheads ran sea ripples of a wrinkle. Both men of science, nevertheless not without reason science stars. And the main thing was understood quickly. Marat with egoistical irony noticed:

  - Well then to me Gehenna about mine works on a kindling is precisely prepared ... And it is already serious!

  Timoshishin voiced not indisputable thought:

  - The person is all the same mortal. And whether the difference between posthumous hell and Gehenna fiery after Christ's coming is so already big?!

  The Lucifer finally changed. Now it was an athletic build the young man in an imperial crown and a magnificent armor. The impression was strengthened by the snow-white horse grounded by stars on which the Satan sat. The young voice became thunderous and sure:

  - Well is not present! If there is a place where I really All-powerful, so am hell.! And there, believe, life is better than on Earth!

  Marat with doubt asked:

  - And why when badly tell - this true hell?!

  By Lucifer it is sure answered:

  - Because ... People thought up this nightmare. And was called this place on a miscellaneous. Vikings - Valggala, pagan Slavs - Iry, at Greeks Eliseevsky fields.

  Seeing mistrust in the opinion of scientists, Prinze Satan smiled and insinuatingly added:

  - If you want to know truth, then it is better on excursion in an underworld? So far time is!

  Marat with logic of professor of a wide profile noticed:

  - Even if there you also made good climate, but the contingent of angry sinners and cruel bandits is capable will turn also this place into Gehenna!

  In a voice of the former Archangel the respect was heard, the young prince became much more serious:

  - You are right professor ... People are capable to cause angrily to each other. And management of a next world where go - almost all people, so escape only given rise from above, and such give God that one percent of the population gathered at least!

  Timoshishin gave a whistle:

  - Wow! Really only Saints escape?!

  The Lucifer showed the opened Scripture over a palm, in the burning look when a flame as if the wave laps on pages. Sheets turned over, and the angel of light indicated by a sword edge lines:

  - That's it, the birth from above and real belief from affairs ... And it not just to be a good person and to go to church on Sundays - though such people very little!

  Marat did not keep not to scoop a gold spoon from a dish of black caviar. Not so professors are rich that there is this scarce product spoons. Caviar was quite natural, and tart on taste. The truth black caviar has a property when you eat much for time, begins to taste bitter in a mouth.

  But it only kindles appetite. Timoshishin decided to pass directly to business:

  - It is not necessary to convince us. We also understand that our breed not from those that deserved paradise, but ... What specifically we can make?

  The Lucifer accepted already other shape, a form of the captain, and not young man, and more mature person, with the wide slightly curling beard. And the landscape changed. It appeared as if on the deck of the ship. Seemingly archaic sailing vessel, but extraordinary magnificent, with sails in an ornament and landscapes from jewels and the sparkling gold and platinum the deck.

  And in team abundance of little girls, from all continents - very different, but at the same time permanently beautiful and with a clothes minimum. However, jewelry and jewelry on them it is, quite enough, that it was rich, but it is not excessive - that would already be bad taste. The team attracted to itself views, distracted attention. Even elderly Timoshishin involuntarily felt in himself youthful nervousness and painful desire. Well of course, there are so much fine, capable to shame all on a podium of girls in one place. It also will lift the old man from a grave. Plus still delicacies on a table, at their inclusion in you as if comes back, long ago the lost man's force already seemed.

  Now that's something like it ... And around them the sea seems ...? But it on fantastic beautiful, waves spark it seemed in thousands of shades.

  Lucifer captain answered a mute question:

  - We can float directly from here to coast of hell. There is life as ... at the billionaire in the resort ... - And here the look at the Satan became rough. - If I consider it necessary of course. And who to me the enemy, to that it is possible to arrange such life that he perhaps and itself fiery will ask for the lake!

  Marat mechanically noted:

  - Owner barin!

  And Timoshishin with admiration noticed:

  - Nevertheless what you different .... Many-sided!

  The Lucifer changed the shape, to fantastic Father Frost, the beard was extended and became gray-haired. And in hands there was a bag from which towards girls gifts departed. Different, but with very colourful wrappers gifts. Girls caught them and thanked the Satan, bending waists in easy graceful bow. And the master of hell noticed:
