Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– How are you? How was the ride? are you all right?

She began to stir excitedly.

–Yes, well, do not worry moms

answered Igor:

– everything is really good.

Confirmed the words of Igor Sergey, they disguised went to supper, although the time was already eleven o'clock. When they went into the kitchen, Father Vitaly Andreyevitch sat at the table, who did not really like all the sentiments there, so he did not go out into the corridor. He was of medium height, wiry, fit, strong with meekly cropped blond hair and blue-gray eyes.

 "You must be at work before two in the morning?"

Igor asked in surprise, pushing back the stool and sitting down at the table.

– our changer got sick and only two of us remain, I was released early today, and I was given a day off tomorrow, but after tomorrow I will work 24 hours a day.

He explained. Mother sat down next to Igor, and Sergei in his place near the door, he always sat at the table only in his place. They started to eat and there was complete silence, no one dared to start talking about what is happening today on the streets of the city, although everyone thought about it.

 "Dad, have you seen anything strange today?"

Finally, Igor began the conversation.

Vitaly Andreevich put down the spoon, looked thoughtfully at the ceiling, and at last said, with some apprehension:

– Saw.

–So what?

Igor did not stop.

 "Let's talk tomorrow, it's already late."

The son did not have time to respond when his father got up from the table, washed his dishes and left.

It was evident that he was very worried and alarmed by something.

– I, too, will now go to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow in two shifts, how to work today.

My mother said, and added.

– Help remove from the table.

Although she tried to speak calmly, but it did not work out very well, her voice was full of great excitement and even fright.

The brothers had no choice but to help clear the table and go to sleep, too.

Chapter 4

Igor woke up when he heard the voice of his mother coming from the hallway:

–How? Well, okay, I understand everything.

She put down the phone and went to the kitchen. Usually, when Oksana Yurievna is nervous, she starts saying that – no matter how you cook, she calms down a bit. Now, to calm herself down, she went to make breakfast. Igor opened his eyes and sat down on the couch, thoughts about yesterday immediately crept into his head, then what happened yesterday seemed just a bad dream. As it is not strange, but after yesterday's events, he quickly fell asleep. Igor looked around, his brother had already gone to work, his sofa was neatly tucked in, because, whatever would happen in the city, no one canceled work. The clock that hung over the TV showed the floor of the ninth morning. Father was also not at home, he drove Sergei to work, when there was time he drove and took away from work brothers. Igor removed the sofa, and opened the window, immediately the hall was filled with noise from the street. Their couches stood all the length of the room, Sergey's sofa was almost at the window, and Igor's sofa was closer to the door, between the door and the sofa, a table with a computer was crammed in. Steps were heard in the hallway:

– Ah, you're already awake

The mother entered the room with relief.

She was obviously worried, and frightened.

– Are you all right?

Igor was worried.

– I am very worried about your father, and Sergey, they have been gone for an hour, and have not yet called, they should not have been let go!

– Mom do not worry so, everything will be fine.

Although Igor tried to calm his mother, he felt that he was beginning to worry.

Suddenly the phone rang in the hallway.

Oksana Yuryevna rushed to the hallway, followed by Igor.

– Yes, I'm listening.

My mother picked up the phone.

It's you, Seryozha, where are you?

It was felt from the voice that his mother had fallen down like a rock from the heart when she heard the voice of her son:

"Are you coming back?" what!? Has the theater been closed, too? Well I understand, we'll wait.

My mother finished speaking and hung up.

–Where are they? What with them?

Igor asked worriedly.

– It's okay they go home and as I realized the theater was also closed, and the city has terrible traffic jams.

My mother's answer calmed Igor a little. Suddenly he smelled something burning.

"Does your mother have anything to fry in the kitchen?"

He asked.

– Oh, I have fried eggs on the stove.

She realized.

Already, in about five minutes, Igor and Oksana Yurievna drank tea and had breakfast, a little scorched eggs. Igor before the meal drank a bit of heart drops, something after all this, somehow not good at heart. Although they almost did not have breakfast, a piece in his throat did not climb. Just sipped a little tea. From all this situation, to Igor, only now it has become clear that my mother did not go to work. He was about to ask, but then he remembered the morning bell and understood everything. But he still asked:

"Did they call you from school this morning?"

– Yes from school, they said not to come and did not even explain why. They said only that everything is fine.

Suddenly, from the open window, the sounds of cars and sirens came, and also, some noise, similar to the sound of a helicopter.

Igor went to the window to see what kind of noise it was and there were at least six military helicopters flying into the sky,

"What is it?"

Her mother asked. – Military helicopters,

Igor answered, returning to the table.

Igor's answer somehow alerted and at the same time frightened Oksana Yuryevna.

Igor himself already began to worry and feel that fear began to approach him, because something was happening in the city, something clearly bad.

At the entrance door clicked the lock, it's the father and Sergei, finally returned to the home.

Chapter 5

Mother and Igor rushed into the corridor. The door opened, first the father came in, and then Sergey. Father began the conversation first. -There in the city some kind of devilry is happening, policemen and fast cars, more and more, and now even military trucks are placed along the central streets. Later, we also saw military helicopters. – Well, at least with you everything is in order! Nothing happened… My mother began to mourn. – It's okay, do not you worry so. Sergey interjected into the conversation. Fifteen minutes later, at last breakfast, the family of the Circular, gathered in the hall and continued the conversation. Kruglov senior went around the hall to the back, forward., From door to window and back, he always did that when he was nervous or worried, and the rest sat on the couch. Sergey started the conversation: – When I went to the theater, I was immediately stopped by a military man and, to put it mildly, asked to leave. To the question "what happened?" answered, they say. "I'm not your business," I went back to the car and told my father, then we thought about it and went from there as soon as possible home, and we see a man walking along the roadside, like a drunk, completely not oriented in space. Suddenly he went out onto the roadway and was hit by a car, the traffic stopped, a traffic jam was formed, we were just passing by, it was still a spectacle around the blood and the man spread out on the asphalt, but when we had already passed I looked in the rear-view mirror and was stupefied, this man rose, his foot, was broken and skewed, but he walked. His eyes were colorless and his pupils were almost transparent, the police arrived, the ambulance and even the military. We tried, as soon as possible to get out of there, on the way home there were more traffic accidents and traffic jams, and we also saw these strange people walking along the roadside, and some right along the road. Sergey exhaled, having finished the story, as he told everything, literally in one breath. -Well, and things. My mother began to mourn. And Igor asked the Father: "Dad, you never told me what you saw yesterday at work." Vitaly Andreevich stood up in his tracks, took a deep breath and finally answered, while again he went about the room. – Yesterday I came to work early in the morning and began to walk around and check the numbers, from the beginning everything was fine, but when I left the next issue, I heard some screams and noise, there on the street. I went to the window, the benefit of the second floor, the whole street, it is quite clearly visible, but what I saw, to put it mildly, I did not like. There were two men at one of the arms were bleeding, the entire sleeve of the shirt was soaked, and they fought off the third, some iron rod. This third one was very strange, he just walked on them, as if drunk. Suddenly he turned his face to the window, I saw his lifeless eyes, and almost transparent pupils. I had goosebumps all over my body, and immediately, a police crew appeared, and an ambulance, but not an ordinary one, it had a radiation sign on it and it was written on the board that it was like chemical protection. Out of her came two in special suits and stopped, but they were obviously waiting for something, suddenly one of the Law Enforcement Force, looked around, got a gun and ....... My father stopped talking, he looked at the family and stopped, but after a minute he finally spoke again, he went around the room. "They shot directly into the head of those two, then the third, and these in suits were loaded into the ambulance and left, the police stood still for a while, looking around, and also moaning.
