January 7, 2018 23:44
Translation from Russian into English: January 7, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Скетч о литературном диспуте'.
8. The Short Story about the Bottom
The religious protagonist in a pit sits. Together with the wife. It's damp, cold, heavy.
He have decided to distract. He have turned on the laptop. Have gone out in Internet.
Browse: news. The fight. The incident. The razborka. "u-u-Yes...". The Molotov cocktail ... "Is what cocktail, the wife? To which in long dresses come?" What to answer the wife? She jokes in reply: "In clothes black ...".
The religious protagonist looks further: website of newspaper. On the first page even the writer - classic is represented. Russian-Soviet. The protagonist has remembered: "At the bottom". He have sighed. He have gained strength, He have begun to read.
"We, such-those, support!..."
The wife has approached, has looked because of a back onto the screen: "How long, father?"
From surprise the religious protagonist has lost the speech. The question was left without answer.
January 19, 2018.
Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о дне'.
9. The Short Story about Progress in Fishing
- Can I speak to Monsieur Maupassant, please?
- Hello. Maupassant speaking.
- This is the Head of Cultural Panel calling. Let me inform You about the cultural overturn. In the past, men used to write about women. Today, now, versa, women are writing about men. ... Your congratulations? You - as the old yacht seaman - are wishing a progress in a yachting and in a fishing ? Thank you! Good-by.
- Bye-bye.
February 16, 2018.
10. Dialogue of Stop Down - Start Up
- Make the list of the forbidden books!
- Develop new model of a space rocket!
- Develop the system of blocking of the websites!
- Design new satellites and space satellite groups!
- Complicate the books edition and the book trade!
- Launch the new developments for space branch!
- Approve the extrajudicial blocking of the websites!
- Put into operation the public high-speed uncensored Internet!
- ...!
February 24, 2018.
Translation from Russian into English: February 24, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог Stop Down - Start Up'.
11. The Monologue about Knowledge
Yury Trifonov was finishing the story "Time and Place": "In the fall of 1979 my daughter Katya did not pass the second year in a row exams for admission to the university. She got sick with a severe nervous disease. And she was put in the first city hospital, in the psychosomatic department." "When last year Katya has failed exams, it was clear: Vasenka, her son, takes away many forces. But now have found the nanny, the child lived in the summer in Desna, Katya exhausted herself with memorization and vigils. I haven't seen people, weakened himself to such an extent. I couldn't help, the mathematics wasn't necessary to her, and in other objects I have lagged behind. But, seeing as she is engaged, I was for some reason sure: such infernal efforts can't go to waste! And here she has made a call me to institute and by a false, cheerful voice has told I shouldn't worry, - she hasn't gained half a point, has again failed. - And let them all go further on. I felt cold in fear and shouted: "What are you going to do now?" - "I'll go to cinema!""
He wrote and reflected on abstract subjects: "Millions of people - tens, hundreds of millions of people? - possess diplomas of institutes ... And how many people can tell that they are children, descendants of outstanding writers? A few people? Tens?.."
"She was silent, after that has told: "There were girls who haven't gained half a point too, and they have told that everything was pre-determined. And nothing can be made. It is the truth?" - "I don't know - I have answered. - It may be so". - "Then why to live? If everything is defined?""
"Being the daughter of an outstanding writer - it's an unnoticeable place in life?" - he continued to think of something.
Memory made the tooltip: "Whether the writer knows that such human heart?"
"You don't suit for our galaxy."
"...something the stired up, warm, old, expensive, that disappeared without a trace..."
"1980. December"
He has opened the encyclopedia: "August 28, 1925 - March 28, 1981 (aged 55)"
February 25, 2018 7:20
Translation from Russian into English: February 25, 2018 17:54.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог о знании'.
12. The Fairy Tale, devoted March 8, about Lermontov
After departure from the small town of Taman my soul became the restless. My thoughts continuously came back to the my water nymph, to my undine.
Труды, заботы ночь и днем,
Все, размышлению мешая,
Приводит в первобытный вид
Больную душу: сердце спит,
Простора нет воображенью...
И нет работы голове...
Зато лежишь в густой траве
И дремлешь под широкой тенью
Чинар иль виноградных лоз...
(The works, the cares in the solar days and hours of the nights,
Everything, hampering the thoughts,
Leads to primitive kind of
The sick soul: the heart is asleep,
There is no scope for imagination...
And no the head work...