В 1906 году, когда ты приехал в США, такая беседа у нас вряд ли бы получилась, хотя и была бы для меня очень нужной, своевременной.
In 1906, when you came to the United States, we would hardly could to carry such a conversation, although such a talk would have been a very necessary and timely for me.
- Ты знаешь, Джек, что я слегка сентиментален. Мои биографы пишут, что я частенько пускал слезу. Когда я выдаю книги читателям, и когда они у меня просят произведения Джека Лондона, я слегка умиляюсь. Полагаю, твои произведения трогают сердца читателей нашей библиотеки.
- You know, Jack, that I'm a sentimental a little. My biographers write, that I often shed a tear. When I hand out books to readers of the library and when they ask works by Jack London, my heart begins to work quicker. I suppose, your books touch hearts of readers of our library.
- Понял, Алексей. Считай меня читателем твоей библиотеки. И прошу приготовить к моему следующему визиту рассказ "Мой спутник".
- I have understood, Alexei. Consider me the reader of your library. Also I ask to prepare the story "My Satellite" for my next visit.
Писатели поднялись и дружески пожали друг другу руки. Попрощавшись, Джек Лондон направился к выходу.
Writers have risen and have shaken hands each other with friendly mood. Having said goodbye, Jack London has gone to an exit.
Алексей Максимович возвратился к обязанностям библиотекаря. Выдав книгу одному из читателей, спросил у него:
Alexei Maksimovich has come back to the librarian's duties. Having transferring the book to one of readers, he have interested:
- Сколько Вы сегодня страниц прочитали? Четыреста? Не плохо, не плохо...
- How many pages you have read today? Four hundred? Not badly, not badly...
Сделал отметку в своем журнале.
He have made a mark in the log.
8 мая 2017 года - 10 мая 2017 года.
May 8, 2017 - on May 10, 2017.
Translation from Russian into English: May 1, 2018 17:44. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation). Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о беседе Максима Горького и Джека Лондона'.
2. The tale about not-sent letter. Of Maxim Gorky to Ivan Bunin
M. Gorky decided to re-read the text of the letter. Here what in it was written:
"Dear Ivan Alekseyevich!
Often I think of You. About us.
Yesterday, I had a conversation with Jack London at my Cafй-Library.
Today I write You the letter. About what?
Yes not so it and is important.
Smiling and joking, I will tell: "About everything!"
There was a desire to talk with You, albeit in absentia. Do You remember our acquaintance in 1899, cooperation in publishing company "Znanie"?
I hope, I did not do any harm to You.
I hope, that You can not reproach in anything "Znanie" - headed by me. It was a good time!
But by adhering to epistolary discipline, I'll clarify.
This my letter - about literary creativity, about creative cooperation, about literary success, about a theme: "to write and work or refrain from action and from writing".
Remember, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, one of episodes of training of Nikolai Gogol in the Nizhyn Lyceum. Nikolai Vasilievich at one of lessons submitted to the teacher Nikolsky the poem by Pushkin "Prophet". Nikolsky was from the clergy. Was writer. He knew works by many poets, writers, but he treated Pushkin's creativity mistrustfully, did not read the works by Pushkin. Nikolsky read...Then he frowned and began to make the change in the text.
Having returned verses to the imaginary author, Gogol, Nikolsky reproached him for insufficient diligence. Here Nikolai Vasilievich confessed that the author of this work - Pushkin and that he, Nikolai, decided to play a trick on Partheni Ivanovich, to whom you will not please in any way.
Professor was the teacher of the highest pedagogical qualification. He kindly exclaimed: "Well what you understand! Yes unless Pushkin with gross mistakes cannot write? Here to you explicit proof... Recognize, by whom better is written...".
Young Nikolai Gogol gets a lesson of problem-based learning. Perhaps one of the most important literary creative lessons in the Nizhyn gymnasium.
But you will agree, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, that the situation, favorably resolved due to the pedagogical genius of the teacher Nikolsky and the luck of Nikolai Gogol, was very ambiguous. There were words about dishonesty, disrespect, plagiarism could be mentioned. Of course, if these words sounded, they would be pronounced without special aggressiveness, with exhortation. But still it would be unpleasant if they were uttered.
Both the teacher and the pupil came out of the situation easily, gallantly, at ease.
Some optimism felt Nikolai from Nikolsky, and from his kindly look.
I write this letter, dear dear Ivan Alekseyevich, and in process of its writing I reflect over its subject. Here's another option: "Tireless creative energy. To act or not to act? To work or not to work?".
I mentioned about yesterday's my conversation with Jack London above.
London got acquainted in January, 1906 with the correspondent of one of local American newspapers Sinclair Lewis. Lewis came to take from him, London, an interview. At that time London actively agitated for "socialism". Not to me to you, dear Ivan Alekseyevich, to tell about 1905! The world raged.
Acquaintance between London and Lewis took place, but several years did not develop.
Judging by subsequent events, Lewis was full of ebullient creative energy. The energy, that is actively seeking a way out.
1913 comes. It's a year of finishing the construction of Jack London's extraordinary house. Year when the amount of monthly debts of London fluctuated approximately in borders from 25000 to 50000 dollars.
Jack London was widely known figure. And certainly the correspondent Sinclair Lewis was to some extent aware of the affairs of London.
The unusual charming mirage vision appeared before readers of the American newspapers.
Great writer. Builder of the great house. The person, burdened with great debts.