Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Конечно, главная ваша реакция - это "отсутствие" гонорара. Но это "лекарство" долго действующее. В конце концов, и в эпоху античности, и в эпоху Средних веков гонорары не выплачивались, а, тем не менее, действовало много плодовитых авторов. Порядочные библиотеки формировались в те времена!

Of course, your main reaction is "lack" of the fee. But this "medicine" is a long playing. Eventually, and during antiquity era, and during era of the Middle Ages the royalties weren't paid, and, nevertheless, many prolific authors acted. Decent libraries were formed in those days!

Но я слегка отвлекся. Итак: есть и другие забавные методы."

But I have slightly distracted. So: there are also other amusing methods."

Аудитория с интересом молчала.

The audience with interest was silent.

"Вы организуете подготовку обложки книги... Ведь можно немного и пошутить... Вылить на голову автора небольшой ушат ... воды... Вы бы для такой шутки какие образы на обложке разместили?"

"You will organize preparation of a cover of the book ... It is possible a few and to joke ... To pour out on the author's head a small bucket ... of water ... What images on the cover you for a joke would place?"

Аудитория задумалась.

The audience has thought.

- Я бы разместил на обложке изображение тонущего "Титаника"! - послышался голос одного из Читателей.

- I would place the image of sinking "Titanic" on a cover! - the voice of one of readers was heard.

- Ха-ха-ха! - рассмеялся Марк Твен.

- Ha-ha-ha! - Mark Twain has burst out laughing.

- А я бы поместила на обложку изображение разбитой чашки и стола, залитого кофе, - добавила какая-то читательница.

- And I would place the images of the broken cup and of the table, which surface is filled with coffee, on a book's cover, - some readeress has added.

- Ну... Я предпочел изображение сломанных часов, - высказался Марк Твен. - А насчет кофе... Идея, - по своей направленности, - правильная... К сломанным часам можно добавить изображение мухоморов, грибов ядовитых...

- Well ... I have preferred the image of the spoiled clock, - Mark Twain has spoken. - And about coffee ... The idea, - on the orientation, - correct ... By the spoiled clock it is possible to add the image of fly agarics, mushrooms poisonous ...

Раздались аплодисменты.

Applause were sounding.

- В общем, друзья, в мировоззрении издателя книг есть много и расчета, и юмора. Всего сразу не расскажешь. Но не могу пересилить в себе писателя-юмориста. Потому все это вам и рассказываю. При случае загляну к вам и еще что-нибудь расскажу.

- Generally, friends, in outlook of the publisher of books are many both a calculation, and a humour. It is difficult to tell about everything at once. But I can't overcome in myself the writer of a humor sketches. Therefore also I tell all this to you. As required I will glance to you and still I will tell something.

Снова раздались аплодисменты. "Ждем!" - было общее мнение аудитории.

Again an applause was distributed. "We wait!" - there was the general opinion of audience.

Марк Твен сделал рукой приветливый жест и в сопровождении Максима Горького направился к выходу из кафе-библиотеки.

Mark Twain has made a friendly gesture and accompanied by Maxim Gorky has gone to an exit from cafe-library.

17 апреля 2018 г.

On April 17, 2018.

Translation from Russian into English: April 17, 2018. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о Марке Твене-издателе".

26. Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account

- May I remove my account?

- And why you want to delete your account?

- Have I a right to remove my account?

- And what books in your account?

- I have to come into the account, to make by a mouse of "copy-paste", to engage in useless activities of removal a unneeded text elements and to send you the list of books by e-mail?

- And what books from the list sent by you are in the publication process? Probably, not the all? Some are in the process of a preparation?

- I had to guess what you will express new questions? And then again the "pleasure" of a useless activities?

- Why don't you want to?

- Isn't it announced that readers can purchase books, written by authors, using your platform?

- Isn't that right?

- If you, the employee of the platform, can't independently obtain information about the list of my books at your platform, if, still besides, you are asking me to specify what books from this list are published and what books - aren't, then how the ordinary reader will understand your platform? And if he doesn't understand - how he will buy books using your platform?

- Whether can we stop now? And to stop asking questions?

- Why should I place books at the platform which a mass reader cannot understand? What is the meaning of the existence of my account in this situation? Don't I have the right to delete my account?

(Allow to return to the beginning of the text? To start the reading the text once again?).

May 3, 2018 19:39

Translation from Russian into English: May 4, 2018 05:43.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Вопросы об издательской платформе и об удалении аккаунта".

27. Questions about an Internet-Platforms for Publications and about a "Traditional" Publishing Houses

- Why the "Questions about the Internet-Platform for Publications and about the deletion of the User's Account" are creating a slightly strange impression about the such internet-platforms?

- Did you get acquainted with opinions of the "beginning" writers about "traditional" publishing houses?
