During this period in Paris real estate prices fell, and I have bought several houses at once.
In one of the houses we settled down with my Undine. Here was my Parisian library. Other houses gave the income necessary for my archaeological excavations.
I added to the knowledge gained at the Moscow University - listened to several cycles of lectures at the Paris and Neapolitan universities.
I was drawn to Greece, and in this country we spent the most part of time with my beauty woman.
I drew attention to the low prices of land lots in Athens. Gradually acquired several plots. Soon the prices rose, I sold the plots profitably, and on the money I built our house in the Greek capital.
The house was decorated with frescoes on modern and archaeological themes.
On one of the frescoes depicts a young girl in a striped dress with loose braids - a real mermaid.
I have published several books with my travel diaries and descriptions of my archaeological excavations. On the basis of several books to me degree of the doctor of philosophy has been awarded.
Our archaeological studies were quite successful.
We found huge gold treasures and opened several of the ancient palaces.
My Undine and I made presentations at a joint meeting of several archaeological societies in one of the European capitals.
The treasures we found are housed in European museums.
We made a trip around the world. We visited Scotland, the places where my ancestors lived.
И арфы шотландской струну бы задел,
И по сводам бы звук полетел...
(And I would touch a strings of Scottish harps,
And the sounds would fly through the arches ...)
However, my beauty woman dedicated more and more her time to the our Athenian house and to our numerous children.
At some point, my earthly journey was over. It happened almost-that on the site of the antique city, where I came as a tourist
That's what happened after the end of the earthly path.
I met Louis Antoine de Bougainville. Among the roses he watched the flight of the snowflakes. The wind carried them to a flight around the globe. We greeted each other. De Bougainville was so kind as to quote my poem "Парус" ("The Sail"):
Под ним струя светлей лазури,
Над ним луч солнца золотой...
А он, мятежный, просит бури,
Как будто в бурях есть покой!
("A stream of light azure in the depths,
Ray of the Sun Golden in the heights...
And he, the man of freedom, asks for a storm,
As if in the storms there is a rest!")
I have explained that I was inspired for the writing of this poem by his global cruise and his gallant act in relation to the women - by the ship of his expedition the woman has for the first time made a round-the-world trip.
De Bougainville has invited me to the port to be present at a greeting of the next super-catamaran which has set up the next record of speed during the global cruise under a sail.
Since then I sometimes walks with him for meetings of the super-catamarans.
My hope is - to meet my undine in the following life.
Than to complete my story? Probably, those the words, what I have begun with. Taman - the finest the small town from all seaside cities of Russia. I there slightly haven't died from hunger. Moreover in additives I was wanted to be drowned. But there I have found the happiness.
March 5, 2018.
Translation from Russian into English: March 6, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка к 8 Марта о Лермонтове".
16. The Fairy Tale about the Library on the Seacoast
Confucius and Jefferson were reading the books in the library on the Seacoast.
Confucius was reading the book by the one of the ancient wise men.
Jefferson was reading the book by the one of the Enlightenment philosophers.
Simultaneously they heard the ringing signals of their mobile telephones and went toward verandah to converse at a fresh air.
They put their books on the table near the entrance to verandah.
Returning into the library after the talks, Confucius took the book of the Enlightenment times, Jefferson took the ancient book.
They looked through the books.
"The man of knowledge" - they expressed their opinions.
March 9, 2018.
17. The Story about the Young man
- Come in, please, Alexander Sergeyevich! Would you like to sit down? Would you like a glass of orange juice?
We are reading about your words to the Emperor Nicholas I. The words, wich were told just before end of your terrestrial way: "Tell the Emperor, I regret losing my life. Because I can't express to him my gratitude. I would be totally of his!"
Pushkin remained silent. A bit later he said:
- The boy will go toward outstanding success.
- Orphan, difficult the private life, not simple situation in the family. He was brought up by the grandmother ... It seems, these are your words: "It's impossible to break an axe into two parts with a lash?"
- "The poet - or the no one!" - Alexander Pushkin has quoted a line from the poem.
The group of excursionists entered the hall where the portraits were arranged. Among others there was a self-portrait of Lermontov.
The guide told:
- Pushkin's death has terribly struck Lermontov. Lermontov revered the Pushkin's genius ...
Under influence of a true grief, fresh still, and the indignation excited in him by this scary murder, Lermontov in a short period, almost immediately, wrote a few stanzas, which were extended out widely in two days around the city. Since then, all who cherish the Russian word, learned the name of Lermontov.
- I read these verses to the count von Benckendorff, and we haven't found in them anything reprehensible, - Alexander Nikolaevich Mordvinov, the managing director of the Third Section of His Imperial Majesty's Own Chancellery has quietly commented on a situation from the portrait.