So, the baron stormed the city of Cafu. One of the ships was immediately sent to the squadron, so that his servants would arrive immediately. Consolidated platoon of artillerymen remained in the courtyard at the magistrate - ten people guarded at the entrance, the rest took up collecting valuable items, carrying out corpses and in general - putting things in order. The second company was sent to patrol the streets to prevent confusion and robbery. The first company engaged in visiting the manors of members of the magistrate and sympathizers for the purpose of confiscating property, naturally posthumous. They worked smoothly and quickly, but because of special overlapping was not. Servants arrived by lunchtime, and things went much faster. Property collected in the port and, previously described, loaded on ships. Towards evening the patrols were fired from servants who moved in groups of ten. In the morning of the second day, a delegation of local residents came to Eric with completely ordinary things - complaints of harassment. It turned out that, under the cover of his name, a small group of local plundered the urban poor. The problem was solved very quickly, and by lunchtime the bodies of the unfortunate combinators were hanging out on the brother gallows. In general, life in the city was gradually improving, because the baron, having cut his head in the form of a magistrate, did not touch ordinary people. And they, in general, traditionally do not care who rules them. By the evening of the third day, the last ships with the prey to Constantinople departed, to go to the markets of Europe, and then in the form of silver marks to enter his account. According to preliminary calculations, he took in the city about three thousand marks, mostly jewelry and jewelry. In the city was about three hundred slaves. A little hesitating, he freed them and took away healthy ones. Among them were mostly young girls from the Slavic lands, so he identified them among servants - cooking, washing, cleaning, and so on. With the first ship the courier for the Templars departed, who waited in Constantinople for the signal to arrive and organize their representation. The main advantage of their arrival is the presence of an additional allied force, which will be able to hold the city during its campaign. It's time to sum up the storm. If it is rude, then fifteen people are wounded and one killed, for this price a city and three thousand marks were received by silver. A decent result. On the morning of the fourth day, he sent observers from among the servants to all the hills around the city and began a citywide meeting, which his patrols had warned the entire city since the evening. He planned to organize the election of the city head - at the same time to see who the city dwellers respect - he needed agents of influence, in order not only to maintain order in the city by force.
When the people gathered in the square, the baron ordered to strike at the brass bell, calling for silence:
" The people of Kafa! "I am your new master - Eric from the background of the Lenzburg family. These lands were presented to me by the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire as a token of gratitude for the victories in the Holy Land, where I achieved great success in fighting the infidels. You came to this square at my invitation. First of all, I want to inform you that this city is returned to its ancient name - Theodosius, which means - granted by God. I think this is a worthy name for such a wonderful city. Secondly, it is necessary to form a city guard instead of the deceased, because order and tranquility can not be achieved only by a kind word. Therefore, all those who wish to fill up its ranks immediately after the end of the meeting, let them approach the building of the magistrate. Thirdly, we need to resolve the issue of power. The magistrate refused to swear allegiance to me and attacked me with weapons. He is dead. All. I want to show you mercy and allow myself to choose those people who will rule you on my behalf. The ten people you will propose from your number will become the new leadership of the city. It can be absolutely any people. Their property status is unimportant, as they will come to my service and will receive salaries.
What started here! The crowd just gasped at the energy that was overflowing with it. Local fights were started on local fights, but they were quickly stopped by baron fighters. In the city there were thousands of thirty residents, but only adult men came to the meeting, so all six thousand people settled in a small square near the magistrate. True, with difficulty - some people were sitting on the roofs of houses. Half an hour later, the process of popular fermentation began to bear fruit - the crowd slowly ejected people from their womb. They were handed over neatly to a small pedestal. After three hours, this touching scene of the people's will finally ended, and next to Eric stood ten people - the new magistrate of the first city, which he captured. He once again ordered to strike the bell, in order to call for silence, and the people again obeyed.
- Residents of Theodosia! Before you is your new city council! He turned to them. - And now each of you in turn, loudly and distinctly, will name his name, his father's name and profession. After you take the oath before the people and God that you will be faithful to me, my master, to the last extremity and sparing no life and health, make every effort to ensure that my city - Theodosius flourished. - Then he turned to the crowd and continued, - the inhabitants of Theodosia! I want to achieve order and prosperity in this city, so that all my subjects could at least a little, but live better. Therefore, for attempting a bribe to any of these ten people, I will execute the whole family of one who will decide on this bad deed. If I find out that a bribe is accepted, then the whole family of the person who accepted it is also executed. If three or more members of the city council are caught in bribes, he will be executed in full, including the family of each.
In general, they made another noise with an hour. Caught up. People from the square broke up in an extremely good mood, as this crowd of small people suddenly felt their need and significance.
The rest of the day Eric was engaged in the organization of management in the city - he formed a typical city government. From among the council appointed city mayor. The others became his assistants in the areas of activity - comrades. But it was a trifle - before these people he posed tasks that they never solved. Actually, the baron did not decide either, but it was easier for him, since he knew what the result should be, from which he proceeded. The city has been established progressive income tax and trade and transport duty. The tax varied from zero to thirty percent, for calculation thresholds were established, raising the tax in steps of one percent. As a result, the bulk of the poor were generally exempt from taxes, which sharply increased stability in the city. The trade duty was of two kinds - on imported goods and on local goods, twenty and ten percent respectively. That is, peasants who in the district of the city grew a crop and brought it for sale to the city, paid ten percent, and merchants who came or came here from afar - twenty. For the transit of goods through the city, too, they paid. In general, the taxes were fairly moderate, but strict. On the incoming money it was necessary to deploy the construction of municipal sewerage and organize regular cleaning of the streets. Unexpected thing, but it was vital, because the city was a large cesspool. Actually, like all other medieval cities in Europe. Much was discussed on the priorities in the construction and organization of public works for the repair of the city wall and other things. Particular attention was paid to the formation of the city militia and city guard. The latter should become a regular, small army of the city, completely on maintenance and with unified equipment allocated from the city's arsenal. The police should become a form of the city militia, which once every three months must meet for training and receive training within a few days. Of course - it's all in the distant future. Now there were more pressing tasks - fighting crime, creating cleanliness and order in the city and resuming its commercial activity. By evening, it turned out that about one hundred and twenty people had registered in the custody. Of course - they had neither armor nor weapons, since the guys were representatives of the poorest part of the lumpen proletariat. Eric collected them in the big hall of the city council building.