The first of June 1201. Baron Eric von Lenzburg had two companies of well-trained soldiers. In the first company he had a complete set - 127 people, of which 96 milles (warriors), 24 promiles (corporals), six sergeants and one lieutenant - Rudolph. The symbol of the first company was a black diamond with a Latin "I" of white color, which was sewn on the right upper back and the front left side of the chest on the cats of all the personnel. The second one had a similar symbol, but with the number "II", and the number was minimal - 64 people, that is, 48 miles, 12 promiles, three sergeants and Lieutenant Antonio. A total of 191 warriors. Standard equipment for all personnel was the following: aketon, quilted helmet, chain mail, brigandine, shoulder pads, legguards, helmet sweat, new crossbow, waist quiver for bolts, saber and cotta of the right color with the baron's emblem and company badge. Each third was issued simple halberds, the rest - large shields - pavis. All equipment was unified, homogeneous and very high quality. In each company, two groups were allotted, which did not have a pavis and halberd, since they were servants of the ballista. They had a company rhombus besides the figure, and also the Latin letter "A", to denote involvement in artillery. Total, his unit could give a volley of 191 crossbow, could put 57 halberds and 114 large shields. The personal standard bearer of our hero was not yet, as Morrigan was in her seventh month of pregnancy. You understand that in such a state you can not ride a horse. All of his male servants, numbering 182 people, were dressed in well-quilted aketons, on top of which was put on a cot out of gray linen with the coat of arms of Eric. These guys, he will use during the robbery and the baggage, so that at the right time, enough hands. Alas, it has not yet been possible to equip all with helmets - they were given them traditional spangelhelms, which at the moment were actively manufactured in the smithy of the farmstead, as well as throughout Constantinople. From weapons to servants small battle axes with a long handle and a belt for carrying were issued. There was a desire to teach them to keep a static system and equip them with spears and shields, but time was running low - it was too late. Yes, and money was spent on all these events a huge amount - a personal account in the Templar Bank he had decreased by two thousand marks. This is more than half of what he was able to accumulate during the annual robbery of rich caravans! Yes, a good army is not cheap. Now the main thing is not to lose it by stupidity. In August, Theodore returned with good news - Rurik is ready to speak on the signal. For communication, they decided to use postal pigeons, which Theodore brought with him in the cage. The final agreement is as soon as Eric breaks the Polovtsian kosha near the city of Kafa, he immediately writes a letter and sends it with a dove to Kiev. They also discussed the time of the beginning of the operation - October 1. On this day, the baron must undertake an attack by the Genoese fleet and begin an attack of the city, and Rurik and Vladimir will gather with the squads in Kiev and will wait for the signal. It remained only to wait. To his soldiers are not bored, he tightly loaded them with drill and physical training, which diversified sparring. Similarly, all of his male servants, he began to load more physical exercise. At the end of September, Demetra arrived on the farmstead, from which sixty large ships arrived at the port of Constantinople - they had double teams of riflemen, and all the sailors were armed. For the needs of a maneuverable sea battle, she was able to find four light naves, which could give out eight to nine knots in a good wind, which was very decent. Armed servants were fully equipped with helmets, crossbows - bolts, ballista - cores. Everything was ready, it is possible to speak, so on September 25, 1202, Eric, at the head of his detachment and his fleet, left for the Bosporus and headed for the Pontine Sea, to the Crimea.
The Baron's fleet was incomplete for three days and approached Sugdeye late at night. Then, leaving all the big ships for the blockade of the port, he moved on four light naves to the Cafe. Morrigan, he did not take with him, because she had a baby in late August and had to sit with the child. With the first rays of the sun, he came out from behind the headland and moved to the city. He was noticed very quickly and came forward to meet him - as he had expected, Genoa prepared a surprise for him from a dozen big naves into which troops were stuffed to the outset. After making the turn over, the baron began to leave the sea to the east of the city. After an hour of maneuvering, when the entire battle had retired five miles from the shore, Eric gave orders to raise the red flag, which was an agreed signal for the beginning of the next stage of the battle-artillery firing. After making a new overturn, the squadron went to the windward side and, having gained an advantage in speed and maneuver, moved along the enemy ships. From a distance of 50 steps began to beat from the ballista. They aimed so that the core at the entrance struck the board at the waterline or below it. The effectiveness of the shooting was terrific - to defeat the ship took from three to six shots. Within ten minutes all the ships of the Genoese had either a roll or sagged from the collected water. The enemy tried to lower the boats, but the baron's artillerymen shot them with accurate shots before they were in the water. The Italians began to take off their armor and jump into the water, trying to escape, but the baron's ships that had flown closer to the shore, with accurate shots of crossbows, drowned all the swimmers. After an hour it was all over - a number of corpses and garbage floated on the site of the tragedy. Eric picked up the second red flag, and the whole squadron moved to the port. After an hour and a half, both his companies had already landed at the port and engaged in a skirmish near the port gate with the remains of the garrison. Theodore studied their mount in advance, and therefore all four ballists began to beat on the fastenings of the loops. From the third salvo, the right section crashed inward with a crash, from the fourth volley - and the left one fell. At the exit of the port tower, a city militia lined up - a man of fifty with spears and shields, and on top of the tower, a hot oil was prepared for his people. The fifth volley was covered by the top of the tower, overturned the boiler, and a violent fire began. Sixth volley - the militia was broken, which was completely upset and was immediately handled by crossbowmen. After, not hesitating, the first company was built in a column and moved forward. It was important to take the town hall as soon as possible. In the port for the protection of ships remained full-time ship's arrow, and the entire second company acted as an escort at the artillery and with it advanced to cover the attacking column. A hundred meters before the magistrate, the column, having crushed several cordons along the way, came upon a barricade guarded by the Guard of the Magistrate, numbering up to a hundred people. Across the street, tables, trestles, cabinets, logs and other large objects of everyday life were piled up. To lead people to storm and bear solid losses, the baron did not dare, and so he waited for the ballista's approach, and from a distance of thirty paces began to shoot the barricade. Kernels pierced this pile of rubbish through and killed the people who stood behind him. Meanwhile, the second platoon of the first company occupied a position on the roof of the neighboring house, in order to have an advantage in height, to fire at the enemy. To the honor of the guards, it should be said that none of them faltered or ran, and so their bodies remained rather hefty. In the magistrate all the servants were quickly killed and the entire top of the city was localized in one room, where they barricaded themselves. This caused some problems, as the attempt to knock out the door did not bring success. I had to bring a ballista on my hands. On the eighth shot from the door were only debris. When the soldiers broke in, they found a lot of people wounded with chips, and opposite the door - a severely damaged wall and several ripped corpses. Quickly finishing the remnants of the magistrate, the troops continued to occupy the city. All gates and all military and public buildings were taken under control. For dinner it was all over.