Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Da Vinci was quiet again.

- Well, we'll solve it sometime, too! I wish you success, engineer!

- Goodbye, teacher!

Da Vinci walked farther by looking at the Roman scenery.

Nobile accelerated the preparation of the flight.

The Norwegian dirigible was soon ready for departure. An unexpected crew member was added to the expedition: a small dog weighing five pounds.

On his way from Italy to the North Pole, the dirigible landed on 15 April 1926 for several days in Russia. Accustomed to the warm edges and torn away from the wife and daughter - Nobile felt uncomfortable.

But some of the people encountered, cheered up Nobile in Russia. Some old woman, servant, soothing was and Nobile, and his daughter. In any case, she took a portrait of Nobile's daughter from the table and held some correspondence with her.

A dog, who was constantly with him since the departure from Italy, has not forgotten Umberto.

Uninterrupted youth delegations have seen the dirigible with quiet respect. These delegations somehow morally reinforced Umberto Nobile.

Thousands of men and women of all ages and professions came. They entered the gates behind the towered hangar.

And two young men asked Umberto Nobile to show the Italian flag. They respectfully touched the 3 colour flag.

"Captain, we're going to open the way to the stars!", silently said a strange phrase by one of the boys, a member of a glider club.

A gift - custom-made fur boots - Nobile did not take off from the time of departure from Russia and to Alaska itself. Fabulous boots. Actually, the boots are bystrolety ("fast-flying").

A certain person, raising hands, jumped to Nobile in the hangar, before the flight: "I will pray for you!" This was unusual: Nobile knew about the changes that had occurred in Russia. The case was remembered by a native of religious Italy.

This moment Umberto Nobile remembered as a transition from a real to a surreal world.

"Long live Italy." The airship started from Russia - and further to the pole - under the sound of the Italian national anthem.

From Svalbard began, on May 11, 1926, in fact, a flight through the Arctic Ocean and across the North Pole.

The flight left Umberto Nobile two senses of surprise: first, by itself, second, by the airship.

The expedition consisted of different people. The expedition's leaders were Norwegian Roald Amundsen and American Lincoln Ellsworth.

However, only Umberto Nobile had sufficient qualifications to control the airship. He was preparing the airship and the goods for flight; He, Umberto Nobile, was the designer and creator of the airship.

Umberto Nobile was forced to remain on duty for almost all time - seventy-one hour - of continuous flight over the northern Arctic Ocean and the Bering Strait. Such a long period of awake in constant nervous stress was practically far for any person.

Nobile managed to gather with the forces, was able to not sleep and effectively manage the Norwegian blimp for several days. There's a little 5 kg dog in his memory, almost the whole flight sleeping near.

The North Pole was a lifeless icy desert. The sun has been looked at several times, allowing the coordinates to be refined. Nobile seemed to see icondescending the smile of Leonardo da Vinci.

As for the dirigible. Nobile sometimes asked himself how he decided to fly over the North Pole. Through the Arctic Ocean. The airship was designed for relatively long-range flights over the Mediterranean Sea. During the flight from Italy to Svalbard, a number of mechanical breakdowns took place in the motor part, and in a transarctic flight from Svalbard to Alaska, the pieces of ice discarded by propellers severely damaged the hull ... There were problems with the elasticity, the ice-freezing surfaces. Of course, the airship was refined and modernized, but the task of the Transarctic flight was, however, a field of supernatural luck.

"Ambition and contempt for danger", "the irresistible attraction of the name Amundsen - conqueror of the South Pole," "the desire to see one of the airships created by Italians in Great flight" - such were, among others - the motivations of Umberto Nobile .

The overtired Nobile, completing a flight across the Arctic Ocean, clicking over the North Pole, was able to organize a successful airship landing in the Americas, Alaska, on May 14, 1926.

They followed the holidays, the celebrations, the awards. Someone would say the event was some kind of surreal, fairy tale. And, of course, an outstanding, historic.

Nobile felt that he was increasingly being dragged into the logic of contemporary his (Italian) history.

General, distinguished balloonist, historical character! What could have prevented his "distinguished" career, forthcoming him a distinctive glory?

The Flight of "Italy" in 1928, the next achievement of the North Pole, the ensuing catastrophe, could not be prevented. The individual rescue of the Nobile by the Swedish Air Force Einar Lundborg and the rescue of a number of other members of the airship's crew, icebreaker "Krasin".

The conflict relationship between Umberto Nobile and ruling Italian elite. Nobile moved to advise on's airship issues to Russia (for five years, 1931-1936) and then to the United States (1939-1945).

He returned to Italy in 1945, and taught at the University of Naples.

What weights do you weigh his luck and unluckyness? How is his-prosperous, in general-life after the second polar Bad flight (on the Italian airship) compared to Raul Amundsen's death, the disappearance of other members of other polar expeditions?

He died in Rome in 1978, at the age of 93, with the reputation of a talented engineer who was a fortunate (and unlucky) balloonist. The Participant of A unique fairy tale transarctic flight over the North Pole.

To one of the residents of Rome, the gust of wind dismissed the response of Leonardo da Vinci to a question from Columbus: "You know, Captain. ... There was no and there could be no tropical islands ... Umberto Nobile - General. He is prone to heroism ..."

January 17, 2017

This translation: 24.08.2017 17:10

VIII.The tale of Krzysztof Baranowski..

1972. Atlantic. The coast of Canada, Newfoundland, is approaching.

Late evening. Suddenly the Baranowski saw Arkady Fiedler.
