- The proposals to immediately take all power into their hands and organize the ministry from members of the Duma or even declare the Duma a Constituent Assembly - were rejected, as, in part as untimely, in part as fundamentally wrong.
-Again it's not clear, - the correspondent whispered to his colleague. - If the State Duma at the time of the February 1917 events was the only more or less legitimately elected, representative, legislative body, then why the proposals to use its "democratic potential" were called "fundamentally wrong"? About "untimely" ... When was it possible to use the democratic potential and authority of the Duma, if not in the disastrous days of February 1917?
The most informative was Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky:
- On Monday, February 27, 1917, my first thought was: at any cost to continue the Duma session and establish close contact between the Duma and the armed forces. (...) Upon reaching the Duma, I immediately went to the Catherine Hall, where I met Nekrasov, Efremov, Vershinin, Chkheidze and several other opposition deputies. They agreed with my proposal to hold an official meeting of the Duma. (...) Representatives of the Left Opposition - Nekrasov, Efremov, Chkheidze and I - made an offer to the Council of Elders to immediately hold an official session of the Duma, not taking into account the tsar's decree. The majority, including Rodzianko and, somewhat unexpectedly, Milyukov, spoke against such a step. No arguments were given.
A.F. Kerensky, with an element of political passion, began to convince the correspondents and the readers who were standing next to him:
- At a time when the authority of the Duma reached its maximum value in the country and in the army and when this authority could play a far-reaching positive role, the Duma's refusal to convene a formal meeting was tantamount to political suicide. (...) Refusing to take the initiative in their hands, the Duma became an unofficial organization on a par with the Soviet of Workers' Deputies, which by that time had only just begun to gain strength. Realizing the next day a perfect mistake, Rodzianko made an attempt to revive the Duma as an official institution. But it was too late. By then, two centres of power had already emerged in the capital. The revolution has created them. The two centres of power. First, the Duma that created (in an informal meeting) the Interim Committee as its provisional governing body. Secondly, the Council of Workers ' deputies. The executive committee chaired the Council.
- Much more detail, - the correspondent expressed to his fellow satellite. - Again - it is not clear: first, what is the "majority"? From those present in the room? Uncertainty. Secondly, if the Duma became the "center of power", then why not start official work, not start "formal" meetings?
- Who is more democratic? Nikolai Alexandrovich (Romanov)? Or people's deputies-Duma members, who turned out to be participants in the "formless meeting"? - there was a remark from the public. - Nicholas II Alexandrovich established (in 1905) the State Duma of the Russian Empire. There was not any complete replacement of this representative body nor in February 1917, nor many years later. Could the "state structure" established in February 1917 by some "members of the Duma" become full, durable and viable? If this "state structure" does not have a basis? The basis is the all-Russian legislative institutions, representing the entire population.
Again a second of awkward silence.
The interview ended naturally. Deputies have already started to enter the cafe-library, founded by Maxim Gorky, to take part in the presentation of memoirs (ex) Premier S. Yu. Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov and other publications.
However, the colleague-satellite answered the doubting correspondent:
- The most informative words in the statement of Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky: "No arguments were given" ...
The correspondent looked at the companion with interest:
- "The Riddle of the Fourth State Duma"?
- The riddle of the "Provisional Committee"... - he joked in response. And he added:
- They "waited". "The nature of the movement was clarified." The Duma was not an ideal, but still a democratic representative state legislative body (for which the bureaucrat S.Yu. Witte, his progressive supporters from the imperial bureaucracy, and many, many other people of different social status fought-and achieved). This representative body, without attracting special attention, was imperceptibly redirected to the history archive.
August 9, 2017 - August 10, 2017.
This translation: 22.08.2017 21:48
V.Le conte sur Louis Antoine de Bougainville.
Louis Antoine de Bougainville est l'un des gens de la bonne fortune etonnante.
Il est ne a Paris en 1729. Il a perdu sa mere tot, a l'age de cinq ans. Mais les liens familiaux avec Versailles, avec la cour royale, ont fourni le garcon et la Soins, et l'formation, et l'apprentissage.
Accidentellement etant un petit garcon dans le parc de Versailles sans l'accompagnement des adultes, Louis Antoine a examine avec enthousiasme la variete croissante de fleurs.
"Est-il possible de voir les fleurs qui ne sont pas representes dans ce parc, Monsieur?" - Il a demandй l'homme qui йtait venu. "Sauf dans l'autre hйmisphиre", - c'йtait une plaisanterie, et il a a donnй au garзon une belle fleur.
Les dames en riant, ont expliquй qu'il ne faut pas donner au roi de la France les questions.
Quand il apprenait dans le college, de Bougainville montre les talents du mathematicien.
1754 et 1756 - les annees de sa premiere grande publication (sont sortis deux volumes).
Il se prepare a la carriere du juriste, etudie le droit.
Mais ses plans sont corriges.
Il va selon la rue. Avec le manuel du droit romain dans la main. Bougainville voit, comment l'officier brillant remet un beau bouquet a la belle dame.
De Bougainville commence militaire et diplomatique de la carriere. Participe aux combats au Canada.
Les interets de l'investigateur scientifique ne le laissent pas. Dans les cercles scientifiques, il entend la phrase : "l'Amerique du Sud - le continent des couleurs extraordinaires". La carriere militaire devient navale.
De Bougainville mene une expedition pour creer une colonie francaise a Port Saint Louis sur les iles Falkland, a ce moment-la inoccupe.
En 1766-1969, il est devenu le chef de la premiere expedition francaise autour du monde sur les navires "Boudeuse" et "Etoile".